Tree of Savior Forum

Your thoughts about the upcoming 'Server Merge'

That’s because this is an international server, spreading users across multiple regions like Europe, America and SEA. If they did a mega server players might have issues with bad ping at times.

In those mega games you see they tend to have localized servers, like if its in TOS context there’s Thai tos, JPTos etc.

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What I expect? More cancerous people parked in town. It’s a battle of the braggart between the top dogs of each server.

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and then promoting guild wars and stuff


Even for Varena collections?

D: I don’t want all my hard work there to go to waste.

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What if I have 2 main teams I love equally and have put an equal amount of pain and time into D:

Fedi EU still ded…

This is IMC we’re talking about. For some reason their technology is stuck 10 years in the past.

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They have the right idea goin’ already but half assed it from the start. They could of released this game with 1 large server per region and had a larger channel system and woulda never had to decrease channels like they did or have to merge like they have to now. All the dungeon issues would of never happened that required multiple fixes either.

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