Tree of Savior Forum

[Zealots] Share your builds here (if you like)

:hi: i need help building please!
is this a good SPR build for low gear char?

Is zaibas better than daino?
Idk how bokor C2/C3 skills actually work so how i can improve the build to run better with Zealot physical dmg?

Here’s mine, it is more zombie damage focused than Effigy focused, with a maxed Zombify than Effigy. When the zombie aoe attack ratio hits iToS we can see better zombie action and dps increase.

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Hey what is better to use on a Diev>miko>zealot Glass Mole or Chapa?

Love that name LULs…

@Nekorin @scarethemonkeys How is your mana? Thinking of maybe going plague DR instead of kabbalist

After two weeks thinking what to do with my second cleric, I ended up with Zealot on both of my clerics:

Cleric C3>Paladin C3>Kabba C1>Zealot C2 - 100 SPR, rest in STR

Cleric C2>Krivis C3>Miko>Kabba C1>Zealot C2 - Full SPR

I’m really satisfied with both builds. I don’t intend to do ET or PvP, so I focused only on solo farm and HG group play. I always wanted to play Paladin C3, and now this is so much viable, specially when I get critical rate gear and a good weapon.

On the second char, I had the miko quest complete from the last reset event, so I wanted to fit it into the build to not waste all the work. The Krivis/Miko build provides more Fanatic Illusion uptime and you are never out of skills to use.

A note about Kabba C1 choice. Of course the main reason is mana regen with Ein Sof, but the extra max HP also leaves you in a safer spot when using Fanaticism. More individual benefits, but overall for a C1 investment I feel like it provides enough.

So far I finished all trials and unlocked all Zealot costumes on my Pala/Zealot, but on Krivis/Miko/Zealot I have yet to complete difficulties 1 and 3 again to leave both chars with all trial costumes unlocked.

wouldn’t sweeping help your build more for Melstis and Ein Sof?

I eventually settled for:

Cleric 2>Krivis 3>Monk 1>Kabbalist 1>Taoist 2.

Monk 1 for a few reasons:

Double Punch spam for filler.
Use of Two-Handed Blunt weapons.
Armor Break.
Iron Skin is actually useful when buffed with Zealot skills and fighting groups of Melee types.

guys i need help, healing factor + fanaticism works?

very nice build - cleric1-priest3-chap1-pala1-kabalist1-zealot2
2hmace\ fullspr - str

I never have to chug a potion unless I spam Blind Faith.

I’ve had this dingy SN since I was 17… 20 years later lmao

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Like in the video I posted, SP management is really good if not in the ‘spam blind faith the moment it is off cooldown’ mode. The build can deliver quite a punch too if blind faith is added into the rotation, but will have to chug SP potions like no tomorrow lol.

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Might want to leave Breaking Wheel at lv 1.
Higher level does not extend wheel duration or hit limit. I’d recommend investing those points on Maleus Maleficarum instead.

Personally, I leave Smite at lv 1 and max Sanctuary instead since with Demolition and Immolation for your secondary rotation I find Smite is more like a 3rd wheel now. But that depends on your preference and playstyle. I put 1 point in Smite for CC in PvP.

Other than that it looks good to me.
In fact, I went with pala3-kabba-Zealot-Inquis as well on my 2nd cleric. So far really happy with that decision.

what build did u like more ? Inq2 or Inq+Zealot ?

i end with cleric2 krivis3 pala2 zelot2, imo just Melstis is too good to be missed for zelot and just like pala :slight_smile: demolition with Fanaticizm is just great :slight_smile: same Fanaticism Illusion with Divine might and Melstis

I went to vera coast and found the hidden tombstone then read the wall of text, then nothing happens.
I went inner enceinte wall district in case the zealot master was there but nothing either.
I tried searching in google no infos at all?
Does someone know how to become zealot?

From here:


  1. In Vera Coast, beyond Khanka Sentry, find the tombstone surrounded by corals.
  2. Read the information on the tombstone and ask the Inquisitor Master about it.
  3. Then ask the Oracle Master and Paladin Master as well, until…
  4. The Zealot Master appears at the Inner Enceinte District! Talk to her to start the advancement.

Thanks for the reply, I lost lot of time from my 300% xp tome and the zealot masters says there are 8 rng tablets, 7 are fake and they appear randomly 30 minutes a day in 2 maps.
I went to cranto coast, I didn’t find even one of them is not updated about the quest either.

Hah glad I got both my Zealots before the event ended. That sounds like a headache.

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In their current state I like Inquis 1 Zealot 1.
Inquis 2 was ok on paper, however Judgement and 30% damage against demon seems bugged for now.

Zealot2 was probably stronger however I did not really like it’s playstyle. With Pala’s Conviction it just seems natural to follow it up with God Smash.

I’m saving 1 rank reset in case Inquis 3 or Zealot 3 in future release shows promise