Tree of Savior Forum

You want to become a contributor or still a childish whiner?

Teachers also chimpanzees they learn new things everyday. Learning new things everyday

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What if I tell you when kTOS players received the female bunny costume, they loved it so much and they suggested IMC should make a bunny costume for male character and IMC did that. So it is suggestion or feedback? :slight_smile:

But 1 thing I agree with you: their game is not good and they received a toxic playerbase (overall)

ktos players seeing bunny costume be like

You say like I have a choice on this matter.

I started playing the game the moment it was available on Steam, and never complained about any bugs. I saw bots and goldsellers, and never complained about them because thatā€™s the norm in MMOs. I even defended IMC on all the token discussion; itā€™s like a free game with a optional subscription. If I can pay it, I have extra features. If I canā€™t, the game was still quite playable.

But then came the party quest bug. Now, this bug is annoying to say the least, and I rarely play alone. Now most of my friends stopped playing because of this bug, and Iā€™m not investing the little time I have to play something in a game that just canā€™t muster the effort to solve a bug this huge, neither communicate with the players to tell them when this will be fixed.

I see new updates, new events and features being released, but nothing about this bug. It doesnā€™t even show up on the ā€œKnown Issuesā€ post. Itā€™s a total disregard with all the players waiting for this bug to be fixed, so they can play with their friends.


I donā€™t mean to be rude but: Yes, you do have a choice. It is leaving this game (and find a better one).
Playing game is for making you feel happy and comfortable so why do you keep playing a game that makes you feel annoyed? :sweat:


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Have you ever heard about Windows Insider? :slight_smile: Please read about it if you donā€™t know.

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how selfish. i am pretty ashamed to be part of a community with such views and conducts.
when you spread negativity you get nothing but negativity in return. nothing good can come out of this.

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Soā€¦ if TOS is shitty like Windows so I also believe that Steam has alot of other games that you can go. :slight_smile:

About the following sentences, I couldnā€™t get what you mean :sweat: my bad. Anyway, I respect your own idea.

I think OPā€™s point was not against reporting bugs, giving constructing feedback and asking why certain bugs were not fixed.
I am also annoyed by that bug, and Iā€™m sure I have a few posts asking about it. But what I didnā€™t do is post daily threads about how this game is dying, how IMC sucks etc. If I would be so displeased with the game I would leave, not waste my time in trashing the game/IMC. But for some reason it seems that most bitter people are only pleased if they try and make others bitter too. If you dare to have another opinion they will trash you as well because freedom of speech and diversity are not concepts they can relate to.
This type of behavior is very toxic both for the game and for the community and of course nothing constructive can come out of it.

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Unfortunately when IMC itself acts like that there is nothing we can do.


Cue thread music


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G-guys, when Iā€™m whining, Iā€™m CONTRIBUTING!!!

I-Iā€™m not whining, okay?

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Common folks donā€™t know how to make a constructive feedback when reporting glitches/exploits, simple as that.


I doubt IMC is selfish or has bad intentions. In retrospect the biggest mistakes they did was listen to the community.
Community begged to release the game when it wasnā€™t ready --> we got buggy game --> community displeased
Community begged to have free to play access date earlier --> we got lag, bugs, even more bots etc --> community displeased
Community begged to have regional servers (me included) --> we got NA, SEA, SA, EU --> community complaining about dead servers and ask for merge

Also Iā€™m pretty sure they do want to fix bugs, get rid of bots etc, but they probably lack the skills/money/resources to do so in a timely matter. Of course thatā€™s not an excuse for them itā€™s just how things are. So if itā€™s not ok for you to have to wait weeks a bug fix this is most likely not a game you should be playing.
If itā€™s not ok for you to receive bot replies from CM this is most likely not a game you should be playing.
If you want class balance then this is most likely not a game you should be playing.
If you want to play a bot-free game then this is most likely not a game you should be playing.

Frustration comes from false expectations.


I donā€™t care about IMCā€™s thought process or conditions. What matters is the result.

We once post suggestion and bug report carefully, but apparently whining and trolling get things done.