Tree of Savior Forum

1st JTOS thread

Another token.

You need to claim it within 1 week, however.

So, that big rebalance patch is coming this time.

[Google Translate]

Also, beware that some low-level grind like invocation at Constructors Chapel or necro at Dina is probably bannable now. The former is considered an ill-mannered behaviour towards other players and bannable at sight, while the latter require few “Protection mode” soft bans … probably (I got like 3-4 as of now, but Dina looks empty).

[Google Translate]

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Okay, here are new events:

"Re-birth of Revelators" (daily timed Reset Voucher+Stat Reset Potion+Skill Reset Potion).
[Event Notice]
[Google Translate]

"Gorgeous! Every Day Attendance." You need to attend it 23/30 days to receive all rewards: x4 EXP Tomes, Slver Anvils and this.

[Event Notice]
[Google Translate]

Btw, you can craft normal x8/x4 EXP tomes using timed x4/x1 tomes from this or previous event ___
Only 2/4 recipes are given though. Enough to craft 2 x8 Tomes.
You will also get a can of Red Bull.

"Revelator Support" (15-day Token and free teleports).
[Event Notice]
[Google Translate]

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Is this new JP voice ?

ps. from Taiwan TOS

Sorry, totally missed your post.

Yes, sounds like it. And phrases are the same.


It is newer jp voice than this thread right?

can you pls upload new file so I can make a new jp voice pack :smile:
thank you in advance.

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[Another weekend EXP/drop event.] (5 weekends, 3 days each).

And yes, the bonus is additive

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could someone link me a guide for how to charge nexon cash for webmoney?
or how do you do it? I tried doing it earlier but instead of getting boxes to put in the codes, I got a page that lead me to a support page.

Never tried it tbh.

But seems to be quite easy. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Btw, how did you charge money to Webmoney JP? There are many sites to do so, but I’m just curious.


Here is a new “Fortune cookie” [event].

A guranteed [Roksodon for 450 TP].

[A weeding gacha]. Costumes, reset potions, EXP tomes and silver anvls. No practoniums so far, but I don’t like where this is going.

Also, no leaf penguin. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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特性ポイントボックス == Attribute point box

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So this attribute box will probably be here on the next round of Leticia cube

Actually it should be inside wedding cube…

[Lucky anvils event.]

[Kepa army attack.]
1 kepa piece for entering the event instance and cubes (which may contain pieces or 500 attribute points) for defeating Kepa Raider (ez 1piece + 2cubes per run if you are fast). 2 times per day for token users account wide. 5 pieces → 14 day silver anvil.

[New costumes.]

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Not sure if possible. For active guild play at least.

Same. Though I saw some really desperate parties in shout. Anyone with Barrier scrolls who can follow a party will do, I guess.

When I use my “I cannot speak Japanese” macro they are usually ignore or write smth like: “OK”, “www”.

When I automatched my Squire (insane blessing made him useful) with even more OP fencer to clear 170 dungeon I wrote: “Need bless, brb.” after clearing like 1/3 of that dungeon before going to the town and “Now you can re-bless too” after reentering. And then after 2/3 again. We just waited for each other.

Same in 260 with my Mergen who was the main DD w/o healer this time: “Brb blessing”. They waited for me and we continued to clear the dun when I came back :3.

Just have a macro in Japanese and use simple english words. And don’t use it in shout.

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Shitton of anniversary events. Various rewards, rank reset and penguin included. I’ll update this when I’ll have time.

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hmm… this is actually a better way to implement leaf penguin to players than the facebook event.

Ok, here we have

[One year anniversary! Attendance]

Most notable rewards:

  • 1 Simple costume box
  • 33 TP (Yeah for a penguin slot)
  • Leaf Penguin egg

[Revelator Support! Ver.2]

  • Enchant scrolls
  • Gem abrasives

[Golden Stone Whale]

  • 20 Whales: Title: Whale Hunter
  • 40 Whales : Hair costume 1 “Helmet of Sanshu”

[Illustration Contest Voting]

Chance to get 1 random gem (material) for each daily vote.

Edit: forgot this


Atari show me video of paladin new conversion please ?


  • jTOS updates come after iTOS (srsly, infinite skeletons)
  • I have only 2 cleric builds: Cle3→Sad3→PD2 and Cle2→Pri3→Par2→PD1
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