Tree of Savior Forum

Any news about DPK?

Are they going to change? Or it will sux forever.

The news is, u get banned for doing DPK.


Well, it isn’t news, but quite usual.


From what u say is :slight_smile: - and have u find the news? :frowning: - meaning there is no news.


Changing DPK is a little more of a process than many realize, and requires additional Staff to sign off on the idea. That being said, improvements to the system have already been made just not released yet, and it looks like there could be more on the way. The drop system is very much a changing process, and the Devs are accepting feedback on it. I hope there are changes coming to DPK itself, not just the drop rate.

They said the DPK will be private but WHEN?


The current drop system is quite a punishment. You work hard and don’t feel/get any reward.


Exactly, it’s a major flaw of the system and there are other contributing factors too that need to be addressed. I saw that you referenced personal DPK and that’s a very bad idea on its own. Personal DPK would only work with other significant changes like an RNG based system.

Personal dpk is quite better than the current shared per CH. I think the better way is a personal dpk with a understandable DPK rates not masochism or the good old percentage.


Personal DPK would mean almost no chance of random drops in the field, it would also mean decreased overall rates, and a lack of variety when it comes to dropping since it would essentially be at intervals. Every Monster Gem you’d want to farm would take thousands of kills, every single random mat you’re missing, every collection you want, personal DPK does not work on its own.


It’s better than farming 2k 3k 4k of the same mob and getting nothing, if he gets the mats at 300, he would be happier than now.


When considering Orange mats or similar then yes, but when half of the other drop in the game becomes worse it’s not quite as good as you make it out to be. There are better proposals out there, don’t support a deeply flawed one.

Support pure RNG, or RNG+DPK, or @Nekorin’s ideas

Compared to DPK RNGesus is flawless. I do believe they can do something better like mixing RNG with DPK like you can get by luck and dpk (Seems to nice). People like to be lucky and to be compensated for hard work.


That’s the line of thinking. Another problem with TOS at the moment is the lack of mid-tier drops. For the most part it’s either the item, or nothing. If there was a variety of general loot, think something like the equivalent of a Gold Bar dropping, even an unsuccessful grind could turn out to be at least partially worthwhile. Gems are really the closest to what I’m referring to, and they have limited use, are only dropped in certain areas, and lack variety. Golden Anvils, Vouchers, and Hethran Badges are close too, but they have very low drop rates and too much value to what I’m suggesting.

[Top-down] Personal DPK can work if they implement it in the following way:

  • Make the item require less DPK than global DPK (so for example, 4000-5000 kills instead of 20000 kills for purple box items… or basically 1/4th or 1/5th the kills for current global items)
  • Make the item that drops personally a binding item (meaning it can only be traded through Team Storage but not with other players)
  • Keep global DPK for non-binding versions of the same items

This solves a couple of problems. It makes it so that if players get a lucky global DPK item, they can sell it on the market and make money from it. However, players will more oftenly get the binding DPK items, but it’s fine because they can use those items to upgrade one of their character alts. If they don’t need it, they can just vendor it.

A lot of the complaints about DPK are tied with trying to find upgrades for their characters, but if items are too common then they lose their market value. I believe that having both personal and global DPK systems implemented in the ways I’m suggesting will make the gameplay experience more enjoyable for people.

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I personally don’t like binding item nor shared DPK (there are so many problems here, imagine a better geared up guy he can smash all the mobs quickly, he is more likely to get the boxes than the other guy who actually needs the gear for himself). Isn’t the point and spirit of mmorpg’s getting better gear by sharing and market? I think there are better ways than DPK because on the overall RNGesus will be more fair for our effort.

To be honest, I don’t even really like DPK. I just gave out an idea that will allow people to get DPK items to gear up and DPK items to sell.

Binding items encourages people to do the content in order to obtain upgrades. Right now, 270-320 HG parties are rare because people would rather just afk farm on their necromancers (or run Saalus and 140/170 dungeons daily) until the right items they need hit the market then they buy them.

If there is a faster and cheaper alternative to getting upgrades, people will consider doing it… but if DPK stays the way it is now, players would rather spend more time farming the silver needed to buy DPK items than farming DPK items since there’s no guarantee that they will see the drop if other people are out there.

Binding, personal system encourages parties. The current system doesn’t really encourage partying and just makes people angry to see others on the same map or in other channels.


I don’t like personal dpk because it means that if each person gets a kill count for each mob the party killed the competition aspect of mat farming would then require making a party to farm mats. it means more multiboxers will have multiple accounts to get more loot. it means some people will bot their char with their friends. necromancers would have a full party of their own accounts to get 5X the loot.

if the kill count is shared in a party to give one to player A then the next kill to player B it could mean it is not a good idea to form parties.

as I see it, the current system is already both rng and dpk but they might need to tweek the drop rates.

I like the binding item idea, it would help to open the door to doing more things in game for character progression.

Well, as far as I know people dont join a party for competition, they join to help and receive help… Competition is no good in cooperation scenarios.
About the Necros, AFK farmers shouldnt exist. I’m still confused on why IMC is going to buff them, they should be revamped or IMC could add some tools against afk farming to the game before buffing them.

but people compete with each other which means they would be forced to join a party to be competitive. I did not mean that they would fight against the people that they would be near forced to cooperate with.

they already put an anti afk farming feature for sorcerer summon but did not apply it to necromancer summons. ~sigh~