Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

That’s her nickname, I just tagged her. I’m not the kind of person that would do something like that on purpose. @Staff_Julie <3

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Well, as they said, those 3 options are not the only possibilities, if people used this forum for constructive criticism and enlightening options, I am sure the staff would’ve had time to review them and maybe consider one of those options.
But since there are simply hundreds of hate comments, or people complaining in a improper way, then the most logical option would be just go ahead with one of the poll options.

They did mention this:

From what I understood, it did mean the release of the server is still March 22 right?

I think its still viable to have option B, 1 month: enough time for us to play around the game, then having a 2 month gap for them to study/analyze the numbers or tweaks they’ll be preparing for June 22…

edit: so technically, the server on March 22 is “a pay to have early access” server and not Open beta yet. because Open Beta is for sure on June 22. I guess that’s what they apologized for about mentioning Open beta

also some questions and answers are repeated…

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Not gonna happen since the Token lasts for 60 days.

Hmm makes sense. well. then i guess its gonna be delayed unless that token starts ticking upon activation of the item? still hoping…

It could also mean the June 19 date won’t move and majority just voted to start on May 19. It could also mean the March 22 date won’t move and obt starts on April 22. I’ve asked here, I’ve made a thread for it. Staff just won’t say.

Just imagine the worst possible answer, and that is what most people will be thinking right about now.

~10 minutes left on the poll

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are we going to hear the final decisions once it closes? because i want to know before i go to bed

^^ Would be awesome wouldn’t it? XD

Release date incoming?


We really need some answers by now

Damn 10k voters. That remind me of ro2 opening day. Massive lag

its 4am… Still no update ???

10k vote was so low, just the br community has over 20k members :v:

Please be patient. The poll just closed. It takes a lot longer than just looking at the results to come up with a professional response. We might not hear from them for an hour or two, at the least. I doubt they had something typed up beforehand to just automatically send out.

If they will open EU server, they can cut about 30% of burden

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