Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 19th, 2016)

Oh! Woah there! I thought this game was supposed to be PG13. All that sexy talk is making me hot and bothered.

Keep up the spicy work (despite the terrible maintenance time) IMC. Love you boo boo~

Thats fantastic.
Now they should take care of billions of silver that got poured because of how ridiculously slow and inefficient they were.
Crafted petamion 6-8m, gladiator band - 4m. THESE ARE ICBT2 prices.
Imc monitors the market and says its fine and white knights are here to celebrate. Hooray for the ignorance.
I am 250 level and I never had more than 3m spare on my hands (and thats not even in cash but in items value ready for sale) and I am busy playing with market.


Addons are allowed, but not sure if VAC allow it.

This is wonderful IMC staff. Thank you.

I donā€™t know why Iā€™m banned posts, complaints incoming.

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Once the crazy restriction on market is lifted or changed to a more user friendly policy, I think I can change my review to positive again.

Great job, kept it up.

Good job!

In my opinion though, you should ban RMT buyers (identify people whom those bots gave silver to via marketplace)

And add your own TP sales in game.

It will result, in the end, with people who are using RMT stoping using external services in the fear of a ban and starting using official mean (IMC TP => Token => Silver, less risk for them, more money for you, less RMT overall)


Like that archer I saw moving (even jumping( under the effect of kneeling shot. Goodbye Automaton, we will miss you.

Personally, Iā€™m looking forward to it. I always have fun reading those when itā€™s obvious the person is guilty and theyā€™re just lying out their ass.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Which doesnā€™t mean you are using the best or most efficient way of earning. Iā€™m just Lv191 but I have an arsenal worth almost 4m and I am selling stuff currently worth 2m and Iā€™m about to get my queued earnings of roughly 2m from market in a few hours.

What I would only agree with is that some people have 2 Gladiator Band despite being Lv150-170 which is really really fishy and needs to be investigated.

@topic yay

off topic:
Iā€™m buying Recipe Aias if anyone is reading @ klaipeda pls

IGN: Sekundes

Iā€™m a new player and a bit paranoid :stuck_out_tongue: _
So at Minerā€™s Village, while i was questing in there, I met an archer who just stood in one spot and keep shooting at nothing.
Apparently thatā€™s a spot where monsters will spawn in numbers, so the archer can just kill them without even moving.
I tried to talk to her (female char), no response. She did that for hours.

The problem is, I keep on reporting her. Since i do believe thatā€™s a bot.
Iā€™m worried that i might end up being banned for abusing the Bot report :frowning:
I reported her 3 times during a span of 2 hours.

well im 177 and i have one :slight_smile:

I didnā€™t imply it. I shared my example and I also didnā€™t mention what type of gear I have and its value. I only told about the largest amount of money I had that I could potentially spend on something and Iā€™m not even talking about upgrading attributes which are most set at low.

Rome wasnā€™t built in a day, and you greatly underestimate the 3rd-party thatā€™s commissioning these Bots into the server whoā€™ve been in the business of RMT and ran their operations on many MMORPGā€™s for years. I do agree that they should be acting faster in the future before the Bots hit the 100ā€™s though, but thereā€™s little they can do about the amount without assigning someone to it whose sole job is to check all servers and ban them. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re getting at by using 2 rare world-boss items as an example, instead of using common-dropped ones to present a better argument for inflation.


1 is fine. I myself can afford one myself. But having two? You need to be extremely lucky or have been hardcore farming nonstop to buy another.

What does VAC have to do with anything? ToS is not supported by VAC and I highly doubt Valve will enable it for ToS.

Or just spam 90/130 duns to be lucky and sell those petamion and ardeā€™s