Tree of Savior Forum

24-Hour Maintenance 😭

my thoughts on the twenty-four hours

  • g20 released
  • tos started

bye bye g20. for more than week already…
It didn’t help that a day or two before ToS was released someone actually mentioned tos in front of the girgashiy run. That’s how I found out this game’s early access started.

hahaha yeah pretty much my first reaction xDD but hey, TONS of changes xD that i really enjoy, even TP items!!!

@acolyte hahah i know i was playing ToS and mabi was like "hey we released g20…come and play!!

me: Nah, ToS is calling my souuuuuuul

This is your chance to read/watch something lewd.

first, work 8-16…then probably some game or movies

The following ON/OFF options have been added to the game settings window:

  • Apply dead parts (the explosive effects of monsters on death)


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Yeah that option much appreciated.

Oh crap I should’ve suggested to turn off skill effects because I can’t see myself when everyone’s casting flashy skills.

you already can :confused:

isn’t that what “apply other players effect thingy” is for…

Nope they didn’t add Swell Legs for faster movement speed. Must skip leg day.

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[quote=“DrRM, post:28, topic:216074, full:true”]
you already cant :confused:

isn’t that what “apply other players effect thingy” is for…
[/quote]You toooottally confused me with your first sentence
Thanks for the reminder, it slipped my eyes

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It’s ok, leg training isn’t my real intention to begin with… :smirk:

Handle with care. :smirk:

Why, what else but constantly attempting to enter the game prematurely so that I can either shout “FIRST” when I get in, or so that I can come to the forums and ask “y teh server down, IMC fix this!!!1 klapedda down, so down, come fix” lol

I mean isn’t that what everyone else will be doing?


I’m gonna be doing things, many things, and saving the forums.


I shall aid you in your conquest.

24-hour down time…

/20 thousand million words of word that make not sense even if you read this it is a waste of time. Cheese cake is the best cake but oero cheese cake is beast.

yep, nailed it /20char

yes back to mabinogi i guess

Just working out, the lady way.

Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?