Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 26th, 2016)

Greetings, Saviors.

We have blocked 778 bots and 79 gold sellers, the accounts totaling to 857. The following is a list of their team names and the reason why they were blocked.

[ BOT - Klaipeda ]

[ BOT - Orsha ]

[ BOT - [EU] Fedimian ]

[ BOT - [SEA] Telsiai ]

[ Gold_Seller - All ]

If you feel you have been wrongly banned, please report your case to us through the support page.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

IMC Staff


Zoomed in and cant read a damn thing. Too Much blur


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cant read, image too small.

Thanks, but your picture doesnt work realy well i think… couldn’t read nothing even after zoom it

Can’t read, need a new pair of glasses lul.

Cant read! Please give us a better image!


  1. Please add a different picture of the ban list. This one is too blurred/distorted to be able to read.

  2. Why do we see bans for bots and gold sellers, but nobody has been reported to be banned for BUYING? If you do not punish the buyers, the sellers will not stop.


EDIT: OP Image has been fixed. Thank you, @Staff_J


Hahahaha GJ

cant stop laughing lmao

Having confirmation whether it be a chat log or an obnoxious amount traded at once is hard to track. Most of these transactions are through the market which eliminates the chat log or the large amounts since they are trading material items at around 10k which isn’t unreasonable. They are aware of how hard it would be to ban the right people and are waiting for a better solution then to ban anything that gains silver off the market.

keep up the good work

just need to wait 3-4 more hours…

I… can… resist… this…

Yaaasssssss ben chang slaaayyyyyyy

Hold on im getting permission to use the Hubble right now!

Good job Devs/GMs less bots in the game so newbies have an easier life!

I think it’s better to start using Pastebin. It’s getting tiny


1 Like

In seriousness, yay!

Please start posting gold-buyers as well. People need to know it’s not okay to buy gold and only then will you deter people from doing so.


IMC, I can’t imagine how much you must be doing, banning 500+ accounts in a single day, almost every day for the past week.
As a player who hates bots, gold vendors and exploit abusers, thanks :3

As a token of my gratitude (Get it? Token!.. yeah) i will throw my money at you more often, for i know its being used to do honest things to improve the community.

Thanks ^ ^ !


Good work, :slight_smile:
I appreciate the work they are doing