Tree of Savior Forum

About bringing RNG to the cash shop

There is a probability close to 100% that they wont drop all the time. The reason is Talt.


This game getting worse. Ok im enough, i will quit, i will not follow this game anymore, i’d rather to go back playing final fantasy XIV.

For all of you who protect and like this RNG ■■■■, well then eat that. I will not buy that. You will feel the deppression feeling later. Trust me. I know enchancement is not an obligation, BUT! You all must be enchancement your item either can be good or bad. I will not try it. AND all of you must be complain about how easy this game, BECAUSE of you nasty enchancement, and how about us who dont want to RNG stat on my equipment? my char become ■■■■.

Seriously guys, before alchemist RNG awakening update and this costume awakening update, I LIKE THIS GAME. WHY? because there is more feature you can accomplished and enjoy. You want to have extra stats / skill poin than any other player? YES you can have until 5 maybe more than any other player, BUT YOU HAVE TO CLEAR HIDDEN QUEST IN THIS GAME!! NOT gambling bring your weapon to alchemist and awakening like crazy until you get maximum stat / 90% of maximum stat (in stat you like, not 100INT on your sword). and thats not finish. Before you must get weapon 8 STAR (which is not problem to me). after that you throw money to have maximum optional in your costume.

Suppose costume can have maximal 5 optional that can be stat / sus stat. you swordman have to gwt 50 dex 50 dex 50 dex 50 dex 50 dex. But no, you cannot get that stat until you throw billion money to developer!! you just get 2 optional that include 10 int and 11 holy resist.

Im enough, im really angry, you guys just play this game and have fun. I will not touch this game. Maybe im just waiting for black desert online. see ya~


enchancement system is a made up from asian/korean mmorpg to us because what? lack of innovation and lazy feature addition. You who protect about enchancement system with RNG, not know anything about MMO. i played MMO from 2003 until now… im 24 right now.


It’s not im against RNG. Of course mmo need RNG, in obtaining high grade weapon, boss card, your damage is RNG too, cause your weapon have minimal and maximal damage. but not like this.

OK i give my idea.

Enchanting require all player to go to dungeon to clear all wave of mobs and boss. After several minutes you just get item with stat that you’re not satisfied. This will piss me off.

Ok i know some of you like gamble. But how about this. If you want to get vit stat you must sacrifice some monster card that looks like have a lot of blood, something like that.If you want to get int stat you must sacrifice some monster card magic type. How about the value range? Well, consider if you want to get max stat you have to finished all wave of monster, and when someone just finished 50% wave monster, they just get 50% of max value stat addition.

I think something like that is better than you have to feel depressed to repeating enchancement to get what stat you want. Besides alchemist will become the richest profession with that feature…

and about costume please just have fixed stat with you mix it for something drop from monster. Like if you want to have 3 optional stat in your costume, you must bring your costume to NPC, and do a mission, and gather drop from hard monster. after that you get FIX stat not random. developer can think about it for player to pay real cash to.

As i thought free to play is more heavy money than subcription game / buy to play game. Developer just cover it because player who like this is blind and cannot see it, you just consumed by greed developer.

Try another game like elder scroll online, black desert, ff14, you will see the difference and know what game is worth to sped your time.


These are really good ideas. But I suggest that enchantment is actually progressive. First, you pay an alchemist for a small, negligible awakening on a stat using a rare reagent drop. Then you have to farm certain materials and get them to an alchemist (or use a scroll, more expensive at higher levels, because it arguably saves you more time) to upgrade your awakening, you could even have a quest made up for upgrading the awakening on your gear, as if you were doing a ritual… That way you get your stat as strong as you want and keep playing the game while you upgrade the awakening of all your gear.

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well hello buddy… :slightly_smiling:

have you seen my older thread? [Alchemist] Really Hate RNG with random stat on my equipment

maybe you can help think and give some feedback to IMC in this thread Remove RNG/Random stat thing to this game
:slightly_smiling: i like player who can see the essential and future proggression in mmorpg game like you…

Oooh myyy god, you’re liiike sooooo old and experienced you must know better than anyone else!!!

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i don’t mind cs and rng, i just hate when you have a 60% chance of a useful stat (magic swords what!); which is doubly useless because it’ll be too low anyway. paying hundreds for one item which will become useless when you add a big a patch is such pointless rubbish. i bet it even drives people to just boycot and quit once they become unable to compete.


Oh hell no! Do you want the game to look like downtown Tokyo at night anytime you walk into town?


