Tree of Savior Forum

Remove RNG/Random stat thing to this game

Im sorry sister. shouldnot this thread is to suggest a feedback? shoud i remove it? Oh and im sorry, to capture your post before asking your permission. Im doing it wrong about enchanting?

korean version introduces something :sparkles::sparkles:
international forum goes
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont do that or i will quit!!oneone111

you people should really learn to chill.


Ah sure, and while we are at it, remove RNG from drop, from opening boxes (if there is any kind), remove it from monsters and bosses attacks too, make them attack one side only. /sarcasmend

What i want is more variation on the stats, but i think they will do or already did that.

The weird thing is hes freaking out over a positive change that made MORE items viable choices lol.

lol ■■■■ it 100% drop rates on xp cards and gold anvils aswell.

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Please remove rng because i don’t like it and i’m jealous people will get better items than me!
=> Is not really an argument…

Please keep rng because it adds

  • variety to items
  • fun and gambling to an utility class
  • longetivity to the end game.
    are good arguments :3

Im not crazy like that about RNG. I speak for convenience of everyone.

Im thinking several scenario how enchanting supposed to be. Consider this. Enchanting require all player to go to dungeon to clear all wave of mobs and boss. After several minutes you just get item with stat that you’re not satisfied. This will piss me off.

Ok i know some of you like gamble. But how about this. If you want to get vit stat you must sacrifice some monster card that looks like have a lot of blood, something like that.If you want to get int stat you must sacrifice some monster card magic type. How about the value range? Well, consider if you want to get max stat you have to finished all wave of monster, and when someone just finished 50% wave monster, they just get 50% of max value stat addition.

I think something like that is better than you have to feel depressed to repeating enchancement to get what stat you want. Besides alchemist will become the richest profession with that feature…

For me that is part of the role play proposed by IMC, i don’t mind going lots of times on an awakening dungeon for a good stats as long as there is variations, its not supposed to be easy anyway, if you want an easy enchant system Diablo 3 can provide that.

I understand that there is people out there that don’t like hard stuff, but for being hard it make worth in the end.

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i know, i mean, RNG is not hard. It’s just feel like depressed thing to repeating again and again and you can’t see what’s your intention or final of what you want. It’s about feeling to accomplished something that have to be hard. :confounded:

I have played another game with heavy RNG feature stuff, well previously that feature not exist. Until developer introduce to a new enchancement system that player can get 1~5 option additional stat, and 1 option can have to 1~1000 stat. Just imagine how crazy player with that update, and how unbalance the game to be. Afterall many player rage quit that game. End. :neutral_face:

For bad or for good RNG is needed, that is the true of MMO games.

And that is a simple case of bad management, 1000 stats is pretty stupid, well if the enchant rely on CS item to be done that explain.

I don’t see any problem either.
It’s not really about RNG but the difficulty to get those best enchanted items.
I’m pretty sure people that invest enough time and dedication will get them. (Time + resources > RNG)

Also if you don’t like RNG, after a time you should be able to buy those by farming enough gold (since alchemists will do a lot of those enchants and sell those)

@Faile @nando20xx

Yes and on top of what you 2 are saying this has changed game breaking numbers of +100 of a stat into at best +16. Which goes from game breaking to min maxing. Much better for balance.

That could be escalated with gear level imo, i mean, at level 1 +3 or +5 at 15 +7 +10 and so on but we need to be sure that at max level or close the stats aren’t abusive.

wow, +16 only? seems a bit low since an upgrade over +5 on a 6* is giving more than that (or am i wrong?)

Honestly it isn’t a problem at first but it’s going to become a big pain in the ass later on, the rarer and stronger the item the longer is the dungeon along fairly strong mobs that don’t drop anything, not even EXP iirc.
Can you see what you are getting before begining the dungeon?
Because if they let you do that and pay some item to re-roll the Awakening Option then I’ll be okay with it being honest, it is called an option after all I guess.

We are talking about the Awakening stats, not the refining (if you are talking about the anvil one) at least is what i am talking about lol.

if those +16 apply to AoE attack ratio(range) too then its a VERY good bonus… Not everything should be plain damage increase.

yes i’m comparing refining vs awakening bonuses

I really doubt there will be +16 aoe attack ratio, imo those +16 are in a bonus dmg stats.

I don’t remember which thread it is in but someone posted the table you can get.

There was a max and min for

Def stats
raw stats (int str etc) max was 16 on this one
and one more i believe

ill see if i can find it again.

Found it

@nando20xx @Faile @nizidr

And now costume “awakening” IMC please stop this. read my post in here About bringing RNG to the cash shop
trust me this will bring chaos to this game. this feature will not become addiction but frustation. You say you want to make player happy, but this RNG? how about this? you just make people frustation. Not happy to play your game. Happier to play another MMO like ff14 or black desert. You just diggin your own grave