Sixaxis, thx for comment. Can you answer some additional questions?
- Why i need Healing Factor 3+? For uptime or something else?
- Blessing and Sacrament really so bad in endgame? I really don`t sure in this additional 18% p. def.
Honestly I’m very disappointed that neither sacrament, monstrance or blessing works with your own zombies:
And revive doesn’t seem to work perfectly either:
I’ve been trying to make a viable zombie-master build but I’m already starting to give up on it. IMC doesn’t want zombies to be good at all.
And the odd build with SPR and zalciai / deprotected zone / monstrance won’t cut it for me. Placing a static debuff on the ground for a very small group of enemies and hoping your zombies will aim for those enemies AND hope the enemies won’t run away when they get low on hp; It’s just a plain bad strategy.
Can someone confirm if Revive works with Damballa for me? Otherwise I might just delete this character…
men a want a “stay away from voodoo” build so bad… i can imagine a featherfoot + bokor build, is sad that featherfoot is only for wizzards ._.
maybe this one is a good try:
but wait, what if the fortune teller + bokor = voodoo witch doctor. oh… i’ll just wait here for a littlebit and level up a dragoon.
I never made it past rank 6 in beta, so trying to figure out what for rank 6 class. The current build is cleric 2 and bokor 3. The plan is cleric 2, bokor 3, rank6? and kabbalist.
My options are krivis which doesnt seem useful with one circle. Diev seems useless with one circle. Priest, maybe for revive but only that skill would be useful. Sadhu, dont now enough about it for just one circle worth. Druid, more dps I guess, but honestly effigy is pretty damn good already. One circle of pally could improve the 22 heal tiles i already have plus resists. Cleric 3 is what im thinking for overkill heal tiles since really any other single circle doesnt improve me much. Not to mention cure is amazing dps. Maybe in the future when silver is worthless and stock piles of skill reset potions, maxing out cure for soloing then switching back to heal/saftey zone could work.
Well, I could make another video if you want, but the damage output of it is more or less the same as from iCBT2.
Also, Klaipeda here sadly. >:
- Yup, for the extra up-time. Video example here:
- I wouldn’t say it’s ‘bad’, it’s just not worth leveling past Lvl 5. You level it to Lvl 3 for the Attribute, and then level 4 or 5 for the extra hits. Sacrament doesn’t need to be leveled past Lvl 1, as you already have 100% uptime with it at Lvl 1. Both of these skills have bad damage scaling per level.
@caioreis_reis (Yes, I read your build notes on the page first)
Cleric C1
I know you went Deprotected Zone Lvl 3 for that +50 Attribute, but it’s not really that worth losing 2 points into Cure for. You also only have 2 seconds of downtime with Deprotected Zone at Lvl 1, thanks to the Retention Time attribute.
- Deprotected Zone: -2 points
- Cure: +2 points
Cleric C2
Safety Zone doesn’t need to be leveled past 5, as the Attribute for it at C2 gives you 20 extra blocks. Rarely will you actually use up the 30 blocks from Lvl 5 in 20 seconds unless you have 3 people standing in it, or you have tons of mobs aggro’d onto you and they’re not being killed.
- Safety Zone: -5 points
- Cure: +5 points
Bokor C1
You should invest 1 point into Tet Mamak La, as it allows you to direct your Zombies to one specific spot and it also doubles as a DPS skill in certain situations. This is especially useful for a Bokor C3 with Damballa during Boss fights, as you can direct your Zombies straight to the Boss and not to his traps after he knocks them back.
- Zombify: -1 points
- Tet Mamak La: +1 points
Bokor C2 - C3
Bwa Kayiman doesn’t need to be leveled past 1, as the damage from it scales poorly per level, and you’re an INT build (Bwa Kayiman is physical). Also, Samediveve gives you and your Zombies virtually no benefit at Lvl 1. It should be at Lvl 5 or higher (At an odd number), or left at zero. You also need more points placed into Zombify if you want to make full use of Damballa since the maximum Zombies you can summon currently is 11, and your Damballa triggers up to 15.
- Bwa Kayiman: -4 points
- Samediveve: -1 points
- Zombify: +5 points
Druid C1
Should consider placing 1 point into Telepath, although this skill really only has its uses for PvP when you want to move a player into a damage area. For a PvE player, it still may serve a purpose every now and then, and the other 2 utility skills aren’t so important that they warrant higher priority for a -1.
- Chortasmata or Shape Shifting: -1 points
- Telepath: +1 points
Plague Doctor
Beak Mask should never have priority over Bloodletting, since Beak Mask only protects you from debuffs while Bloodletting protects your whole party. You’ll also usually be in the back anyway, so you won’t be exposed to debuffs often.
- Beak Mask: -1 points
- Bloodletting: +1 points

As for your build:
This is fine.
Cleric C2
This is fine.
Bokor C1
This is fine.
Bokor C2
You should have a point placed into Bwa Kayiman here for keeping your Zombies behind you, and for knockdown-locking mobs.
- Zombify: -1 points
- Bwa Kayiman: +1 points
Bokor C3
Hexing doesn’t need to be that high-leveled, as it’s a bit overkill and since you’re interested in the Zombies, you can use those extra points for that. Lvl 10 is enough. You also should have 1 point placed into Ogouveve for the damage increase.
- Hexing: -5 points
- Zombify: +3 points
- Ogouveve: +1 points
- Damballa: +1 points
Druid C1
Telepath doesn’t need that many points placed into it. You can assign some or most of those points into Shape Shifting.
