Tree of Savior Forum

Banned for false accusation

I found I was banned for being a Bot after the 24hr maintenance period, which is completely false. I play in a static party/group 90% of the time and mostly spend my time doing dungeons and missions. I have been playing since day 1 launch in march and have purchased all 3 founder packs. Please review my logs/case as It would be sad to lose all my progress and not be able to keep up with my friends anymore.

Well that sucks. You should send a ticket, if u haven’t done that already.
Not sure if the forum is the right place for your kind of problem, since only the staff can help you :confused:

Hope your problem gets resolved soon, good luck!

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OID: 7656 119 8255 060 491
Team name: Flinders
Server: Telsiai (SEA)
Reason: Bot

I killed a guys mob once and he said “I’m reporting you as a bot for KSing me” lolol good system

Haven’t played an MMO where innocent players haven’t got caught in the crossfire of the anti-bot warefare.
Haven’t played one either, where cheaters and botusers haven’t walked on the forums claiming they had been wrongfully banned and want their account back.

Look at it this way: did you get banned from that guys one report?
I assume you didn’t, otherwise your post would have been a bit different. So that ‘good system’ you’re mocking here actually works.

If there was a 100% certain solution, no mmo would have bots in it.