Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemists community

But why? Isn’t the ability to make potions and the potential of Magnum Opus enough for that? Why do you need to ‘‘make up for time lost’’?

If for the sole purpose of selling potions I can see fewer making alchemists, true. But there will be plenty enough who make alchemists for these two reasons alone.
For them, or for someone that just ‘‘wants to be an alchemist’’, the time spend leveling is not ‘lost time’.

I understand and we feel the same way Q.Q; idk maybe once new content comes up there would be more chances for alchemist to earn.

As of now, you are right that there would be a separation of profit-driven alchemist and for-funsies alchemist. Unfortunately most players will be from the former category.

We’ll see in a few weeks time on what will happen. If there are alot of for-funsies alchemist, then it would mean cheap potions for all. And ill gladly buy off them as well.

To all alchemist, out there. I plan to start a price war. As due to human nature, we are naturally inclined to undercut one another. Hence, my proposal will be as follows:

(1) For everytime I see someone undercut someone else, and if roast cost is at less than 30k; I will post a free “non-profit” MAX Lvl gem roast cost during the weekends.

(2) Whilst during the weekdays, to see if anyone regulated prices. I will post double my recommended price at that time.

As such, I will jump from a price range of 6k to 48k/60k depending upon alchemists gemroast price.

Feel free to complain/make a suggestion. If any alchemist complains (show me your ign at klaipeda), I will stop before I implement it provided your reasoning is sufficient. Of course, once i start, I’m locked in for at least 3 weeks.

Deadline for complaints: June10th, 2016

Either we earn our due, or we earn nothing at all.

~~ Dragonfang [Klaipeda; Fedimian Ch1]


Count me in.
And make standalone topic for pricewar already :smiley:

No matter how hard you try, no matter how many people you get to cooperate, you will never stop alchemists from undercutting each other. Going on strike by setting your rates to 0 profit is only hurting other alchemists from making a profit. New alchemists that see your 6k rate see that as a form of competition, and start their rates much lower than they normally would have. This is rippling across the server and within these 3 weeks the prices have dropped from 15k-30k to 9k-15k.

Another thing you fail to realize is that not everyone actually gets on the forums, even if you have it on your sign post and you tell people about it. A lot of people, very clearly, are completely disregarding it and hoping people don’t notice your roast.

The best way to prevent price wars is by talking to the alchemist individually to try and negotiate a colluded price. This price will vary from area to area, and will change when a new alchemist comes into town.

I’m pretty confident we can get most alchemists to agree on 15k, but 30k is too much and makes it too easy for other alchemists to find the opportunity to undercut by a few thousand and make out like a bandit for that night, which leads others to undercut and so on so forth. With 15k, you don’t really gain a lot of profit from undercutting and the traffic won’t increase as dramatically as it would if you undercut 30k sellers with a 20k roast.

Please just stop, you are damaging the roasting economy more than you are helping it.

all your suggestions closed in the 1st post.

I appreciate your concern. By your tone of speech, I’m assuming you are a true alchemist. You are right that what I did is drastic; And as per my original post, will stop under one of two conditions that either all alchemist follow the min 30k price or a petition by the majority of alchemists.

As I read through your post, you seem to be confused and unsure of yourself. (i.e. “The best way to prevent pricewars is by talking to the alchemist individually and negotiate”, “Not everyone actually gets on forums”, “No matter how hard you try… you will never stop alchemist from undercutting each other”; from your own words.) I understand your anger, and we feel the same way.

Now, if you are requesting me to stop forcing my hand; then I will also assume that you have a proper solution. If so, please inform me if/when you have one.

We desire change, and I have brought action. We undercut for a pittance of a profit share. As such, to even everything out, I’ll provide gem roasting “free” (non-profit) and save you the trouble of acquiring a bothersome skill.

In a “free-market” sellers and most players are willing to offer cheap service to acquire majority share. Unfortunately in a “free-market” I’m willing to offer it for “non-profit”.

Yay but 15k roast is still a joke.
You gain s/2=6k[/s] 15/2-3=4.5k per roast. That’s nothing. People don’t roast their gem as often as they fix their gear or buy buff scrolls.
I’d rather post 0 profit roasts than run after silver like a beggar.

I think the formula is wrong, shouldn’t it be 15/2 - 3? 7.5k -> 4.5k

Still, for a once in forever service the profit is a joke…

You’re right, I’m gonna fix it in my post V_v
edit : Well, happens you were wrong too :smiley:

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It’s because I forgot to subtract the 3k 8D. Welp, that make things even worse lol

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Roasting isn’t our only profit maker. We also have Awakening and Potions. All 3 combined make some pretty decent cash.

My friend is a Squire and the only reason he makes any decent profit at all is because he can set up at several places in the world. He found a good spot to set up, but still made less than me when I was doing 18k roasts.

If anything, the mechanics of how gem roasting works needs to be changed so that your roast wears off eventually to encourage more uses of gem roasting.

I meant that as a means of mitigating price wars. You can’t stop price wars all together, it’s just not going to happen.

There is no reasonable solution. It only takes a single alchemist to completely undermine your plan. There are plenty of stingy people out there who will take advantage of the situation and undercut by a thousand. Once a member of the alchemist union gets fed up with making abysmal sells for a week, he’s going to say screw it and undercut the guy that’s been sabotaging him all week. Another price war on that channel begins, and you are back on your soap box protesting again. Another month passes where you undercut everyone on the server at 6k, no one makes money, repeat the never ending cycle.

Luckily, server and channel resets log alchemists out, so there is always an opportunity for the prices to go back up, which means the prices will always fluctuate. I had organized for everyone near the AH in Klaipeda to set their rates to 18k. It worked great until, guess who?

No, not EVERY alchemist is going to set their rates at 30k, and no, you aren’t going to have a majority of alchemists complain, because most of us have better things to do. After a month of no results, stop.

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Your response is greatly appreciated. @Piri_Piri

  • Roasting isn’t our only profit maker”; You’re right, and we get only pennies on roasting.

  • You, can’t stop pricewars altogether”; You’re right, But I’m not stopping it. I’ve started one.

  • There is no reasonable solution”; I don’t know, maybe. But my goal was never to find a solution, though it would be nice. My goal was to increase awareness amongts alchemist to not undercut each other.

  • Not every alchemist is going to set their rates at 30k”; You’re right, it is human nature. However, my scope was never the whole server but only in Fed.Ch1. a small section of population when compared to the whole server.

  • A never ending cycle”; You are absolutely correct Q.Q and thank you. Only few can actually understand the sacrifice that I’ve made. You are right, and I have already resigned myself to post “non-profit” for as long as I’m playing ToS if need be. And hopefully, No other future alchemist will waste their time getting this pittance of a silver producing skill.

And to summarize, I’ve interpreted the rest of your statements as… “stop what you’re doing and let the natural course of price fluctuations continue, and it would most likely stabilize at some point in the future.” If so, am I not part of that scheme? a variable in several possibilities where a solution can converge.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to stop solely by your response. I will however comply with 50% majority vote. Still, your response is appreciated. Have a like =3

Wow, dude… That is the definition of a cartel.

World is full of theses. Don’t cry.





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Wow, dude… That is the definition of a Necro.

Wow ! So much bullying Oo
Yeah I’m still haunting the forum. Guess it makes me feel clever and I can’t deny having playing this game for so long… Though I’m glad I stopped months ago :slight_smile:
Hope you’re faring well too !