- Telepath: -1 to -4 points
- Shape Shifting: +1 to +4 points
Plague Doctor
Healing Factor definitely shouldn’t be this low, as it’s arguably the best single-target healing skill in the Cleric tree (Well, the only). You should have at least 3 points assigned to this. Fumigate should also have 1 point invested in it as Bloodletting only prevents debuffs, not cures them. That one is up to you though.
- Bloodletting and/or Pandemic: -3 points
- Healing Factor: +3 points
Why not grab Krivis? Doesn’t hurt to have another DPS skill (Zaibas) and Daino for extra buffs handy. Aukuras and Zalciai won’t be of big use to you since you’re not Plague Doc.
In that video, your Zombie died from “Zombify decay”; the timing of it made it look like it died from damage. Revive doesn’t prevent death by Zombify decrease, only damage.
The Zombies themselves aren’t the best thing to build around for damaging purposes end-game sadly.
It works. I use it all the time for dungeon bosses combined with Mackangdal. I’d try it on world bosses too…
How do you combo it with Mackangdal? I thought Mackie was single-target only.
yeah I though on doing the exact changes you mentioned, just threw it here to confirm my decisions. I havent maxed plague yet, but i’ll take your advice. ty mate
So I’m back with another question lol
At rank 6 is better go Pardoner C1 (for Simony and Discerning Evil) or Druid C1 (for Carnivory and Telepathy) before PD at rank 7??
Mackangdal AoE buffs whatever allies are close to you at the time.
Hexing Boss [w/ Attribute] -> Activate Mackangdal -> Damballa [Invulnerable] -> Activate Revive -> Revive [Triggers] -> Damballa [Invulnerable] -> Damballa [Destroys Zombies]
PvE? Pardoner would be your better bet.
@Sixaxis , mind if you check out my build?
I’m really interested in bokor effigy+hexing playstyle, and I think kabbalist can reduce the sp downtime to nearly zero. Cleric2 and Oracle mainly for slight supporting as I’m the only healer among my friends. Since I will start playing in my region later on 1 June, I need a build that can solo well too, and bokor looks promising.
@pradigunara Welcome to the club. \o
Cleric C1 - C2
You don’t need all of those points placed into Safety Zone; the +20 Blocks Attribute for it is enough for it to be left at Lvl 5. You should use the points taken from Safety Zone to invest in Cure and Deprotected Zone.
- Safety Zone: -5 points
- Cure: +4 points
- Deprotected Zone: +1 points
Bokor C1 - C3
You don’t need that many points placed into Hexing as it’s a bit overkill; Lvl 10 is fine. You don’t need that many points placed into Mackangdal unless this is a PvP build; those +9 points are better off spent elsewhere. So now you have 14 extra points. Zombies can still be of some use even without investing a lot of points into Zombify, Tet Mamak La can be used to direct your Zombies and used as a DPS skill, and Bwa Kayiman can be used to knockdown-lock (Or, stun-lock) mobs that you run over with your Zombie train. We’ll distribute them, starting from C1:
- Hexing: -5 points (C3)
- Mackangdal: -9 points (C3)
- Zombify: +4 points
- Tet Mamak La: +1 points
- Bwa Kayiman: +1 points
- Samediveve: +4 points
- Ogouveve: +1 points
- Damballa: +3 points
Counter Spell doesn’t need to be that high-leveled. You can drop a couple points from it for Arcane Energy.
- Counter Spell: -2 points
- Arcane Energy: +2 points
This is fine.
never got into 2v2/5v5 arena, but is it really any gear effects are disable? including 2 hit effigy from krausas? damh…
so, mackangdal also applied on zombie too and can prevent from destroy when dambala…hmm interesting
all we need is, attribute to disable knockback
Or at least something that prevents skills from getting canceled. Im supposed to not feel any pain. Not even OoB will be canceled so why are channelings?
that’s too…
Im playing a C1 > K1 >B1 > B2 now. Should i go for Cleric C2 first or Bokor C3 for my Rank 5? My main purpose is to grind faster through 130 to 170 at Mage tower, Prison & Bee.
Kindly advice.
Greetings Brethren,
I would like to ask what are your thoughts on 0 Hexing, I have read somewhere on this forum that if a zombie attacked a monster, i can use Effigy on that monster. Please clarify as i am not a Bokor yet…
You forgot to put your extra point leftover into Deprotected Zone.
- Deprotected Zone: +1 points
You should prioritize placing points into Daino over Aukuras for C1 Krivis, since extra buffs > Aukuras.
- Aukuras: -2 to -3 points
- Daino: +2 to +3 points
Bokor C1 - C2
Your point allocations here are a bit odd. You should have the 5 points into Hexing and Effigy to begin with at C1 for more targets/DPS. Points would be taken from Zombify to accomplish this. So this would be your point spread:
- [C1]
- Hexing: Lvl 5
- Effigy: Lvl 5
- Tet Mamak La: 1
- Zombify: 4
- [C2]
- Hexing: Lvl 5
- Effigy: Lvl 10
- Tet Mamak La: Lvl 1
- Zombify: Lvl 7
- Mackangdal: Lvl 1
- Bwa Kayiman: Lvl 1
- Samediveve: Lvl 5
That is incorrect. The closest thing to that, is if a monster is already Hex’d and dies by a Zombie, that monster becomes a Zombie.
Thanks for the insight, and that GIF made me lol…
is it apply too if the mobs that on hex killed by bwa?
OOT question:
i figure out that trade between player can do if one of them are token user…is it just implemented on barter only or can we trade with silver too?