Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

You highlighted a few Brazilians stating they don’t want a bad publisher. That is understandable.

But none of them are saying they don’t want their own server. They just don’t want a publisher they perceive as bad (I can’t state if they are or are not, I’ve had no experience with them).

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THANKS I always wanted to find this gif after seeing it for first time and not downloading it C:

yeah right, so its complete absurd that I thought he is trolling after he wrote “brazil needs publisher and I recommend levelup” ?
I never was against anything you want to have, I just said that I thought he was trolliing. when someone tells me, come let us get warp portal for europe publisher, then I seriously think he must be trolling.

also the previous thread of her/him felt like she/he was trolling before already the thread was out of context and did not really explained, no post of the person later on, just a new thread. Hence I even don’t know if some people are the same one.
I can not smell what conflict people have behind their pc, so dont wonder when people could imagine they are not serious.

Continuing the discussion from So we're ip banning every country south of the USA right?:

I whole heartedly agree! Brazil is very big, and forcing us to play on other servers will just split the community. We’ll have to make false communities, and in a game where we don’t know how to make a guildmaster yet it will be very hard!

A dedicated Brazilian/SA server is needed for us to play in, and for new players to be placed in.

I’ve seen a lot of demands for a SEA server so I’ve updated the OP to include them too.

I have to make a switch, I really want to play this game , to me would be the new ragnarok VAI BRASIL =D

I sadly have to agree with what’s been said in this thread so far.

I don’t wanna sound racist or discriminatory, cuz im not. I have good friends both from SEA and Brazil, but if you have played enough games in different regions you know that it’s just like that. (A really popular one these days having this issue in a huge scale is CS:GO)
For one reason or the other (doesn’t rly matter to point them out one by one) ppl from those mentioned places just don’t really fit it, and I guess that’s okay.

Would you like to be obliged to go to a place where you just don’t fit? NO.

It’s just a lose-lose for both sides and for very obvious reasons that I guess most of us have witnessed already.

Althought I’d rather have both options available for them.

Are you from BR/RU/SEA and want play in the International server with 200+ ping + english language? Then go ahead and play.

Are you from BR/RU/SEA and want to play in your specific region server with low ping + your main language? Then go and play there.

I hate developers that don’t give their players the freedom to choose their experience with the game. (and imagine if you have a friend to play with that lives across the ocean)


Not Level Up Games, come on.

I would rather play in the international server (USA may get one exclusively for them if they want to, many games are like this anyway) than another game plubished by LUG.


Is this ‘overwhelming demand’ more or less than 10 people?
If you’re not actually speaking for them, it may work out better to limit this topic to just that.
Let the people from the SEA side advocate their side.

when the debate over whether SEA needs a server starts, this thread, already a mess, will be worse

On this topic… I won’t pick any sides. All sides have their benefits and preferences.
I just know that if I get forced into one server that isn’t the iServer, I will immediately quit.


like seriously? Or is that a typo, I mean, it’s got to be one, ryt?


jinx man :smile_cat:

there is no reason now make a game with translation due to the countries , because it is a beta game. Further tests will be done , corrections, and so on. Now deprive someone to participate prejudice is yes . I’m from Brazil and we are consistent , developers do something to gain in return , depriving players never would be a good deal for them … I feel a lack of game of this kind on the market , so I really want to play , regardless if my ping will be 10 or 500

I Vehemently disagree with a region lock happening for Brazil.

International servers should allow all countries to take part of. I can see many people wanting to region lock Brazil just to segregate the “BRHuehue”-whatever stereotype so many people’ve established.

From my point of view, I’ve never seen a jerkass stereotype BR player in years.

If anything, if a publisher is found for LATAM or Brazil, then may IMC do it like what HiRez did to smite - give every player an option to migrate to their region’s server, or simply keep on letting them play in the international ones.


people compare to some other games and forget we have a much higher average age here. As a brazilian myself, all I see are communities being built around the idea of a “family”, very friendly people that prefers good people to high numbers. I’m not sure if I would like more to play with friends from other countries (its always a nice experience when very different but friendly people meet!), or with a lower ping. Both are fantastic. The idea of Diablo 3, where we have US and BR servers, but they share the same database and can play together is fantastic, but I dont think it would be doable for an mmo.

ps. My ping is usually 120-170 to NA, it must be really horrible to get 200+. I live in the southern region of brazil. Also, most people prefer to play in english becuz of the poor translations. Hope this is not the case here, with players helping doing it

Also, if doing it, remember it would be important to split sa/br regions, like some games already do. Brazil has the majority of the players from south america and dont use Spanish as a language like almost all the other countries. Its also easier for us to learn english than spanish, which most people dont realize.


