Tree of Savior Forum

24-Hour Maintenance 😭


Runs RIGHT out of the thread. Never again.

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no! come back! i was just messing around :sweat_smile:

My search became an army of shoes…

Peeps back in from around the corner slowly… Armed with a hot dog skewer.

so, beer and barbeque? hotdogs sponsored by @VezeaL

BBQ weenies… Image flood.

Skewer me if you like. :gift_heart:

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Atleast now the ToS gods have given me the time to finish my guide xD, i started it last night and got like half way through skill analysis but then got caught up grinding for 15hours lmao.

I feel so lost with ToS Down D:

Feel free to check it out guys

great, had today off. -.-

It is a strange feeling to not be able to play ToS i will admit, and its not like your just waiting for a 1 hour mait or something i am not sure how i feel about the freedom to do something else for a day xD

Sigh… Guess I should go outside and actually do something else with my life. 24 hour maint is brutal.

game maintenance is usually accompanied by the site maintenance as well, imagine if the forum went down for 24-hrs too

IMC lets trash bins like this Chinese Imperialist wannabe as a perfect example of their open mindedness.

Hi Mao <3

*better not PM him! He might get offended by your ignorance :confused:

Oh look it’s the butthurt_bot again.[quote=“technic_bot, post:55, topic:216074”]
better not PM him! He might get offended by your ignorance :confused:

You better don’t, no one likes to receive garbage spams, especially from kids like you.

The proof is in the post. Point proven. Thanks Mao!

Your proof is… in the post…

You don’t even make sense. Thanks for the bad try though. 0/10

Serious butthurt detected.

yeah thiis blows… on my fkn day off… so pissed of all this crapy people changing servers becouse they dint think ahead fkn hate this -_-

Bruh, it’s IMC idea for the transfer. Don’t direct your frustrations at the wrong people. They opened the EU and SEA server after the launch and transfer is only fair.