Tree of Savior Forum

Anvil exploit exposed in Ktos, possibly used within ITos as well

Seems that people overthink that i;ve accused every1 with high grade gears but no, that could be the case, people could be using diamond anvils and many are legitimate gears from pure luck, not denying this fact. What i;m trying to say is that there was huge exploit in ktos and possible use of exploit may happened in itos as well. And past 2 weeks ive seen some certain individuals making 2~5 sets of +16~21 gears with more than 7 pots within a day or 2 period every week and not just primus but all masinios. Crazy luck or exploits? your call.

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Welp, that’s how people view me even though I had my farming method on my twitch. :frowning:


Second quick question:

How many of “all” did you accuse here? Also, how many of them are you referring as evidence and what’s the enhancement level of those?

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This is pretty much what I suspected was going on, except I’m surprised he’s doing it without causing the channel to close entirely. You’ve delivered quite the “I told you so” to all the cheaters who have been insisting there’s no exploit, and IMC which has been trying to ignore it. Thanks for posting proof.

A friend who tried to investigate this found that the game determines success or failure in advance, and then waits for the client to tell the server to complete the anvil process before applying the results to the item. If you can figure out how to detect failure without telling the server to proceed, then you can exploit it. The videos prove someone found a way to do that.

This is right up there with how you let famous bots like momohime run wild for months. Or when hook64 users were equipping swords to hidden slots and you didn’t do anything until after someone made an addon to inspect hidden slots.


Unlimited Blade Works was a good feature though. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Pretty much the point I was trying to get on before someone told the dialog was happening to everyone on the channel and insisted like they were right.


All I’m going to say is:

(borrowing from @Sciguma 's bot army report [EU] schwarznagger's Bot Army)


Heads up folks…

This topic will automatically close in 2 months.

Seems the bug was only with 0 potential items not being destroyed with normal anvils. Only 3 items were detected in such state and they were then removed from the game.

There’s even the explanation of what happened and the dev guesses of the reason + future plans on detecting these type of problems.

Don’t believe everything people post in tos forums.


I’d rather believe common players than incompetentent company that constantly lies to its community and have screwed it numerous times


Meh, I wouldn’t trust either.
IMC proved already how “thorough” are their “investigations” and how many weeks (or months) they usually need to actually acknowledge a problem (sometimes they never do).
We’ve seen all kind of stuff going on here, I’d take everything with a (huge) grain of salt.

(Why award 1000 TP if the impact was so minimal? It smells, like the other times when notorious event exploits impact was minimized.)

Examples please? IMC does have their errors but can you please give at least 3-6 recent and unresolved examples of “constant lies and numerous times”? I think that’s enough to justify your claims.

Plus they went that step ahead and checked even that +40 Velcoffer Pistol we were so worried about:

As much as I dislike it, that’s it, alt accounts + free DA event.

And a big table showing % of anvils in history + this:

About your question:

I don’t know. The Ledas Shield as reported on the video was one of the affected items, I’d guess it’d be probably because a really well made report and a different policy for korean servers when it comes to these. We’re having 30-day Event Tokens as reward for giving them good and valid information for the lag issue with the servers.

But just like people said on this thread, people seems to prefer to abuse them instead of reporting, so it’s expected to rarely see things like this case.

Also, many people around here likes to blame everything and distract/hide information from others either accidentally or intentionally, this makes it a little worse.

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That’s a different thing, a server issue. Do you recall any reward of that kind (1000 TP) for bug/bot/hack reporting in iTos? I don’t.
Sorry, after seeing how they handled past things (and current too) I don’t trust them.

Come on, don’t jump on the other side of exaggeration, there were good reports too.
Hidden slots abuses (just to make an example) were reported with valid and detailed informations, no reward was issued.

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I don’t recall any time we actually reported one that fits in this case though. Especially not when it comes to things that were spread around and abused to then be reported later on.

Agreed (and that’s why I removed that part of the post before finishing it) but we have too many like these (see the very first answer to the thread):

Then IMC went ahead and showed a step by step how the players got their +40 Velcoffer Pistol and even the number of times they failed and how they actually used Silver Anvil after +37.

While they don’t handle the game in a super great way we as whole also don’t act like a super great community.

Plus again, we’re talking about finding a bug (not hacktools/etc), providing info, not exploiting/spreading. From the source I posted earlier on the thread the person seems to have posted it after receiving an answer from IMC.

Most of bugs we ever found or reported on iToS were mostly out of this category and abused in many other places before the actual report.

Maybe if there was a public system for rewarding bug hunters we could have active players reporting bugs instead of abusing and spreading them first.

I just made you an example! For the hidden slot abuse, someone (don’t recall the name) spent time to make an addon to prove it was real (because of the initial denial).
If that wasn’t reward worthy, then I don’t know what else could be.

Reporting a hacktool =/= reporting a game bug.

I do agree that it would be nice to have rewards for reporting things like that. Plus in the end they might just handle ktos differently when it comes to this.

An hacktool that used a game bug (these slots were not intended to accommodate weapons) .
If no one bothered to report it and make an addon to prove it, we’d probably still have it working.

Anyway, that’s more a semantic discussion.

Except that this bug required no external tools and happened naturally - which we really do not have examples.

Also, anyone would know how to translate this properly?

그리고 모루 강화 시 1타씩 3번에 나눠서 치거나 3타를 동시에 치는 것은 연출 상의 차이만 존재할 뿐으로, 성공 확률은 동일하게 적용되기 때문에 추가 타격하는 식의 스킬로 모루를 다르게 가격한다고 해서 성공 확률이 높아지지 않습니다.

Seems like official information related to how the 3 hits on the anvil works.

Again, those are details that makes no difference.

Channel crash command and +50 items? Guild GVG free tp exploit? Free diamond anvils?
Don’t want to list them all, there were good reports, I made an example, but you look more into little details than the argument itself.