Tree of Savior Forum

Bot Greeting and Bot Attacking System

so yeah i came to realize that captcha is basically almost useless against advanced bot so i have this idea i hope it’ll work.

so basically we involve community on how this bot prevention work.
Bot Greeting means when a player is around another player that they suspect as bot they can go and greet them any way they like. if the player answered in a non bot mannered way then it basically pass the test. so the test itself is other player.

now what happens when they don’t pass the test? if they don’t a player can tag another player and accuse those players as bot. when a player is tagged a series of pattern check is made automatically by the system. if it fits bot pattern for say farming nonstop for an hour doing exactly the same thing and nothing else or something i don’t know, there must be a criteria to a bot since it’s a program and can only do so much before looping all over again. then they will get kicked and notified. if they do that the second time, the account should be permanently banned or kept under watch.

would that work? i really hope it would work.

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Would work.

But heck.
It’s prone to abuse a bit.

But i hope the algorythm for pattern check is good …

Seen so many bots in the early zones.

Auto Atk Afkers would die out with this, as they’re simply only push one button makro /weight + no movement.

But search and hunt bots, which aren’t on rails (aka programmed pathways) would fall out of that …

Best way to fight bots … have a team of people hunt them conitniously, all day. Were players can pm these gm’s the location of bots and afk farmers.

(but that costs alot money)

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you still think this wouldn’t really work? it’s not prone to abuse since people movement pattern in game is never the same even if they commit themselves on 24 hours grinding.

yes the check pattern sure as hell need to be good.

well i don’t think auto attack afker is right too i mean that’s basically a mini bot right? i don’t even approve the ability to insta walk to a map. other than it’ll take out the fun on adventuring, it makes people missing hidden quest and it’s very lazy.

also this system that i suggested might bring the community closer together.
like say, a person don’t think they’ll ever talk to anybody and suddenly someone greet them suspecting them as a bot and there began the conversation that led to happy ending lol.

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if we punish them after they abuse it, some people would already fall victim to it and that’s not good for the community.

edit : well that bot tagging thing is basically an in game system right? but the bot greeting is the human factor that decides if it’s a bot or not in the first place before the system tries to check it. human can see bot more clearly than most programs XD

And what about people who are watching netflix while grinding and just don’t feel like interacting with you? It’s not a bad idea you have but there will always be people who won’t greet you back. Dunno how bot farming works in this game but since the mobs do not spawn back in the same place i’m sure it would be alot harder to tell then when they just never move :slight_smile:

Unless it’s an archer with Kneeling Shot who just wants to murder the map :slight_smile:

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if that people just don’t want to communicate with others that’s fine because the bot tagging would fail since his movement pattern isn’t like a bot. get it?

i understand what you’re trying to say but, i don’t like the idea of sacrificing some people so that we could achieve such system. (・∩・)

And there goes “drama incident in itos” xD…

Where a bad apple enjoys killing noobs that have shops up in town or afk there.


Yes that would work. But still that would only get a certain type of bots to be banned …

I hunted bots on EuRo as volunter … while chatting with my mates, outside of party times and woe times.
And heck, it was hard work.

“Go to the bot prone maps. Spam teleport. Get close to a bot, cut out the recorded video screenshot. With user name on it. Send to gm’s.”

Because GM’s didn’t care much … pming them took about 30 minutes to move his ass there xD. Cause he was chatting with people … and probably selling rare stuff for chump change under the hand (which was found to be true later on).

I got myself a day in RO prison, because i reported to many bots.
And then he laughed at it “Ups~ Tought you were a spam bot~”.

I can remember how annoying these bots were.
Thara Frog.
MI Gao.

Where really prone mobs to be farmed.
And ahh yeah… enchanted peach trees, prior to them moving … and even after that change.

I guess :slight_smile: I don’t know alot about bots :slight_smile: So you are probably right :slight_smile:
Aslong as I a left alone to murder everything by blowing them up or impaling them with arrows it’s all good for me :slight_smile:

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@greenfoxy21 well if you think that would only get certain type of bots then mission accomplished. now we have 1 bot fighting system, time to create another for the other kind of bot if you know what i mean.
if it solves a problem then it solves a problem time to think for a way to solve another problem XD can’t force 1 formula to answer every question even though i really hope it could i guess.

@krazhoof lol well, i hope i can meet you in the game and we can play together along side all the community member. sadly i’m region restricted from joining international ToS it’s very unfortunate. however i would not stop my quest to make international ToS the best. because i want another ragnarok to go down in history even if i’m not part of it lol.

@cosx774 that analogy doesn’t work because you said they just killed the wild animal, in this case the wild animal has already done some damage (abuse) and if i were to modify your analogy, the farmer would have lost a limb and it could never grow back, such is the feeling of a player who got unjustly abused.

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that is a very sad way of thinking (・∩・)
i know it’s just a game but a game is basically how we relieve our stress, what would we feel if even in game we are abused.

have people been bad to you? because you seemed to be fine with violence. i mean violence in terms on how you deal with problem. i know it’s easy to implement that and the result might even be amazing but. really? you feel nothing for people getting thrown out of the game for no reason but luls?

also please stop nonstop editing your replies i would love if my reply still applies to your reply. : D

just to clarify my country doesn’t use guns, it’s basically non existent in the society except army and police and a very rare hardcore crime.

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i think you’ve gone to the realm of trolling.

perhaps i should stop saying anything to you : D
good day to you my friend.

  1. Doesn’t work. Ragnarok GMs kind of did that. You could report players and then they were checked so I always made my bots talk Persian.

  2. There are enough people who do not care about interacting with others and just do their thing. Then they get bot reports stacked and every automatic system is going to be horrible then.

well you can tag that person(bot) regardless of what it says, and the system will go and check it.

doesn’t matter how many report done to a person, if that person passes the bot check test then it’s fine.

i wonder how you can so easily says it won’t work without even trying to tweak what you’ve seen in real life with the concept that i said.

Auto AFK considered as bot ?
but doesn’t use any third program, just need a toothpick to presslock keyboard button :smile: