Tree of Savior Forum

About Highlander C3

How? How? What? A non peltasta build going on pve??? Legit. Soooooooooooooooooooooo legit :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Every time I hear someone bragging about Peltasta:

  1. Stopping clinging to the Meta, and to the Old Meta still. Guardian got nerfed, and this changed everything.

  2. Doppel uses 2HSwords, so it’s incredibly counter-produtive to pick Peltasta.

  3. Highlander’s Cross Guard is a must for Doppels.

  4. Sword1>High3>Barb1>Doppel3 is the Best Doppel build right now by far.

  5. If you pick Peltasta, you’ll have an easy time levelling up a really bad character, and if you not pick it, you’ll have a hard time levelling up a good character.

So, that’s it.

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to answer your 4. it’s not, it never was not even with the buffed barb it will, the only really good skill atm in the barbarian tree is pouncing otherwise you don’t get that much, the difference between barb and high will be noticeable around 180 and after that it keep going further, but honestly it sucks to be a highlander until you reach rank6 cause the lack of a decent aoe is terrible (besides cartar being the only good one).
PD: i’m a barb fencer 280 and i have a high3cordoppel 213 (currently remaking a high3barbdoppel) and the difference in dmg is pretty big (i do have a hoplita3dopp too and a sw3cata2 and atm i get the most of raw dmg with a highlander3 over all others.

Read what I’ve written again. I said High3>Barb1.
Barb1 is just for Cleave slash buff and Helm Chopper’s stun.

o.O i feel soo embarrased … i don’t know why i ended seeing high1-barb3…

high 3> barb 1 is bad especially if newbies read that and follow it and suffer late game

Do you mean barb3 is the best?
Pouncing is very good, but I can do 15 skyliners in that CD time(12 with bleeding).
Anyway skyliner Tier 0 damage.

Anyone know how long the debuff duration for skull swing lasts?

30s at lv 5, permanent against normal mobs

Wow so higher lvl increases the debuff duration? Thanks that was important info.

Can someone post a video about both build to compare? I wanna see the real, not like only word. ><"

i can’t, sry, but i can tell u that barb skills are only useful for stuns later on while highlanders scale better.
barb3 is more pvp focused (u can still pve) and high 3> barb 1 is more pve focus (u can still pvp, but bad). both are not good pvp or pve tho, the only good swordsman pvp is sword3>cata3 and pve all swordsman are bad right now. but as dps, high3>barb1>doppel is the best swordsman dps for pve, even if its bad.

i’m waiting next week to see R8 skills, it may improve swordsman pve wise.

I’m only do pve only and I’m High c2 right now. ><" is that ok to go with high c3 ?

yes, highlander3 barb1 is optimal for doppelsoeldner

any attribute on that build?

once u get high3, the costume is really awesome, i have it. it changes the way u hold the sword and uses skyliner skill

it changes the way u hold the sword and uses skyliner skill

Can you show some screenshots? I might roll one cause of that XD


with costume:

also, theres a diferent noise when u use with the costume
but what i really like is the costume itself, i think is one of the coolest in the game

only works with 2h sword thats why he is using costume in both gifs. also, the way it ends, holding the sword kinda infront of u, thats how u hold it and walk with it.

If you want more pics of the costume let me know, those gifs are the ones i posted here Highlander c3 costume: new skyliner effect

here, Lv. 280 hl>barb3>dopp 2 with str build.
(Lv.60 Attribute on cyclone)

Lv. 253 high3>barb>dopp 2 with dex build.
(Lv.50 Attribute on cyclone)