Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

I think token give you a set amount of benefits such as:

able to put 5 item in AH instead of 1
extra movement speed of 3
able to do player to player trade (in KTos it was limited to 30/month)
able to upgrade 2 attribute at the same time
20 percent more exp, can stack w/ exp book (purchase w/ TP in shop)
there might be more I forget to list

plus 1 dungeon runs per day

Not in this topic, but in this topic:

“Service shall start on a similar date regardless of what option is chosen”

SIMILAR (to old IMC word)

Isn’t hard to understand.

Why not space the 1 month access access by 1 week for different packs? In any case the 3 month is too long and founders should get something special besides currency and the questionable head start.

1 month option its so p2w, too many beneficsts by paying…

And we are back to square one. that vague statement could still be referring to either march 22 or june 19th.

fake/broken poll … IMC pls

rivery don’t try to explain… i’ve been trying to explain this thing in every possible way to these people but it just doesn’t work… do like i do and just stop trying before you end up blasting your brain away like an ice cream under the sun.

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This, this :D! That would be amazing!

What about the region prices? Will be prices different to each region? (For example prices for Russia in Steam are cheaper)

Народ, хорош позориться, стыдно.
Фондер паки в подобных играх это типичная практика уже давно.
А вот цены как для NA меня не очень радуют.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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ok xD :yum:


What a Injustice… people who is choosing A or B are those who are not willing to pay for the game at all

Yes, please change companion for other, Hoglan u can buy in-game, and dont look cool.

Vote for Red Panda.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_Ines


OKAY… Option 1 = Mar. 22 players that paid $50 gets to play, Mar. 26 players that paid $30 will be able to play, Mar. 28 players that paid $10 will be able to play… Mar 29 server open for everyone!! :slight_smile:

I was not going to pay with how things went but I will now if this option goes through:

Founder’s Server : Exclusive Access 3
A. Price : $9.99
B. Exclusive Access Period : 1 month
C. Benefits : 160 TP

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option 2 is a compromise between the paying vs. non-paying which is the best in my opinion.

Q. Will my vote on the current poll affect the release date?
A. No, it is very unlikely that it will affect the release schedule. Even if it does, it won’t affect it significantly.

I prefer the option 3 as you say at first time, doesn’t matter if you give me more or less stuff, if you say something, you can’t change like this at the next day, if I pay 50$ is to play now. I don’t understand all ppl that say that want to wait more time. It’s about the money? Stuff? you can pay for stuff later too and if you want to save money, just wait for the cheapest option that the company offers.

This is not serious.

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