Tree of Savior Forum

☮ 🙏 ✝ alchemist union ☮ 🙏 ✝

He’s the godfather…and a very bad one in fact…

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He deserves his own meme.


Well, I heard Fedimian sever is the origin of the “Alchemist Union”.

I do admire their enormous effort to gather most of the alchemist and set a fair price in the sever (I believe it’s a good thing for you guys alchemist). But in Klai, individualism & free trade thinking seems to run deep in each of the merchant here.

It’ll be interesting to see how this thing will turn out :smiley:

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What a joke. If I was playing more I’d come show my support. Stay strong and do your thing!

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That guy is a joke me and my guild mates and a few other guilds don’t even use any of his merchants. And his guild isn’t as “elite” as he thinks lmao.

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everyone should leave 0% profit alchemist shops up, it’s the social and friendly thing to do.

Serious response time!

That’s kind of the way I’m thinking. Gem roasting seemingly makes such little profit regardless (I would sell maybe 5-6 roasts/day at a fair non minimal price when the channel wasn’t being crashed) so I may as well make none from it. It doesn’t really hurt me, though I apologize to other alchemists who don’t make threatening whispers like this. (but it’s easy to just set up shop somewhere else and cater to the lazy people anyway)

I made this character to awaken my stuff anyway so this is just a bonus.

This will probably be screwed over when alch c3 comes out though. Sorry not going above 22x!


A fair price (compared to anvilling) would be somewhere around 200k - but we like the players, so we only charge 25k on Fedimian which is enough to justify the time put into levelling the alchemist, but not so much as to make it OP compared to afk farming classes. Just for reference: That’s about 100k profit on a good day.

It’s nice to hear that you have the time to get a character to R7 without gaining anything from it other than a handful of awakenings. Of course, you are still welcome at the Alch discord and welcome to switch to a fair price - we are nice people, after all! Also, it’s always better to be united as a community.
I agree that Lena may not have worded it the way it should be, but if you’re open for a friendly discussion of the topic, please PM me ingame or enter the Discord - I’m Sparneejuah on both Klaipeda and Fedimian server. A friendly agreement would be nice for both sides.

Sorry fam I’m on the peoples side. I do appreciate the (mostly) kind words instead of automatically resorting to threats though!


jesus this is funny as hell XD

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Seems as if real life sleazy business practices are taking place in this game. Price fixing never leads to good things for the consumer. It is also illegal (in real life business) when companies attempt to set a fixed price for a product on the market and then proceed to raise it or lower it without justification.

Fortunately for you, Proxied, all these people can do is spew words at you and spread hate and slander which is what this community seems to be good at from my observation.

Sounds like those alemeth parties. The game provide us 3 channels, every channel has some party leveling and they say I cant level solo there because they own the map! At least evac and storage are huge, they dont even notice me.

You need to talk with Gee_…

he is the leader of the Pot mafia…

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Well, I got my laughs.

Stand strong and stand proud '^'7

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That’s adorable. I guess you need to really delude yourself to justify the time wasted leveling a C2 Alchemist, especially now that it’s been announced you will be getting literally ■■■■■■■ nothing in C3 and be totally overshadowed by Enchanter as the crafting Wizard class.

C3 alch doesn’t increase gem roast level cap?

It will get that and Lv15 Pots. But we both know that this won’t change anything about the prices.

What can I say…



Gawd…but no, let me be clear:

Can’t believe this kind of sht seriously happens on a game :smiley: …call me ignorant or naive but, the hell? each player, each individual, is free to do as s/he wishes within the rules set by , AND ONLY BY, the game providers or higher autorhities…

Just learning of such kind of “organizations” is too much fun xD. If i , as a player , were to recieve such kind of whispers…i’d be roflmaoing hahaha. Probably you did too since u post it here xD.

P.D: Gotta love the “klai c1 was and always has been my spot”

Presumably it will, but that’s still literally ■■■■■■■ nothing just like gem roasting is already literally ■■■■■■■ nothing. You will never make any money from gem roasting - it’s relatively expensive to do, demand isn’t nearly as high as, say, buff or repair shops which people will be getting multiple times a day as opposed to once whenever they get a high level gem, and there will never be a shortage of people undercutting you no matter what kind of price fixing mafia people try to form.

What alchemist really needs are awakenings that are worth a damn, because burning 1 potential for a bonus that is usually much worse than using that potential to +1 a weapon is rarely worth anyone’s time. The fact of the matter is, if you can just set up a shop and AFK, you’re obviously not going to make any money because everyone will do that. Squires barely make anything, pardoners barely make anything, and again demand for them is way higher than alchemists.

Maybe if Twinkle Rods and Spearfish are reintroduced you can make some money fusing high level gear to those with briquetting. Until everyone else catches on and starts doing that too.

Lmao thanks for that. Now I seriously wanna roll up an Alchemist… I have a Pyro 3 that was planned to go Chrono 3 > Sage but… Hmmm I wanna get threats!

Actually funny story. I went to Bee Farm one day, and Dvinty was there with a Squire camp out and a Repair vendor that read (basically) “My camp violaters will be killed”. So of course being the nice guy I am, I tried to stay off her lawn for the most part. Even started killing away from her little camp. Til she started following me around sending threats and Changing Mobs into highler lvl bastards trying to kill me. Then I swapped over killed off all her new pets with my PD. It was still amusing. I hung out with her for bout an hour. We became best friends. Well, not really best friends. I just sat next to her hugging her because I felt she needed one.