Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

Option 2 too. /20 char

People really need to get their definitions straight. I’m just realistically painting what will happen to a EU server. It has nothing to do with xenophobia. In fact, I’m talking about purely western European countries, not backwater African villages. It doesn’t even remotely apply. Fact is. They do not speak English.

Implementing and scaling 3 servers still takes 3 times the hardware required for a single location.

so basically judging from the votes, they’re going to chane the 50$ = 3 months to a week?

this is so lame.

why doesnt the 1 week plan have the same benefits as the 1 month? this make no sense, you give less time and less benefits?

Um MĂȘs estĂĄ Ăłtimo, e cada jogador escolhe o booster de sua preferĂȘncia, assim ninguĂ©m sai muito a frente ou muito atrĂĄs, uma semana penaliza aquele que investiu os 50USD inicias por 7 dias apenas, mas o do mĂȘs inicial show, vcs estĂŁo d eparabĂ©ns pela iniciativa, no fĂłrum.

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totally pointless even giving us this poll if you don’t give us an EU server.

Not even a single mention about the EU server on IMC announcement.

How many EU players are going to buy a Founder pack of any kind if they then have to play in 200ms lag

And even then, IF there is an EU server in future, will have to restart from nothing because no way full character server transfers would happen.

im seeing 63% option B
what are u seeing?

IMC doesnt like that unfortunately, they want people to choose the 1 month so they have more time to prepare.

Thank you so much for the new options regarding how we can immediately play the game! :smiley:

I hope this will not sink in all the postp people are make. Hint for you IMC - Do a stress test or you will gonna have a bad time when you will start the servers. Cheers ^^

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I’ve been out of the loop for this game for quite some time now. I haven’t really cared to keep checking for updates until today because I heard there had been some solid updates.

Now that I’ve read what is going on I again don’t care at what time we get to play the game. I’m going to slap down 50$ no matter what. It’s a good deal anyway considering the TP:USD ratio.

I voted for the 3 month exclusive access because it was simply the one I had clicked on first.

TL;DR I went to purchase the game on steam prior to reading this because IMC hasn’t taken down that advertisement saying that it would be available for purchase on 3/16.

You are wrong.

“It is currently under internal discussion. We will let you know as soon as something is solid enough.”

Wonder how people react if they find out we have to wait between April 22 and June 19.

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oh demn, yeah 63% for option B, im tired sorry. but still

its just a bad move. now i want to know once option B is applied is it still going to be live in 22nd of March? -.-

I know the feeling when your’e too hype then suddenly some news like this comes up its really disappointing.

Option B seems perfect. I would have spent the 50$ for the originally suggested Founders Pack but this is even better. Companion from Day 1 will insanely improve a player’s progress :smiley:


u dont pay attention do u? reading is good sometimes

It has already been answered that the times will still be the same so no worries on those of u still asking questions
 reread the post it was edited.

im wondering if imc really wanted to fk itself over again. im just wondering.

10USD não é muita coisa também, na real ficou bem acessível.
Esse pacote de 1 mĂȘs ficou bonitĂŁo :slight_smile:

Gonna be going for the 1 Month Exclusive Access Period for the one