/aura off and problem solved, or these could be disabled in towns.

W/e, it was just an idea.

That’s i am *wink :wink:

Seriously guys, we cannont accept this. give your feedback to us international community.
I hate the stereotype “if you wat to be a god player you must pay more” in f2p mmo. This game will cause a less player. I can imagine sometime in future raid, if you want to get party you must have weapon/costume with xxx amount of str/int/vit. Why? because you with rich gambling stat will complain this game is too easy, and player who dont like enchancement/awakening will no have a place in future feature. Let this game be a skill based game. PVP with nice combo and good party combination. Not be a game with gambling RNG stat.

Where are the “this might not make it into international release” crowd? (Because software interoperability totally isn’t a thing /sarcasm)

Also we may want to define what pay to win actually means without slinging anecdotes around before calling something pay to win - The korean version already is in my oh-so subjective human view…

You seem to be confused on the concept of RNG in MMO’s, and group all aspects of it into one category of being ‘bad’. So I’ll give you a Q&A format (Everyone loves Q&A formats) explanation. After you read this, it will just be a matter of “I agree” / “I disagree” instead of “This is right” / “This is wrong”:

Q: Why is RNG applied into MMO’s in the first place?
A: Implementing ‘RNG’ into items and content in a game is a way of adding difficulty in receiving what you want. This makes it so players can’t easily get their desired outcome, thus increasing the amount of effort they have to put into the task and extending their time/interest in the game.

Q: Why is RNG applied to Tree of Savior? It will make the game worse.
A: RNG can be treated just like any other game mechanism. If done right, it makes the game experience better. If done wrong, it makes it worse. There is also the in-between. Here are some examples:

Right way: The equipment upgrading system. The chance of upgrading halts at 51% meaning your success at going higher doesn’t slowly become abysmal, “Potential Resets” do not exist, the item will be downgraded instead of broken upon failure until ‘0’, and the higher your item goes in +rate, the more Silver you have to pay per chance which also helps as a “gold-sink” for the economy.

In-between (Not good, not bad): An item that allows you to enhance Cosmetic items with stats at random that give individual low values. This is not entirely the case for the current Cos-Enh item, as the stat values “AoE Range” and “AoE Ratio” should not be there at all. The item is available from Boss Cubes at a low chance, which is why this is an In-between instead of “Bad”. Items like these allow you to expand your character customization options, while not directly ‘giving’ you what you want from the beginning. They also help as one of many forms of income for the game, as items done in this form are popular even if they drop in-game.

Wrong way: A cash shop exclusive item that allows re-rolling stats. A cash shop exclusive item that allows resetting Potential. A situation in content where extensive RNG is applied with no rewarding outcome after succeeding (Example: A side-quest before end-game where you have to pick up ‘1’ item from a monster kill, but it takes 50 kills to accomplish it and the reward is 1-2 EXP Cards).

Now let’s talk about your suggestions:

This isn’t so ideal, because most Boss cards have a low drop rate and are only tradeable through the true RNG Card Battle mini-game, ontop of the max-value in Awakening most stats being lowered greatly. Half and half on the 50%-100% idea, because the Awakening dungeon is easy to the point that it can be duo’d with certain class combos while awakening a high-grade item. The dungeon difficulty could be greatly increased, but doing that combined with the requirement of getting a specific Boss card and the stat values being lowered, would make people not care about Awakening items at all. If the dungeon difficulty would be left like it is now, then the 50-100% mechanic would have to be removed and the stat value be randomized instead.

If a gambling-mechanic in a minor game feature gives you depression, you should definitely stay far away from it.

This is a good idea, but the ‘Missions’ should be limited to a max of X per day just like normal missions, and the ‘fixed stat’ is good as long as it doesn’t have a ‘fixed value’ (Meaning the Value is RNG). Otherwise, the Missions just become a one-off thing that you finish quickly and then don’t touch again until you make a new character.

  • 1: Usually yes. But we’re going to speak specifically about Tree of Savior, and right now in Tree of Savior, there is nothing in the Cash Shop that falls under “Pay to Win” so the “Money Heavy” mindset only falls on those who have to have everything (The Token2Trade thing still annoys me though).
  • 2: No, it’s not that we’re blind, we’re just not over-reactive and get mad whenever something related to RNG is added to the game that we personally don’t like, and then threaten to leave the game over it.

