Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide PvP/PvE] Worshiper of Darkness-In depth sorcerer build by Ryu

Also reserved, but body too similar.

Linker synergyzes better with both Warlock and Sorcerer, also very good for Magic Missile, don’t really see the point of taking 1 rank on Kino for this build. It would only be useful for PvP as it has useful situational skills.

Your missing the fact that swap is applicable to team mate skills and pillar of agony , teleport drops all aggro from you to your summons which levels 230+ is pretty vital to you not getting two shot and you can get into hidden areas for map completion and chests. IMO it brings more to the table then linker ever will, but let me finish writing this all up before you start to criticize however i do believe i specified the reason’s i took kino instead of linker in the psychokino section if you read it. ever since the last linker nerf it became much less useful for warlock good for featherfoot though.

i was just about to upload a video of how i use psychokino’s utility effectively to the linker section of the guide was just waiting for it to upload.

I’m not saying is bad, I’m saying Linker is better.

Swap is useful but VERY situational, you said it yourself that you can simply reposition monsters.

Teleport drops aggro but you already have a tanker under your control, it’s useful but it’s not a fade. The only good thing would be getting a few more maps to 100% and such.

Irrelevant for Warlock? I really don’t see how, let me explain it clearly to you:

  • Dark Theurge is the skill wih the best hitcount in the game, it deals 25 hits at C1, most likely 75 hits at C3. Those are SINGLE TARGET hits, the only thing that can make it better is both Linker and Quickcast Att.

  • Pole of Agony NEEDS a skill to focus mobs in one place, it doesn’t have to last for long becaus PoA has an after-effect with DoTs for quite some time. Pole is AoE so it doesn’t get shared by links but guess who does? It’s DoT’s. Yes, most people until now see Pole of Agony as a poor designed skill for it’s long cooldown but the reality is that it gets too OP with Linker if you manage to link 6 targets and have the simply touch the pole for the DoTs.

About Kino real synergy with Warlock:

  • PP does mediocre damage for huge SP consumption (another %SP consumption is not what you need for a summoner with no SP regen) and don’t even stunlock at C1.

  • Swap is good, but situational and for Pole of Agony, not as good as Hangman’s Knot, each of your 6 linked mobs get 6*dots.

  • Teleport is really, as you said, the only good skill you’d be taking as Kino 1 Sorc. It would help you take aggro off if you don’t really know how to manage it and having some map completion or chests.

  • Telekinesis is mostly a PvP skill where you disable an enemy while you also disable yourself.

I don’t think the idea of mixing Kino and Warlock is bad, I just believe it should be done with Cryo, not Sorcerer.


I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree then, JP has its uses i am going to lie however i still think Kino 1 brings more to the table. yes you can manage aggro but your never going to be able to perfectly keep all the aggro on your summon in most circumstances there’s a bunch of different variables and Teleport as an aggro dropper has saved my ass more times then i count

Swap can work to the same effect as JP as far as pole of agony is concerned because it can pick up 5 mobs with a decently sized radius. except they get hit with the pillars damage and the dot

I might have to concede with you on Dark Theurge though but it gets the job done and if im not mistaken doesn’t JP cancel once the mob dies?.,
Anyway this build is designed for both PvP/PvE and with the way TK works it gives you an immense advantage.

I agree PP, falls off late game as i stated but while leveling 1-150 range it can be really helpful.

One great thing to do with teleport that always makes me laugh, is to drop the aggro onto your summoned familiars and then run around in circles and watch the mobs go crazy.

I really see your point, if you feel like that it’s really up to you, I just believe topic should have discussions so people with less knowledge can make good decisions.

It’s not easy to see what linker brings to the table, the game itself takes it for a hard to play class, Linking mobs is actually the basics of it. Kino is a normal class, good utility skills and all of them very simple at it.

The point is, you can Swap 5 mobs but they won’t take 5x more damage from being Linked while suffering DoTs.

Telekinesis is for PvP only and you can’t use anything else while keeping an enemy useless too, people will simply aim for you when you hold someone on the other team.

The point is: JP really has it uses, and the best 2 uses for it are: Sorcerer and Warlock. I’m not saying kino doesn’t work well with those, but it is a fact that those classes work very nicely with linker.

Well, guess we’ll have to both get to rank 7 class 15 and test our builds out so we can really see which is better, I think both are very good.

Well i agree TK can put you in an incredibly vulnerable position as i stated in the guide, but if you throw them in front of your positioned summon they also can’t do anything while your summon kills them. You can also just straight drag people out of their groups positioning in GvG and throw them into the back of yours helpless while your entire team kills them instantly

Nice guide man. A lot of usefull information to consider. Hoping to see complete son. :slight_smile:

About if be Linker 1 or Kino 1…it dosent matter to the purposes of the guide. Anyone can choose one or the other in a personal preference and this guide continues to be very good and usefull for people who are indecise and dont have time to do experiments. Linker or Kino is not the Core of this build

Keep the good work brainey_boy

Thank you, its slow going trying to keep up on my grinding / work but i add a little bit everyday :slight_smile:

can’t wait for the finished guide.

turns out the guide was abandoned, a little disappointing.

Not abandoned (:, just want to finish maxing all my attributes before i finish it, should have it done before f2p though have a lot of new stuff i have learned to add

at the time i started this guide, i was only fresh into warlock and i have learned a few of my insights may have not been 100% correct or panned out like i thought so for the sake of accuracy i have been grinding my @ss off between work etc, but i have few things written up i need to add

few things that need correcting too, for SWAP has many more uses then i anticipated

Didn’t seem like many people were interested in sorcerer either, so probably why i procrastinated a little but i will finish it hopefully soon

Do you still feel that kino is a worthy alternative to linker after playing awhile longer? I feel like kino would make a more versatile character yet miss out on a metric ton of control in parties.

Yeah, i still prefer it my life would be agony(Hah get it?) without swap honestly, would be a pain to hit with pole of agony otherwise, have been in lots of Open World PvP now, and Swap and Tk is invaluable, same with teleport

JP + HK puts all linked enemies exactly in the point where you auto-cast Pole.

Anyway, your build is cool and very similar to mine, I’m not Warlock yet, not in much of a hurry, still level 208 right now.

Kino really has awesome utility for 1x1 PvP, hope to see this guide finished and to finish my own character so I can really compare.

Nah, the utility is great is group PvP, i will just cast pole then use swap on people standing in safety wall, and instant kill all five with DoT

I’m all about that grave dig, but I have a question that may benefit others. Theorycrafting wise, can you substitute Warlock for Sorc3 or Featherfoot for other reasons? I’m a terrible researcher when it comes to Wizards as it seems to be more of a personal thing once you get Wiz3 to futureproof yourself.

Yeah, if you switch kino for linker you can take feather foot because of all the single target damage featherfoot does, its not wise to play it w/o linker W3/Linker/Sorc 2 / Featherfoot is a good build though, high damage high sustain
wiz 3 isn’t worth energizing with sorc 3 there just isn’t enough skills to make your sorc 3 viable, with w3 would be better off with Pyro 2 / Sorc 3 / Kino if that were the case, you could even flirt with Cryo 3/ Sorc 3 if you wanted too, for positioning tree and snowball all the mobs into your summons auto attacks and skills

Bumping with love. <3

Is this thread still active? Coincidentally going down the same class build, and wanting to ask skills do you add for Psychokino C1?