Tree of Savior Forum

Best farming archer build?

already tried that build, deleted that archer because it was simply bad.
im gonna go with the scout 3

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1 hit of QS does about 9k crit ( doesn’t crit much full str here at 200 ), with +10 gs bow and ■■■■ gear. Monsters have 30k hp some of them 41k.

My scout does 9-10k crits every single hit, on 2 targets, and 5k on another target with 1 hit. On flying there is no swtiching or QS buff to keep up it will rain 2x the damage on top of it.

Really, QS is just bad at farming 130 dungeon. Maybe it’s fine for you because you don’t know better. But the moment you log in a scout 3 and rush into that dungeon, you will never touch that QS again because it’s that slow.


Not that I don’t know better. In fact I 100% acknowledge that it’s inferior to a Scout 3. Then again, it’s doing what I want it to do and it fits the play-style I chose for an Archer. It makes me happy, makes me rich, can’t complain.

good for you :slight_smile: i hope you enjoy it, just please. don’t go around saying its a farming build because its not :frowning:
(not trying to be rude, just to warn other players who want a farming build about that route)

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There, done. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I have to remind myself not everyone has access to better gear all the time (I really didn’t consider it that much).

Qs3 is a farming build, qs3 sr3 has faster clear times than scout3

4/4 char slots sux…
i want a farming build to support my pvp build, i don’t want to main that class. Waste of char slots for a farming build
scout 3 musket seems fine for me just need another class that can run 145 dungeons and farm items fast
besides scout 3 has no CD

Well it doubles as an end game pve build too, but I guess if that’s not your thing, then no worries

basically what im doing is making pve chars that will support my pvp character
my fletcher is my world boss hunter, hunting world bosses and doing dungeon clears, getting cubes that way i can either get good items for my pvp char ( a cataphract) or just solo dungeon clear
my scout 3 will be my farming build, efficient dungeon solos in order to get that 1m a day from 145 dungeon, not trying to main it. But i see your point though, SR look fun as a pve class.

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Whats the point in event putting it here then. It’s not what he asks. Cool that you are happy with a slow farmer that doesn’t eat much pots. Totally useless for the topic starter.

Currently reiter is slower, takes a extra slot, and retreat shot it’s main burst is simple said broken in a bad way for mouse users.

So unless you use a controller, it’s not going ot do much. and even then retreat shot has cooldowns while scout will just keep on pressuring to the end.

I got a QS + reiter and won’t ever touch it anymore after i used scout 3.

I never saw a reiter faster then scout 3 on top of it.

What rank 8 brings is fun and all, but that’s 280+ levels, good luck with that for a farming char.

Already removed. My apologies.




I’m kidding :disappointed_relieved: I think SR3 will farm super fast at rank 8

gawd…i think i’ll sacrifice cannon/musket for ranger3 till rank 8. this farming video makes me drool. but first. gonna make c2 alchemist for sp pots :laughing:

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what about QS3>Scout 3
QS3 running shot ease up some pain during Scout 1 and 2
while Scout still offer flare shot and split arrow for moderate AOE

You may replace SP pots by

  • [maximum star]% chance to recover 10% SP when killing devil type enemies (specter monarch card)
  • [maximum star]% chance to recover 10% SP when killing … fire type
  • [maximum star]% chance to recover 10% SP when killing … poison type
  • [maximum star]% chance to recover 10% SP when killing …
  • Deathweaver card [maximum star]% chance to recover 3% SP when attacking boss type.

@kurokawamayumi You will have 0 AoE until lvl 220-230 if you’re okay with that.

planning to make this one if sr3 proves to be significantly slower in clearing dungeons. running shot allows you to spam 0 cd skills while maintaining normal movespeed.

Having both a scout 3 and a qs3/sr2, I use both of them for different purposes. As far as fawning 130, I prefer using the sr2. I use only a few hp pots, compared to burning 60k to 70k worth of sp pots to do 3 runs on my scout. As far as time, it takes just a hair under 20 minutes to do a 130 run on my sr2 which isn’t too much slower than a nicely geared scout who has sunk millionso into split arrow attribute. If you’re just starting out, I’d still say go qs3 route. You save a lot of silver on sp pots and can get by with a lot less silver into retreat shot attribute compared to split arrow.

already deleted a QS 3 build because its honestly was so boring
im probably going to go with scout 3, im already an archer 3 scout 1 on my archer

TBH scout is equally boring. Instead of auto attack, it’s just split arrow most of the time.

yea but with scout 3 i can at least dungeon solo
didn’t really like QS 3, running shot isn’t very good in dungeon clearing, even my swordy is better i also had to delete it because i hated falconer more than i hated QS 3 though.
Qs 3 can be good when built right, ( i had build mistakes) but falconer musket was just way too bad.
Scout musket with full dex seems pretty fun in TBL if ill ever TBL in that account