And finally:

Those values are not high enough to even matter at end-game (Both Alchemist Awakening and Costume Awakening), no one’s going to waste their time making raids for people only with Awakened stats. Also, there will always be players who will complain about the game being ‘too easy’, always.

I wasted 20 minutes on that, but it’s worth it if it /end’s this thread. You’ll notice that not many people are complaining about this addition because it’s not really worth complaining over.


Thanks, that’s the kind of ideas I was looking for in this topic from the beginning.

I will mark your answer as resolving, not before adding marking that:

  • I hope the impact of awakening (both equipment and costume’s) doesn’t reach endgame. But most of all…
  • I really hope RNG stays out of cash shop items for the international version of ToS

Feel free to keep on discussing, but I’m satisfied by what was discussed here today. And to those who flammed me as a panicky poster: Your opinions will matter less to me in any other topic, why? Because I don’t feel like caring about the PoV of a flammer.

I have a really bad experience with this kind of game. I cannot be too hardcore in gaming, cause i am not student anymore, i have to work and do stuff. For me “repeating something” that you “cannot see the goal” is really frustating.

I was a guild leader in game well, Ragnarok 2. I like how a party need a strategist think and move before beat a boss dungeon. I like to collect something even is not important like summon monster or card monster. I like to traveling alot and help newbie player and have a chit chat with them. I really enjoy the quest and story in the game. But someday after the game implementing RNG stat in costume / weapon with “help of cash item shop” the game turn 180 degree different.

I remember to do the first raid to beat Baphomet you need at least 5000HP to avoid 1 hit KO, how can i achieve that? im a sorcerer which has 3500HP. even my friend in guild who is tanker just have 4750HP. Well im starting to get enchancement in card that can be emblem to my char. Im starting to farming card with VIT not INT stat to boost my HP. and thats not enough, ok im starting to buy enchancement item in cash shop to “awaken” my gems to +(again VIT) not INT. well let guess, its too RNG, to just get +5stat. then eventually, i buy a stat reset just to boost VIT in my char. to get that first raid.

Before my guild is just the small community which is avoid or not too hardcore to the game, but guess what? developer insist us to do wreck our build or pay more to have a place in future content. That is really terrible and i hope that case is not happen in this game.

In future my guild like to pvp more like “war of emperium” lol i remember when im teleport all of my guild to WOE map and just get wiped out in 5 second with guild who depend on rich, big, cash, RNG stat in gear. Well, we have no chance… My friend who is into PVP now leave my guild cause im a leader cannot carrying them to a competitive PVP play…

I just… hiks… I just… want to have fun…

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Don’t worry, the current direction of the game is still headed upwards, especially class and content-wise. The stat-related ‘RNG’ systems may be annoying for some, but at least the stats given aren’t game-breaking. You can do without them.

I would rather want to give you rep as a user than like your post(s), cause I agree with a majority of your posts(on forums and the translations) and they’re always level-headed.

There have already been quite a lot of people on this forum that got credit for all sorts of activity, like sharing information from the Korean betas, data mining, streaming, populistic entertainment or otherwise.
But in my opinion the people who should get credit - and this counts for this game as much as for any other - are the people like you, who care enough about the game they want to play to dedicate a good chunk of not only time, but also of their mind and spirit on it.

Most people who will play this game won’t give a rats about anything, they’ll throw a few dollars here and there into the direction of the devs and then they’ll jump to the next fad. Others will, seemingly aimlessly, throw around their money at whichever direction publishers are pointing at.
But some people still believe in games being in need of gameplay to be a joy to play. For it to be more than just another dumping place to get rid of one’s money at, but with actual value where after all is said and done one can look back and say that the time spent there bore fruit to create meaningful connections and to have created great stories during fun times to keep in mémoire.

Just a heartfelt few words out of respect and because I have seen so much credit being handed out in these forums for all sorts of gibberish reasons (including entire nonsense threads of “who’s best member”), whereas I feel that credit is never handed out where it’s due.

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Leaving tos saying its p2w and going to black desert online, one of the worst p2w games out there. Enjoy paying a subscription and buying p2w items on top of that. Good riddance. Sick of this ignorance

Ro2 was a shitty game. The fact that you spent time and money on it has nothing to do with tos

Comments like this make me worry for the human race. “We will show concern when we can’t do anything about it, not before”.

Do people not understand its easier to avoid the problem entirely then it is to wait for it to be implemented? 99% problems that occur is because idiots who choose to wait until the damage instead of fixing the problem beforehand.