Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement on the DLC & TP Products and F2P Transition

They had been waiting almost a month now just few more week would kill them? Also no one ask thEm to jump start when they can wait with their friends. Also I feel really sorry for those guy that wait f2p when their buddy can jump start by purchase the game just for themself and yet most or at least they whine about can’t play with their friend when they’re paying the game for themself knowingly their friend is waiting for f2p that’s just selflessness. Funny you people so call friend lol, I have purchase 4 for my buddy, Ohhh and 1 of them live in BR MALAYSIA 2 in US. That’s call buddy lol

No problemo on separating with mostly freeloaders.:sunglasses:

Lol you are funny sir, tell me sir as in ur latest reply that you understand temporarily then why are you ranting? Lol

Great… I built my character and equipment just for when f2p came out so I could be my friends dedicated tank … now I have to make a new character just to play with them… I think I’m done with this game


Why don’t you guys add a Server Transfer in the TP shop that costs 190 TP ($20 USD) and every weekly Maintenance on Tuesdays they get transfered? Easy way to make extra money and it will be automatic instead of manual.


I hope the free players will remain in their server forever but it seems to be just temporary :frowning:

Thanks IMC for this ! xo

That guy is always like that… Don’t worry.

same here, im waiting for my friends. and its so sad. and also @enicholase temporarily, well we dont know how long, :slight_smile: so sad

well every transfer cost 24 hour maintenance though haha. . . and if they add that they cannot control the server population

The amount of IMC responses in this forum is too damn low!

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feels the same arrgh so now we need to join them in new server? because this temporarily is gonna be permanent i guess bcuz of the population :smiley:

At least give us…an option to migrate to Varena; Telsiai to Varena…:confounded: Our dreams of playing with our friends in F2P…wasted :sob:

Why do you say that ?
They’re too busy fixing bugs. They may not even have time to eat.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them died! because of intense stress and malnutrition, hence taking in the grave with them all their precious bugfixes and increasing the workload on all the remaining devs (and the intern) !!!

Are you serious Omega?


TP bundles prices?? anyone? :disappointed_relieved:

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=( Everyone going to move to the New SEA server and your going to have the same problems if not worst. I have friends waiting to play when F2P starts.

Now that they can’t play with me, I am going to have to transfer and if transfer don’t happen then i am FORCE to start again.

I know there going to be a lot of people on the same boat as me! :sob:

I would like a refund, if i have to start again!

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are you retard dude ?

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if they are making telsiai founder pack exclusive.

pls consider this…
Let Founder users haev access to both the server
LINK Both the server accessable for players in the same team lodge.
i think that Would be even more fair for all players in founder as well as prove
that we paid for the founder pack for, was a correct decision.

becos it feels more like a punishment to start off early then a advantage to begin with…
we are expecting to play with our F2P friends , but now we are isolated from them…

SO IMC pls consider Giving the founder pack users the advantage of accessing both servers with our current/founder team…

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why cant YOU think a bit? stop beeing a spoiled kid. Yuuzuki is completelly right. Want to play right awa with your friends? make them buy the dlc or joing them in the new server.

Where you get this info? tell me please :slight_smile: