Tree of Savior Forum

About bringing RNG to the cash shop

In KR, after today’s maintenance, you’re now able to awaken your cosmetic headgear to give you random stats. While the effect sounds exciting, it caters to make getting your “ideal/nice” stats a casino-ish experience, which in turn becomes borderline P2W.

You can get scrolls for awakening your hair costume from boss cubes, but the chance of getting one is not stated anywhere.

In my opinion, This is the kind of microtransactions that should definitely not make into the international release of the game.

  • Paying for items that give you stats over what you would normally get? Borderline P2W, and I say borderline only because theoretically you could try getting some from instance dungeons.
  • Playing chances of getting an item to play more chances? What’s the fun in that? I don’t find it!.

The kind of microtransactions that should definitely make it into the international release:

  • Costume Sales
  • Hair Accessory Sales
  • Rate Boosters
  • Last Circle Class Change Service. (Charge more TP the higher the character rank is).
  • Instance Reset Scrolls.
  • Party Instance Run Coupons. (These would allow you to do a free dungeon run with your current party, the run doesn’t add up to your daily dungeon run count, higher level would mean higher prices as well).
  • “Aura” Sales. (I suggest an aura as some kind of light effect surrounding your character to make it look cool, this could be even localized to costume, hair costume, and weapons).

I’ve voiced out my opinion, now, let me know your opinions on this topic! let’s discuss them so that IMC gets an idea of what we think about it as a community.


Do you even read? the awakening scrolls are dropped in dungeons as well and they do the exact same thing as you have said. this is more of a pay to be lazy then p2w.

I read, and I wrote about it in my topic. It was clearly you who didn’t read my topic to begin with.

But yeah, they drop as a “% chance from boss cubes”. With that statement, it could take you at least a day or two to get one of these, which is only one shot at getting a random awakening that you might or might not want… I find that as a fun-killer, in all honesty.

Wtf are you talking about i pointed out that it was in your topic. Once again read.

So your going on a flame war with no information.

like this

Snivs is a ■■■■ supporter! i have no information to confirm this but thats the way it is! because i said so!


I’m talking about your “Do you even read?” statement. I read, and the read raised a legitimate concern on my mind.

I opened up a discussion on the concern that came to me. Care to discuss it? No? Then, expect no more answers from me.

Oh boy, another Nexon KR panic thread.

I didn’t know awakening scrolls even existed, but I would imagine they’re more of a convenience thing invented by nexon. You can always find an alchemist to do the awakening instead right? (correct me if I’m wrong)

As an aside, the Koreans absolutely love their RNG. Like, LOOOVE it. You can see it in all of the games they’ve been sending out lately. Heavy RNG for the sake of having RNG. They’re like japan is with cosmetics.

I kinda like it. Hats not being only cosmetic anymore, and everyone can have one of these. (If you guys think a little, nothing can be more overpower than the RO cash hats, and yet they could be traded between players.)

Hell, I can’t wait to play Tree of RNG! I can already see myself farming ugly hats to sell them later… If possible… I hope… Damn.

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Being concerned differs greatly from panicking.

Alchemists cannot do awakening on Headgear Costumes, you can only do it with awakening scrolls, which you can buy for tp or farm from dungeon bosses. I’m concerned because I want to have optimal stats on my gears, but I don’t want to gamble for them, much less I want to gamble on a drop to get a chance to gamble for the actual stats.

I know that, I’m voicing my opinion: these microtransactions shouldn’t make it into the international version.

What is yours?

I’m confused. You said “Did you even read” and then went on to state something and say that it was in the OP’s post. So you knew that they already had read it and talked about it, yet chose the words “Did you even read”. You’re just being antagonistic to the OP, stop.

This is not something I like to see at all. It’s gambling, and the only efficient way to get enough resources to gamble enough to get the stats you want is to pay more. I really doubt that anyone who wants the best stats on their 3 headgear slots is going to farm instanced dungeons for a chance at a scroll, which is only another chance at stats. It’s 8 TP, that’s way less money vs time.

Honestly, I’m against “pay for convenience” as well as disguised “pay to win”. The game should be able to support itself with subscription ( tokens ) and cosmetic microtransactions. The fact that there’s already boosters in a pseudo-subscription game is only tolerable. Adding in a so-called “pay for convenience” gambling system for stats is just awful.

If this is going to be in the international version I can see myself getting burned out on endgame content fairly quickly, because being competitive will require me to pay. I don’t like feeling like I’m getting milked by a game. I will gladly pay plenty for subscription / costumes, as it’s something they put effort into and is fun. Gambling for stats requires little effort from the developers, adding stats onto items is just numbers, and it feels cheap to pay for.

Yet it’s required to compete because if you want to play competitively in boss hunting or PvP arenas, you need to have optimized gear. And if someone else is paying, they’re getting optimized gear quicker than you, allowing them to compete more effectively than you, meaning that you will lose out on boss fights / pvp matches, and fall behind. People act like “pay for convenience” isn’t bad because you can eventually get the same things as other players, as if there’s no detriment to not being able to get those things first. There’s an entire competitive aspect to this game that could be very fun, but things like this cheapen it and destroy the motivation to play competitively.


Your argument is based entirely on speculation. What if the chance of them dropping is 100%, then it is clearly not P2W. Why are you trying to stir up trouble when you don’t have enough information yet…

I agree with your list of microtransactions for the international release, apart from the Auras (auras are some of the stupidest looking things and make the game look incredibly childish), but you can’t claim something is P2W when you don’t have facts to back it up.

I’ll be concerned when Nexon publishes our version. Otherwise, no.

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my opinion is twofold:

  1. An alchemist, who has a skill called ITEM AWAKENING, should be able to awaken something a silly piece of paper can.
  2. We should stop looking at all of these microtransactions that are being implemented as they’re likely in large part from nexon, so we wont see them here. (And if we do, we will complain. Loudly.)

If you can sell these scrolls on market…both the drop and the cash shop one…then I don’t care that much because I’m sure some will always sell it…

Just imagine somebody who already got the hat of his dream…even if he won’t buy more scrolls from the cash shop he will get some from dungeons and he would want to do something with it I guess…

But if you can’t sell these then it’s not that great yeah…XD

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I don’t really like that, I’d prefer hats becoming more like a premium cosmetic thing than a stub thing that you can enhance with stats.

No, please. RNG is not fun when it comes to getting your perfect gear.

  1. Gamble for your scroll (optional).
  2. Gamble for your desired stat using the scroll.
  3. Gamble for a number that isn’t dirt-low.

Man, where’s the fun in that? It doesn’t take ability to achieve! Just money/time/luck.

It’s not an argument, it’s a concern.

If it was 100% they’d state bosses would always drop. I’m not rioting, i’m just voicing out my concern, and I’m deeply concerned about this kind of microtransactions.

I’m not claiming it’s P2W, I’m claiming it’s borderline-that. The only thing separating that it from P2W is the fact that you can theoretically get the same thing by farming dungeon bosses.

Thanks for posting an actual opinion, I agree on point 1, it doesn’t make sense. and point 2? I might be getting a little bit ahead of myself, could explain why most of the posts are addressed towards me seeming to them as a panicky poster instead of the topic.

That’s an interesting way of thinking, but I’m still against Headgear Awakening.

I’d like some more information on it before forming a better opinion, but at first glance this seems like the Archeage system all over again, and people who played that game know how bad it was.

I really hope this doesn’t make it to the international version.

So… Excuse me but… Why do you play MMOs anyway?

Unlike an offline game where there’s the beginning, middle and end, in an online game the developer and publisher will always want you to play as long as possible.

“Get your perfect gear” is part of it, although no one is obliged to do so. (I will not, cuz I know I don’t need it.)

… I find it funny how you can think like this, but it’s just complaining about the hats. :neutral_face:

Do you find a difference between boxes that drop from hunting bosses ( on a timed spawn, requiring time investment/effort, and the ability to compete with other players to actually get a box ) and boxes that were sold on the cash shop ( just pay for it, convenient since you didn’t have to invest time in the game )? ( Just to make it clear, this is a hypothetical statement )

I’ll gladly compete / invest time to hunt bosses for gear, but if it comes down to the same thing just being sold in the cash shop, that’s where the complaint begins.

I don’t get how you don’t understand the concern with items giving stats being added into the cash shop. If adding stats to gear is fair game for the cash shop, then what else is?

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I play MMOs to play with my friends, parties and enjoy the content.[quote=“drake_tempestos, post:18, topic:131842”]
… I find it funny how you can think like this, but it’s just complaining about the hats. :neutral_face:
To be honest, It’s just not the hats, I’m not very fond of the awakening system itself, where RNG comes into play, defining what could be an important part of building your character.

I’m not a big fan of RNG, and I’m not interested at all in pay to RNG, I think the latter it’s a system I know well and have bad experiences with as a completionist and as a gamer. I prefer to have different sets of gear types and passives to choose from, I want the diversity to be in the actual gear and what it enables you to achieve, not in the stats that come with it.

I don’t buy this argument.

If they were easily obtainable then sure, but then people wouldn’t spend TP on them other than to give their starting character stat boosts before they can do dungeons.

But even with a guaranteed drop per dungeon (I VERY much doubt it) you’d only get 5x every day due to the cap and in order to roll the stats you want and high enough you’d have to use a LOT of them and keep in mind you need to do it for multiple fashion items.

The whole notion of awakening for TP smells foul to me, it’s basically in-game gambling for money.