Tree of Savior Forum

[Zealots] Share your builds here (if you like)

Do you think cleric3, priest3 kabbalist1 zealot 2 full spirit can be good? weapon+11 trans 5

Did you go full Con, or was it Con/SPR?

I even tried a full dex Krivis 3 -Monk 3 - Zealot build but i shreed my mana in one nanosecond D:

As I said on another thread, and as I said to Wind (Lie here ;3) with my spr zealot, I do 38kcrit under only chap buffs with Immolat° and FI, which is pretty decent. And there isn’t any prob with sps :3

MY Zealot is Cleric 1 Priest 3 Chaplain 1 Miko(for gohei buff stripping and hamaya is a decent aoe) Paladin 1(for 2 handed blunt weapons, dunno if i wanna keep it or try monk) and zealot 2. Currently i 2 hit players in friendly duels and i absolutely melt mobs. My average damage (guessing here but based on what i CAN see) The numbers seem to be around 50-60k per hit for holy weak enemies. thats 6 50% holy property being in the damage… Too much math for me right now as im trying to play minesweeper. and my stats are str 40 con 60 int 232 spr 105 dex 130

well Lie full spr is a think but most of your damage would probably come from your weapon (and blind faith) or the beady eyed debuff.

i’d like to build a more physical one but dont know if STR will increase damage that well or not… same for dex. i mean a full spr Blind Faith burst to a single targhet arround 900K+ damage in few seconds.

I used to do alot more one y ago with the inquisitor.

speaking about funny builds, what about full dex zealot with this build?

Krivis for Meltis on fanatic illusion
Priest for Monstrance
Kabalist for Ein Soft and mana attribute

now i have to consider if STR is better than DEX on damage scaling…

I understand, I wanted to find a way to keep my old pala inqui build, but couldn’t…
Yeah your build sounds nice, i like it :3 just to test if it fits to you^^

This is an AA build I’d like to use, but not sure if Death Sentence also improves “Additional Damage” type effects. If it does, then I think this build has better potential than Kabbalist >Zealot, as even though Kabbalist has the potential for more SP the raw additional damage of Death Sentence should edge out in the end. If Rank 10 hits and Zealot 3 seems unappealing, then I could splash in Kabbalist 1 to get the both worlds with this build and improve my survivability:

Haven’t tested it with Blind Faith specifically, but Death Sentence ignores blessing, sacrament, last rites and elemental property damage at least.

aka don’t expect it to work.
And it doesn’t work vs bosses either way.

Wow there goes that idea out the window. Guess I’ll just either go Inq build or just not bother at this point.

well full spr i deal about half damage of ful stre build with zealot skills xD .

Full spr Cleric 2 > Diev 1 > Pala 3 > PD 1/Ora 1 > Zeal 2 ? is this viable. full spr no str and dex at all

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would it be better to go cleric3 paladin3 Kabbalist1 zealot2 or cleric2 1c priest1 paladin3 Kabbalist1 zealot2 for the Monstrance buff?

I went your build except rank 7 is Druid 1 for making use of Diev 1 +20% dmg to plants which Chortasmata will convert mobs to plants.

Damage wise: Very strong on bosses. Blind Faith melts bosses like chocolate on a hot road.
Huge Aoe: Fanatic illusion, nuff said. It’s a freaking lawnmower of death.

Sanctuary can be use to buff Fanatic illusion and Carnivory, its damage scales on your def and equipments. Do note that Pardoner’s Aspersion does not affect it and probably Priest’s as well.

High in defense: Wearing plate armor for Phy def and the lack of Mag def can be covered with Barrier since it scales with your SPR. Adding Pardoner’s defense buffs and the ability to block makes you very hard to be killed

The downside is mobility and skill rotation: Paladin offensive skills are more for support and CC so that leaves Druid’s and Zealot which have long cooldowns. Diev 1 CD reduction does help but that will make you become stationary. You will shine the best when the area is small and mob density is high and aggressive. Sanctuary cost 10 Holy waters per cast and you will drink them like an alcoholic.

That’s about it for the build. You don’t have to worry about damage loss from stats as Fanaticism + Sanctuary will make it up. Blind Faith can be added for the extra burst but watch out for your mp.

Ps: Turn Undead’s conversion attribute is still bad. Max level Turn Undead can easily convert mobs but they hit weaker than Bokor’s zombies even with full spr. Just get Level 2 for the instant kill attribute

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Excuse me, I’d like to put my build here to gather opnion on my picks.

I’m cleric 2 priest 3 chap miko zealot 2 full con.

I decided to go with this build for general support and constant damage from cleric 2 priest 3 chap(I pretty much love this combination). While miko is for general aoe at pve with hamayah and dance to boost immolation and illusion at the future( At the moment I AA while both skills are on since I use centauros carda but I will change it to frost lord once it is released here) while hamayah works as a slowing area which I plan to use for zonning at colony wars once released. Zealot is to deal damage. Immolation and illusion are really good for me at pve and seem to he enough for what I wanted. I wanted a build that I could invest a lot on weapon( trans 7 at vienarazis mace atm ) and I deal an ok damage for sure. Damage enough to gather mobs and kill them all with 4 options to deal damage in aoe( ME, hamayah, immolation and illusion). I’m planning to go pvp and solo HG today to try it there though my block pen is kinda low atk for pvp. With my lans for gear, I can rwach around 350 block pen. It isn’t enough but it is far better than nothing and I still got the options to support my allies. I really love support builds and zealot seems to help a lot at the dmg part while the first 6 ranks have been enough to help my parties.

Diev’s plant attribute only seems to work for non-elemental physical dmg, but chortasmata does somehow lower pdef so druid1 is still ok-ish.

And keep in mind that Sanctuary’s dmg boost scales of your mdef from gear only, so going full cloth makes it hit a lot harder.

I hope IMC reduces the item cost on sanctuary though, 10 holy waters every 30s just isn’t very practical.

@Wurmheart do we have a meta build for zealots 2? Any contenders?
Or still testing?

Korean meta build for Zealot 2 is Krivis 3 Monk 3 Zealot 2, full DEX.

It’s a hard build for us, mere mortals, as it doesn’t have Cleric 2 for better healing or STR for base physical damage. Koreans have so much gear STR doesn’t matter (trans 10 wep and some high trans armors is pretty common there), so getting STR is only a minor damage bonus to them.

I’m playing Cleric 2 Krivis 3 Monk 2 Zealot 2 (full STR) right now, sort of adapted it from their meta build. Really OP build if you ask me, you can get ~80% Fanatic Illusion uptime and it deals damage in a very nice AoE without any AoE atk ratio limitations (pretty damn strong damage too, when combined with Fanaticism). You get around 1200% skill factor damage on every mob around you every 1 second. You also have Immolation, One Inch Punch, Energy Blast, etc, which all deal decent damage with Fanaticism’s +55% damage bonus.

Not having any dex in the build does screw up double punch spam, tho, so if you want that (and compensate lack of STR by having +accuracy and high trans gears), you might want a DEX build instead, or at least 150+ DEX. Build without DEX and double punch spam can make it slow to kill bosses.

Krivis 3 is in the build mostly for extending Zealot buffs duration with Melstis, though Daino attribute that gives +atk speed also helps.


Yes, it’s quite something. This krivis3 monk3 zealot2.

You can keep riding Sled when Fanatic illusion is active.


Your build is something like this?

I feel bad that we and koreans play the same game, but with so many diferences…
Like when i saw enchanter 2, fall in love instantly! Now i have mine at 360 and dint feel that powerfull xD