Tree of Savior Forum

BM Build Theorycrafting

the appraiser buff dont give bonus refine =/ my friend told me, you can test yourself


Bullet marker Taser attribute change: NEW: duration +1s per attribute level (OLD: extra hits per attribute level).

i like more scout for utility … but its your personal choice

IIt give the refinement bonus, here a weapon with Overestimate compared to another with a natural +6.


That’s kinda bad, the other one was way better.

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One question that’s bugging me - will we be getting a rank reset when the update arrives? Because right now I’m levelling this character so I have it ready when BM comes, but I’m kinda forced to stop at Appraiser lv 280/15, so if there’s possibility of reset I’d get a Hacka as R8 so I can pump up to 330.

There’s also that new system where you can rollback to previous rank, so maybe I’d be able to reset from Hacka but I’m not entirely sure if that’ll work.

There’s a rank reset event in ktos right now - 1 voucher per team per day for 14 days. We will probably get the same when new classes come.

Thanks, now I can grind with clear conscience ^^

Guys, can anyone with a Ktos/test account try something for me? Using Mozambique Drill on a target aflicted by Taser procs 1, 2 or 4 Taser hits?

It will proc 4 Taser hits.

Are you 110% sure of that? XD My pvp strategy kinda depends on this XD

As a Bullet Marker on kTest myself, yes I am 1000% sure :’)


You are a godsend, thank you mate!

How does taser proc damage scale? Also hoq does it being added? Like flat like blessing?

So I guess I will go with 2x BM1 ;3



After all the videos, as much as I enjoy all the “ooo shiny” moments and “ooo lookit pewpew” I eventually just focus on how much damage all of them are taking (how can you not). There is no point taking on multiple targets if you can’t dispatch 1 quick enough.

Single target AA builds “used to work” because we could bring damage down to 1. That is impossible now. With the revision on damage calculation, food + [aukuras] became mandatory. That combo is going away so now it’s either poata cards + bonfire (or quick sit in combat) or neop cards + pots. Poata is a noncombat option and neop is still reliant on pots (that we still have to carry around with weight limit in mind).

That’s why on any archer I theorycraft I always end up with hunter3 somewhere.
A2-Hu3-Sr1-App-BM2 (Caster BM)

  • Ride the pet while luring so it doesn’t die. Use [growling] when you’re satisfied with mob size. Do what ever buff/debuff you have to do and kneel. Proceed to pewpew.

A1-Qs3-Hu3-Sr1-BM1 (AA)

  • Same thing. Ride the pet while luring so it doesn’t die. Use [growling] when you’re satisfied with mob size. Do what ever buff/debuff you have to do and proceed to pewpew.

I did this on both a cannoneer and musketeer (a2-hu3-sr1-x-x) and its going to be the same thing with bm if you want to mob. Unless they make a lifesteal accessory or you have a pocket healer, I feel this is the only way to go with equal content. If you outlv and outgear the content you are doing, it doesn’t really matter what build you use.

To add to the question on filler ranks, the whole point of rogue was reliability/consistency of crit via [sneak hit] and werewolf cards. [sneak hit] lost a lot of crit rate while werewolf got capped to 30%. There is no reliability anymore. In addition you lose the utility of 3 other purple cards you could have picked.

Well max mob size is 7, theoreticaly 14 with pet but that would need you to be unmounted and your pet nod dying and agroing different monsters than you. So mobing solo unless sword swashbuckling is kinda meh in this game. I would like whole map amount of mobs in huge trains like we used to do in RO
Was fun having camp with casters and supports and mobers leading big trains of monsters to slaughter ;3

Both Falconer and Reiter allows you hit mobs anywhere on screen and on the move so you dynamicaly lead groups to each other while killing them

The mob cap is increased in some maps. Those are generally the maps you lure anyway.

This is the strength of AA builds. I abused the hell out of this when I was a qs3-fa3. But then you technically aren’t mobbing anyway.

The other option I can see is build what ever you want but be constrained to something like dg50 full clear alts or timerys farmer.

Helper from above, can you tell me also if using backstab while under double gun stance cancels the stance? I need it also for my rogue \o/

sir how about taser + RIP. how many hits? 14x? @.@
Thx Sir :smiley:

Considering that ALT + Z (weapon swapping) to a weapon set without a pistol cancels the stance, it’s highly likely it might, but I’ll try to do a proper test if I find the time.

It will be a total of 14 hits, yes. 7 from the skill, and 7 from Tase debuff.

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