Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

could be much more, as a big part of the time NA/SA players were awake this topic was closed due to flags.

Poll is closed, bro. Wait for announcement.

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Now what???


I mean, professionally speaking;

they should of seen the stats since like yesterday to already make a clear judgement. No way the odds would of changed after like 7000+ votes XD

When you start a new game is always an influx of players and always lag. In any game.


9thNight made good games.

I miss them.

Okay, but if they started writing their response to Option B and suddenly Option A got a miraculous comeback, what then? Clearly the best option is to write a response for each before hand, but that would be far more prepared than anyone really expects of IMC I guess.

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Many companies prepare marketing material for different situations upon a soccer match for an example. They are ready for your team losing or winning a game in world cup, let’s say.

It isn’t that hard to prepare 2-3 texts, they were already thinking about what they would do when they came with the possibilities.

Also, Ethan and John are out for some minutes, expect them to comeback with an official statement.

Bullshit, poll closed already. No such thing as comeback

2nd option win! Yeay…

1 Month Exclusive Access Period.
But Please create european servers !!!


That doesn’t happen.
Once you have enough randomized results (like not asking only the richest community, but something like 10% of the voters in each community), you can predict which option will win with a low margin of error.


Well it’s super easy to write a post beforehand if you purposely rig the thing like we saw today, but this is IMC we’re talking about.

What exactly does that means?

Hello Everyone,

First, I want thank the IMC by try to “listen” us.

Second, in my opinion, the IMC could be think about it month ago and not close to the Launch of the game.

So, it is my Idea and my Opinion about this situation.

I think that a good way to solve this, was leave Total Open Beta, without Early Access and manage the Open Beta with dates and “waves” of entrance like the Glyph do this with the ArcheAge.
You could open the server with a determined number of players in the first week, and in the second week more one “wave” of players, and like this successively.

Why not charge with a Starter Early Pack?
Because the fans of Tree of Savior are fans of Ragnarok, and they are Tons.
You have a inside game shop, that can sell tons of Esthetics Items, and his Fans, will buy it, because one of the things what this fans of Ragnarok love is the Customization things.

I know that my idea not is the definitive solution but can help to you and the community found a good solution for everyone.

Thanks by read.


I agree, but they need money and contabilize how many people really have interest here. They don’t know who really want to play and packs are just a way to get something from it not only numbers ^^

eh…I don’t care for the items, it’s the early access that makes it P2W.

Check here.