This is hard. Be a publisher isn’t that easy as we think it is. I can only say this: please, reject LU!G. Another problem: we do not have famous publisher as the LUG and it is not as competent, but like I said, it should not be easy. :worried:


Nossa cultura, nossa língua PT BR, não nos impede de nos comunicar
com outras nacionalidades, ignorância nos impede… intolerância também… a
interface do ToS é multilinguística se alguém disser que não consegue encontrar
algo na interface não será problema no jogo e sim, operacional.

Respeito Sua posição de desejar que tenha um Servidor BrToS, mas algumas pessoas também gostaria de jogar em um iToS, e qual seria o problema disso?

Não é atoa que temos fama de HUEs mundo a fora… e Sim,
muitas Publisher nos bloqueiam, pois é mais fácil administrar seus jogos sem
brasileiros, imagina porquê?

Você poderia ter usado o argumento que nossa internet de
péssima qualidade / infra-estrutura em telecomunicações de péssima qualidade,
disponibilidade de acesso e/ou velocidade de acesso espalhado pelo Brasil,
prejudique ainda mais nossos jogadores com pouca condições financeiras não
havendo um servidor local, mas querer acreditar que alguma publisher no Brasil
hoje é capaz de publicar o ToS, isso é subestimar o raciocínio de muitos.

Agora dizer que irá salvar vidas? você esta de brincadeira né?

Sim, Caso alguma publisher pegue, certamente será a LUG, mas isso a própria IMCGames se
pronunciou que irá entender o porque da rejeição da mesma, e pode ter certeza,
a base de acusação é bem melhor e mais sustentada do que a base da defesa.

Mas, tenho certeza que muitos jogadores, iriam preferir um
servidor internacional, por ter uma comunidade quase que infinitamente maior
para se comunicar, para entrar em guilds internacionais e ter experiências que
apenas um MMORPG pode lhe oferecer, não nos obrigando a ficar sempre as margens
do nosso território.

Essa experiência muitos brasileiros nunca tiveram, e tenho
certeza que muito gostariam de ter.
Muitos gostariam de ter o BrToS, mas talvez isso não seja necessário, apenas poderiamos aceitar que jogar um MMORPG não há a necessidades de existir um servidor para cada país.

See YoU!


As brazilian, i would like to see a server just for us, but… let’s talk about some facts?

First: brazilian players are well known for their toxicity within games (like WoW, for example).

Second: All brazilians are, in fact, trolls? Nope, but those who aren’t have the same judgement just because they’re brazilians (i can say for sure because i’m one of those who aren’t trolls and suffer. And i’m not saying that everyone do this judgement).

Third: Why is it good to have a server just for my country? Well, it’s a great way to put those trolls playing with other trolls, avoiding their polution with the international community.

Fourth: So, do you want to play with trolls in a brazilian server? o.O Hell no! I would prefer to play in an international server instead of a brazilian (guessing that IP block won’t happen and also considering that most trolls would avoid international servers because it’s easier to play in a brazilian one).

What am i trying to say here? Simple, some brazilians (like me) just want to avoid those stupid trolls from my country (main reason that made me quit bRO) and also want to play with people of other countries, because it’s more fun! And, to be frankly, there’s no such thing as a good brazilian publisher. It will be a matter of time to see another p2w game full of BOTs and hackers. I don’t want to belittle brazilian players, or talk for all of them, but i think that those brazilians who also want to avoid “Hu3 Br” players will agree with one or two things i’m saying here.


Your argument (esp. the 3rd) makes me wanna reconsider my contradiction towards this… :relieved:

Happy Asiasoft-Playpark! to SEA players

Nope nope nope, no please… just no for sea