Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

It’s been stated, numerous times (even by IMC), that 100 TP will sell for about $9.

Service was planned to start on March 22.

Here we are talking about founder packs, not free release

Please, just stop talking to him. The best way to shut up a child is to ignore him.
Out of flags too cause of him.

Are you a official? no your not. your word means nothing to me in this situation.

I think so.  

Wtf is a 1 x 30 day Token??

rip option 3 |||||||||||||



Can someone explain what are those 60/30 day tokens?

VIP for 30 days…

I doubt they will give an exact date right away since the game still needs to be on Steam.

They will probably push it to the 29th of March.

Ugh. The crybabies are gonna have their way ¬_¬ Fine, let the entitlement masses have their way, I’ll be ready when I can purchase early access :smiley:

well, if actually. hmm. i honestly think that 1 week is enough. it’s just that the pricing of it should be changed. Because they’re concerned about bots and numerous amounts of logins, primarily, that 1 week should be enough. Y? Because, the servers are going to crash regardless when it releases. Then, they should stop delaying the game already. As of now, im not too happy because we have no legit OBT and its been turned into a paid OBT, so yea. So, i will say good luck to all of those that will be playing. My spring break was this week, and i was hoping for the game to be released this week, but apparently not. So, back to studying, and working on some indie games.

Any chronomancer here? Make time go faster.

Original plan is fair, you cant give in. Player base will expect you to bend over for them every time. You are providing somthing for us, do whats best for the game.

22 March was IMC words, not my words lol

I beg of you staff, just come here and instead of “Service shall start on a similar date regardless of which option is chosen.” write “Service shall start on a similar date, around march 22 as already stated, regardless of which option is chosen.”

People madness about this stupid little detail is really starting to deteriorate my brain >.<

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Link me to those words in this topic posted by a imc staff member.

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What I’d like to know is if the $50 pack will still be available next month.