Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist | GemRoast Cost | PriceWar Declaration

Gemroasting, once to thrice in a characters lifetime on average.

Adding a slot, to a weapon prob cost around 60k ea

8 total armor sockets and 2 or 3 depending on weapon and the price per socket increases a LOT from one to 2 sockets and even more at 3. Roxona plate armor costs 32k for the first socket on the gloves and then 126k for the second. Catacombs shooter crossbow costs about 67k for the first socket and then over 250k for the second one. I can’t remember what 3 sockets in my khasti bow cost me but it wasn’t cheap. I roast 13 gems for my gear right now and will probably have a second or even third set of roasted gems on hand also. So yes if you are serious at all you will roast quite a few gems and sink a lot of silver into sockets.

Down the road we will have higher level roasting too.

June 18th update,

Due to the some alchemist still posting less than 30k price on Fedimian Ch1.

I’ll extend the non-profit roast by another day (3days in total as of now). I plan to continue this pattern, and may extend non-profit roast by another day (+1 day) the following week as well.

June 21st update,

Posted 6k “non-profit” for 3 days till tuesday (maintenance).

Number of roast have dropped dramatically, only around 80 total roast with the number of players only approximately 20ish (multiple roasts by a single player).

An interesting thing happened though, a kind individual used my 38k roast twice on early saturday when no other alchemists are present. Thank you generous player; And after a few hours, another alchemist posted 5800silver roast cost for a few hours on saturday.

Back to 38k roast shop =3

I admit, i was 6 of that 80. But, my excuse was that I’m nearly broke atm.

Other than that, I support your efforts to make alchemy profitable venture for all who invest time in it. I just worry that people will ignore you or some may never see your shouts/forumposts before the market shifts.

When I have silver, I only grumble at prices starting with 20k.

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For information, it seems the discussion continued outside of this post =3

June 29th update,

Posted 6k “non-profit” for 4 days till wednesday.

Number of roast have increased from previous week, with around 120 total roast with the number of players approximately 30ish (multiple roasts by a single player).

On early saturday, I thought for a moment that only 1 alchemist was left at “15k roast”. As such I maintained my “38k” roast for about 8 hours to see what will happen… until another alchemist posted a roast price below his >,<. Thus, I then proceeded to open shop with “6k roasting”.

Well… if this continues, I may end up posting “6k roast” everyday xD.

July 6th update,

Posted 6k “non-profit” for 4 days till wednesday.

Number of roast have decreased to around 60-ish total roast with the number of players approximately 20 (multiple roasts by a single player).

Something interesting happened, as a single player used my 38k roast once. Thank you.

Will continue my campaign, Alchemist price awareness has grown to almost the entire sever since I’ve started. Ans I want standardized min. pricing on roast on Ch1.

PS: I am plagued by frequent login issues, hope IMC fixes this “soon”.

On EU-Fedimian we got 25k fixed price. Tho i’m personally think it’s too low but at least.
So if i see a shop with the price of 24.999 or less, i’m setting the 6k roast near it. With the “Price wars” / “Price police” tag ofc.
I’m stopped playing my alchemist long ago, so its not a big problem for me to set-and-forget the shop.

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July 13th update,

Sorry for the late update.

Posted 6k “non-profit” for 4 days till Wednesday(July13th).

Number of roast have decreased to around 40-ish total roast with the
number of players approximately 15-ish (multiple roasts by a single player).

PS: I plan to extend the number of days by an additional +1. =(

July 21st update,

Posted 6k “non-profit” for 5 days. Number of roast is only around 30-ish with the total player roast of around 12-ish (multiple roast by a single player). There is some progress on FedCh1 pricing as the minimum amount for the last 2 days was at min. standard pricing.

I will be implementing a suggestion from a fellow alchemist, and will postpone/ put on hold this pricewar for 2 weeks to see how alchemist in Fedimian Ch1 will handle things.

Hoping for a friendly resolution among alchemist. -Dragonfang

PS: Pricewar will be on HOLD for 2 weeks until August 5th.

Are you the famous alchemist mafia leader?

Well, your community has a big luck I don’t play in your server. Your price war would lasts forever with me.

your alchemist mafia has been exposed dragon and so have you for the ethug you are.having other alchemist harass and threaten people is low. you are your ethug buddys deserve a ban . hopefully the gms will ban you for in game harassment and your little thug army

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@Ellyr; Unfortunately, I have only heard of that term just a few days ago. If pondering about the possibility of an “alch mafia leader” then it would also imply that all or if not then most alchemist have one single leader. Sadly, as we are all just people playing a kid’s game in our free time; I highly doubt that we can have a player that fits that persona and able to control the server at that scale. To answer you; No, I am no alchemist mafia leader, and I doubt that one such individual even exists.

@Kascly @beaudooley I appreciate your reply and/or input in this post; As it helps bumping this post up.

As a note, please keep discussions in this post where your main points/topics are clearly defined. And try to keep things civil. And to inform you guys in advance that I will only reply to posts with valid points as feeding trolls is simply illogical.

Thank you, and have fun playing the game.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Hi dragon …admire Ur spirit .just drop by and support …I got 3 merchant class…understand how u feel .

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August 8th update,

Scanned “Klaipeda server: Fedimian town”, and found no alchemists are present :frowning:. Probably because of maintenance, even though its been a couple of hours past it >,<.

To inform, contact between klaipeda-alchemist has been difficult with most refusing to converse if at all. Also, I have noticed that there are a growing few of alchemist offering cheap roast (less than 9k, 24/7). As such, even though I am striving for a 30k minimum standard pricing for all alchemist; I am inclined to see that klaipeda-alchemists has chosen cheap gemroast pricing on klaipeda server.

As of now, 7:20am Aug. 9 there are no alchemist in Fedimian town. Thus, I’ve posted a 30k shop myself. I will continue to monitor the gemroast prices that klaipeda-alchemists have chosen, and within a weeks time will post an answer to this post.

For those wanting to contact me, feel free to join the free public alchemist discord channel. (invite good for 24 hrs as of posting).

Thank you everyone,

At orsha, I’ve never seen a roasting shop for more than 15k and most of them are at 10k. I feel bad for klaipedians having to pay 30k for a roast

They don’t have to pay that much if they come to my store!

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