Tree of Savior Forum

Anvil exploit exposed in Ktos, possibly used within ITos as well

Again, those are details that makes no difference.

Channel crash command and +50 items? Guild GVG free tp exploit? Free diamond anvils?
Don’t want to list them all, there were good reports, I made an example, but you look more into little details than the argument itself.

Because these details might be what matters or not when it comes to receiving rewards for reporting them. And these things you listed are different things.

I can just speculate the reasons and agree with you that there should be rewards for reporting other things. Or maybe that’s a ktos luxury we don’t have or didn’t have in the past (since this is a recent example).

And as much as I hate it, this ktos article pretty much discloses that it wasn’t illegal to have alt accounts to Diamond Anvil your weapon in these events. My opinion about the whole thing isn’t great, you know, but I still gotta try to see what things really are instead of blindly judging, be they good to read or not.

Also, it’s not that companies/etc will be 100% transparent all of the time. The thing is that in some cases such claims would make sense and in others they wouldn’t - either way you’d have a good explanation or concrete proof instead of a random rant thinking you’re right and that’s it.

You’re applying your personal meter, it’s your opinion and is as valid as mine.
Point is, there were valid reports about bugs/abuses that were swept under the rug until the s.storm became huge (reason I said I wouldn’t trust either), no rewards given, ever .
I listed some, not going to list them all.

Maybe that’s just a ktos citizen thing in the end, can’t disagree with you but that’s what it is.

And about the other thing, I kind of prefer to trust who makes most sense when it comes to this but that’s me.

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I can agree with that, but it’s not fair. iTos is like the cinderella of tos (well, I’ll add idtos because they have problems too).

The anvil decides whether or not it’s going to succeed immediately upon being placed. If it will be a failure, it decides which hit will be the failure at random. It doesn’t matter if you exceed these hits by using a multihit attack, the anvil is still going to fail.

Just stepping in to alert you guys to the latest announcement:


Thank you for the swift analysis and announcement from the team Letitia. I hope this will put player’s minds at ease.


I will have my meme eventually

While I’ve already the new announcement in Letitia’s post, I wanted to comment on this.

Based on the original post, you could have used that exploit at any time, and stopped at any time. Therefore, in terms of determining bug abuse, your scope is actually anyone who has upgraded beyond +5. While stopping at +16 might be “sensible” if you wanted to “avoid detection”, that still doesn’t stop it from being bug abuse.

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Just look in the other server too. Maybe you will find some other bug exploiters

Haaah this was fun. See you next time guys o/

my eyes
i see ktos site and table
2 weapon only 35 to 40 and zero falis and it ok no bug?

Maybe IMC should limit enhance to +21 or something lower than +40… 21 seems the best spot for me to stop.


Maybe imc should look in all servers searching for bug weapons and do something… because this is ridiculous

Just to make it clear that you’re talking a lot of ■■■■ in the middle of the cunfusion …
There is a bug that is being exploited in kToS and may have already been exploited in iToS as well.
But this does not mean that everyone who has some equipment above the +21 has used this or any other BUG.
I have a Staff Primus +30 and I did not explore any kind of BUG, ​​instead I refined it to +16 with (Anvil / Silver Anvil) and only failed 1 time thereafter I only used Diamond Anvil …
I spent so much silver !!! There were 26 Diamond Anvils. I just did not spend more silver because I put the Diamond Anvils together and used it during the event that gave a 50% discount to refine.

Now, after all my effort and accumulation of resources being englobed along with the rogue ones that exploit BUGs is a lot of injustice, just as I also can not accept the IMC come now to reduce my item to +21.

If the IMC wants to limit the items to +21 … from now on, those who have already achieved more than +21 can not reduce, unless it was a bug exploit … in that case I think IMC should destroy the item and ban the account that exploited the bug.


you guys obviously can’t handle the truth that someone will always be luckier than you.

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only 1 man have 2 +40 weapon and this luck with zero fail with 35 to 40
haha nice double luck

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It is very simple for IMC to solve the problem. Simply search for items that have been refined with 0 potential without using Golden Anvil.
No one normal tries to refine a +16 or +21 item with normal Anvil or Silver Anvil by risking to break the item. It only does this who is using a Bug to make sure or is mentally ill.
In both cases it is better to ban the player. Because BUG’s explorer is dishonest and should be in jail and mentally ill should be in the hospital.
Neither is good for the game.

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It’s a little bit late now, if they were going to make a lower cap than 40 they should of done so before.
Now there are people who have legit got 21-30 weapons from spending a ton on diamond anvils, adding a cap of 21 will just screw them over which isn’t really fair and would probably result in rage quits and less whales for IMC.

The only way I can see them getting out of this hole is to slowly but surely raise the bar of enhancement up to 21 as the content will also require higher enhancement levels.
Making it easier to obtain for everyone.
Pretty much like what they did with transcendence.