Tree of Savior Forum

☮ 🙏 ✝ alchemist union ☮ 🙏 ✝

Oh, so this is the mature way to handle the situation ? Good to know making memes and trying to humiliate people is the right way, okay.

My true intention with the whole situation was to get you to join our Alchemist Community, which is where I sent you to read the thread: Alchemists community

And: Alchemist | GemRoast Cost | PriceWar Declaration That our dear friend @Dragonfang created.

However, You twisted my words and you only put parts of your screenshots that make me look bad. Our Alchemist community is trying to set a better price for this Gem Roasting skill because people don’t use it or need it as often and because it’s a rank 7 Skill, I honestly don’t care if you want to earn 2k per roast if you believe this is what you deserve for making your alchemists, that’s fine, but don’t post this conversation as a way to discredit me or make me look like I did you wrong, because that was not the intention at all and that’s not what happened, you posted what was convenient for you to post, and if you had a problem you could had talk to me like adults.

The part that you posted where I said this is Dragonfang, what I meant was that it was Dragonfang’s thread, because you asked me before that if that was MY thread, the one talking about the Alchemists price war, which actually exists because of people like you.

I wanted to help you, I wanted to integrate you to our community in Klaipeda which are the majority of alchemists trying to set a better price and earn more together, but I have to understand that there will always be trolls like you who are fed by ridiculing others, the only thing you have caused is an unnecessary drama that didn’t had to happen. I’m sorry you got offended by me trying to help you earn more.

Posting this makes you look like a BULLY and immature. You are just a troll playing this game, when I approached you in a nice way and then this argument broke loose and now you are trying to make me look bad ? Okay.

Oh and Let Me Be Clear I’m not the only one who will be selling at 6k next to you. What you did was wrong and I feel sorry for you mate. Like I said before, I don’t need the pennies, but clearly you do. I’m trully sorry for you mate. @Proxied


I honestly find this whole thread ridiculous. I get that you felt attacked and all, but have you thought that maybe that wasn’t Lena’s intentions? With a different approach you could actually tell that this person was trying to advise you, even if it wasn’t the best way to say it.

This was a private conversation, a “whisper”, you should have kept it private. Yes, you handled it in a mature manner, but that flew away as soon as you posted this conversation here. With all respect, whether this was your intention or not, for me this turns you into a bully.


^^^ Just got real in here.

Oh you’re absolutely right. This was not mature in the slightest. That’s what the /s was for!

As far as screenshots are concerned, I posted all the ones I have screenshotted.

What’s missing is

Your first message where you linked a thread to me and I said I think it’s missing some characters because only like 10% of the link showed up and Ir equested that you say what they are and I’ll take a look

Then what I posted happened

then I said I have to go do some other stuff and I’ll look later

edit: Our log is still there!

The missing pieces with proof

I’m not the only one who will be selling at 6k

Pretty sure people will still choose his shop because 5999 silver is cheaper than the “price war” 6k pricing that will be enforced around him for seemingly no logical reason.

I don’t need the pennies, but clearly you do.

Seeing as he’s actually losing money per roast and didn’t start this whole situation, tbqh it seems like the other way around.


You’re just making yourself look like an idiot. You realize all he needs to do is leave his alch shop up at 6k all the time to ■■■■ with you guys forever now, right? Force you and whoever else you convince into doing this to sit there ‘price warring’ him indefinitely. Since you guys clearly care way more about your alchemists than he does, you’re only hurting yourself, and for a really petty and sad reason, too.

Have fun with that, anyway.


This so much. It wasn’t intended to be offensive, threatening or anything - it was supposed to help. And although I can see why Jake misread it, one should not take things out of context and post it, defaming the other person. And this is also why I understand that Lena is mad now. Before it was supposed to be nice (just imagine a few smiley emojis and there you have it!).
Anyways, I’m still and will always be up for a friendly discussion, but levelling a char to R7 and then essentially throwing it away is kinda sad. The people includes alchemists - and a very darn good reason to not make gem roasting low- or even no-profit is because we all want cheap pots. If people see that you don’t make money with Gem Roasting, less people will make an alch. Thereby raising the price of potions. A 25k roast, while technically not much, just enough to justify making an alch, helps a lot in this department.

Then again, people take me out of context and try to defame me, too.

At the end of the day we help everyone and want to keep things civil.

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To be frank, if I were selling stuff and randomly messaged by a spokesperson for some “Alchemist Community” ‘suggesting’ I change my price to match theirs due to a ‘price war’ and extend an invitation to join their community with a load of information about why they are doing what they are doing, I would feel threatened even if it was not your intention.

I would assume that if I refused and continued to do my own thing that you would talk crap about me and create drama. Whether or not you actually do this does not matter but if you consider how toxic this community is, it really is not unreasonable for people like Proxied to come to the assumption that you were “threatening” him.

What would you do if he refused ? Who knows. He does not know either. It is truly reasonable to assume the worse when receiving messages like this. I would have done the same.


I didn’t misread anything. I posted what was said to me, and the only commentary I gave was that it came off as threatening. This sounded legit like a gangster movie mob crew trying to offer me “protection”.

I didn’t throw the character away either. I enjoy min-maxing in this game. Awakenings are min-max territory. I also get a dungeon alt out of it which one dungeon drop exceeds the profits from all gem roasting combined as far as I can see. Also, team level is not a waste. By the time the level cap gets lifted I plan on having level 50 team level so I can get a bit of a jump on leveling.

Let it be known to everyone that there was no ill intent from Lena or any of the other people in their community! I have made a mistake.

That’s fine but I’m still going to keep my store there for the same price

And I guess since it seems to be a recurring theme, the opinions of me as a bully are pretty justified as far as I can see

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As a fellow Alchemist in the Orsha server, you have my full support Proxied.

Good Luck.


I absolutely understand that, I’ve said that before already.

Are you sure you did not? Any other character would do the same - and in the process of levelling it you would’ve made more silver than you spend on awakenings (unless you have as bad luck as a friend of mine does who had to go through 12 Superior Corona Rods to get a decent awakening).

Once again, we would love to have you in the discord - even if you don’t join our ideal price setting, we want and need your awakening input even if it’s just a handful or two, any information helps us. You can PM me either here or in game for the invite link (or you still have one stored in the conversation with Lena). If you really don’t want to join, for whatever reason that may be, you can also link me your items in game and I’ll add them manually and anonymously.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Too late


Lets go people become an island and say to those scum to gtof.
I support it

cracking up that there’s these people playing like an actual alchemist guild and trying to police others. XFD

In the name of the Waifu Warriors, we pledge to care nothing about this petty squabble that effects nobody in any real way. Also we’ll probably continue barely playing the game.

No one expects the alchemist inquisition.

You better watch out OP.

i had a good laugh

/20 char

gee_banter ? the streamer ?

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thx for the post laughed so hard hahahaha

people are Role Playing to seriously xD
price wars hahaha