Tree of Savior Forum

Archer3>?>?>Falconer>?>Mergen 2h bow archer

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I was actually referring to @MrFioz, because people seriously need to stop putting down Wugushi saying they “don’t fit in build which have dex-driven classes”. They not only do, but might very well be one of the best options for utility/fillers skill, because at r8+ you will be pretty much using those skills the most, and wugushi helps a lot with that: Drop all your Dot’s and just crush them with your strongest skills. Many only think of what is strong NOW, but fail to see the bigger picture.

But anyways, i just wanted to make sure people wouldn’t discourage other on pursuing wugushi on paths that, now or in the future, might rely on dex/crit rate.

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Hello. Can you kindly relay/link me the information regarding Mergen C2 skill with 0 cd?

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Before they release R8 patch they put 7 skill detail for mergen’s skill plan in this link


too bad after they release patch R8 they remove 2 skill Snapshot / Jumpshot . So you can’t read info about that skil anymore. But maybe IMC put it back in Mergen C2. That why I said “IF IMC don’t change their plan”.

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Finally. Someone who gets wugushi’s real assets.

Being able to be included in everything and still be fine and even good.

i decided for the scout3 route, now i’m scout2, i have some doubts about the skills
flu flu:1 for fun/utilities, anyone knows how to use it?
flare shot:15
cloaking:10 for more comfort
split arrow:1 to start with, i’ll consider 5 points into it but i was thinking of not maxing it so i don’t have sp problem (which i think will be a thing with mergen) plus the more patk i have the less that 300 dmg from lv1-5 will be relevant and it will only be a waste of SP (i think)
scan:1? does it need more than 1?
perspectiv distortion: strange skill, i have no idea if it’s useful, put 1 point to try it

can you give me tips on the skill distribution? here is a calculator link

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My scout3 only has split arrow 1/5, cloaking 7, flare shot 15. I don’t need all points, since I don’t use all skills to farm.

I might get scan some day to collect hats. Hats have been changed, they will only drop 1 hat per box. I can’t say goodbye to my popolion and hanaming dolls.

1/5 split arrow since the SP cost at lvl 5 = 37 SP.
At lvl 1 I will use 17 SP. I can use 2x split arrow (2*200% damage) for 34 sp cost. The little bit of bonus damage from 1/5 to 5/5 is no for me.

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Flare shot > FluFlu > Cloaking > Watch Enemy kill Enemy.

Flareshot > Camuflage > Perspective (With full attribute)

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1° combo seems nice, the 2° one i don’t know, i think i might do more dmg just by using flare shot and normal atk/skills instead of waiting for flare shot + perspective to do its job, maybe if i’m in a party of phisical classes it could lead to a bigger total dps.

@greyhiem thx i will keep split at lv1 :smiley: i didn’t know about the scan changes, my dream of giving free hats to my guildies is gone ç_ç

The tooltip for perspective is wrong. The SP drain is %SP drain.
Yes, I like cheap split arrow too.

2nd use for tank/support that why it’s not Clocking but Camuflage.(Perspective can use while Clocking too)

You guys using only lv1 of split arrow?

I do.
I use Specter monarch card too (10% chance to recover 10% SP when defeating dark type enemy). Eases SP pot cost.
And Throneweaver card (10% chance to recover 10% SP when defeating poison type enemy). Eases SP pot cost.
Most enemies are dark and poison, so I will get lvl 10 salamander card (vs fire), carapace (vs ice), harpeia (vs lightning), and the earth card last.

And two CC cards (less damage, less HP pots). I use a lot less pots to farm silvers.

However if you want more damage or min/max, I recommend max split arrow and ellaganos cards (dex) or the glass moles. I don’t use my scout to top (boss)damage, just to farm, so I don’t pick ella card etc. on the scout.

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I alway keep some skill for rank1-6 at lvl 1

Oblique Shot, Heavy Shot, Twin Arrows,
Split Arrow,
Bodkin Point, Barbed Arrow, Crossfire

wouldn’t your runs be slower with low lvl skills? and do you keep those specter and throneweaver card at lvl 1 only? since its just a farm character?

My cards are lvl 10 (1 star = 1% chance, 10 star = 10% chance). I can put them on my other chars too. Free 5 tp everyday to unequip cards.

I don’t recommend these cards if you want to invest more into the character (getting to end-game, more damage, etc.). Just get ellaganos card or glass mole. Or Blut card once rank 8. Blut card +CON.

Farm speed is no issue, just pressing 10000x split arrow hurts my hands.

For farming dungeons specifically, is scout 3 - rouge still the best?

Is it better to go

Scout 3 - Rouge 1 - Mergen?

Or Scout 3 - Falcon - Mergen?

Or Scout 3 - Musk 2?


Scout 3 rogue 1 mergen is decent gimmick burst (feint barrage), and capture arrow rain & flare shot + arrow rain & flare shot (high capture cd). Weaker after initial burst on (boss)fights due to capture cd. Must hug the enemy for feint & barrage. Must use Xbow + offhand for feint & barrage.

Falcon - mergen is mobbing focus due to circling. Falcon does not offer anything useful for bossfights.

Musk2 is mostly single-target focus, and strongest burst. Lower CD than capture. Good during sustained (boss)fight too. Must apply buttstroke (melee range) before bossburst at musket2, preferably. Vs normal enemy you may stay at range. Must buy a musket rifle.

Depends on your playstyle.


Thanks so much for this!