yes, and if you are not happy with the result, why are you still here?
and what exactly ‘got done’ after ‘whining and trolling’?
The bug report I posted (I believe many other addon developer had this experience too) got fixed, and fixing those bug don’t even require more than 1 minute.
i also do design stuffs and i hear noob comments like breathing air. stupid people are everywhere and school doesnt make them smart. but they hire us u see.
solution? imho it’s us as designers who held responsibility to filter what clients (players) said. if the end result sucks, it’s OUR problem because the decisions lies on us. and to find middleground there is art of negotiation and diplomacy… which imc did not do!
following clients/players blatantly is stupid, but not listening is also stupid
If the staff actually react more to the positive post, the forumers will start to be positive again.
Unfortunately they still don’t.
I admit that IMC’s attitude toward forum is not good enough. Or even they wait for the forum having more positive posts then they will be more active. If there is any GM reading my post, I want they read this (yours) comment and think a little bit. If both sides don’t do anything, there will be nothing better happens.
it’s not a designer’s task to filter client feedback. unless the company has 2 employees that is a CRM task. That said, whoever is filling that role is not doing a good job.
I’m so sure if the game was exactly the same or even a bit worse but it had better client service/communication reps, the rating would be much higher
To be honest forums can be toxic and all, but not all player base is here. In a lot of games the forum active users isn’t even 10% of the player base. Some players only access the forums to read patch notes and news (but here those interesting things are posted in their webpage).
But if we had a human community manager and true moderators (not those staff we see from time from time) to talk to us we could see some light on this forums.
Edit: BTW what happened to the Community Manager they announced some time ago?
I think people should be more confident about this. It’s fairly rare to see language bad enough that you can’t understand it.
For example your post is perfectly readable.
Anyway, ontopic:
Personally I only call someone a ‘‘White Knight’’ if that person tries to ignore/dismiss out of hand, anything that remotely against their perspective of the game. Not because of the argument or opinion itself, but because its ‘‘negative’’.
Many of those people who call others White Knights want the game to be better just as well. Perhaps even more so, since they are able to see its faults in the first place. Whereas ‘‘White Knights’’ are more likely to blind themselves to them.
It does help that person. But it doesnt help those that stay behind, fewer and fewer. Often complaining or offering feedback is the only way to get something improved upon. If developers think their playerbase is feeling ‘‘its all fine’’, why would they improve the game, or its designs?
May I ask, who defines when a post is a ‘‘useless whining’’ post?
That’s very true. But if someone a lot less common and a lot more experienced with the game would write such a post, would it have more success?
If my posts alone would be enough incentive to fix bugs, I would write up some well constructed posts on the bugs I noticed, and do so today.
You can’t contribute water to a full bucket. There is no room at IMC for anything. Childish whining is all we’ve got.
Due to how the forum is, it is possible to assume that IMC’s mailbox is filled with junkmail sent by those childish whiners.
We are well aware that IMC doesn’t read all the tickets we send them so most of the quality feedback get past unnoticed…though this still does make IMC culprit of its lack of professionalism in this regard.
Reading this thread, we can see 99% this community don’t know what is a white knight.
I support we must contribute more than whine.
There is no certain definition but when you see posts saying that: “This game is dying, tree of bot, tree of lag” for many times. Do you feel those posts are useful?
In this case, I mean 4r will have fewer posts that have many bad words and not constructive at all. In my opinion, when a player having too much annoyance and anger with a game, his feedback is almost not useful at all. That’s why I suggest to leave the game.
My definition about white knights is people who try to defend and ignore IMC’s mistakes at any cost (IMC is the best). This is always mistaken with people who love the game, admit the bug (being annoyed by bugs) but also admit IMC’s effort and hope IMC will make this game better in the future. It’s my bad that I can’t transfer all of my idea by using English. English is not my first language
yea its also sad when the people who speak their thoughts about the games
direction receive an attitude like THIS and are considered ‘‘whiners’’
the hypocrisy coming from your mouth is killing me

When the game was first released with DLC packages, I sent an email to them to ask about DLC packages and received a reply on the next day. 1 month later, I wrote an email to complain bots in Dina Bee farm and still don’t get any reply. Maybe their email server had DDOS attack
Do you think what will I get from posting this post? Being famous? Having many fans or getting replied by GM?
Is it true that you met too many hypocrite people and you can’t distinguish them from a normal player?
Well, all I can say about you is your eyes are dark so you see everything is dark (like you?)
Or filled with misleading e-mails sent by RMTs…like what they did to the report bot function when it got released
TBH i dont understand what goes on in the minds of people who make posts like these
every single one turns into a thread full of trolls and crucifying the OP for being
hypocritical and argueing
for all i know you posted this just to make a good bait thread
the title is a big giveaway
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bait for what? For like? for comment? oh please this is not Facebook. I don’t need like or comments or even reputation.