Tree of Savior Forum

Would you prefer a cash shop or a subscription, personally?

Should we remember them that selling token on MP is a legal method of paying real money for silver?

That silver seller has to be REALLY cheap to top that, considering the risks.

So? IMC gets the money.

Isnā€™t that a good thing?

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Subscription, please! Or a hybrid system. Let me pay 10 USD or something a month to enjoy the game as I played it in closed beta.

I wouldnā€™t ever consider playing with market and trade locked behind microtransactions to any extent. If TOS international launches with that, I turn away and never look back.

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Sure, if short term monetary gain is the goal of IMC games. Because that is about all they could expect if they allow whales, gold buyers/sellers and botters to populate their servers unchecked. An inflated economy created by people who think only of themselves and their short term gain becomes hostile to new players who canā€™t/donā€™t have the same money to spend and thus new people stop coming in, the company starts pumping out more ā€œsalesā€ and ā€œweekend dealsā€ to get those remaining to spend more money and then people cry about ā€œpay 2 winā€, forgetting their own ignorance and selfishness brought it upon them all.

Again, I use Vindictus as a perfect example of this. Seems like every weekend Nexon is trying to sell something, people have taken to selling NX as a ā€œlegalā€ alternative to buying gold and MANY made sizeable profits off selling cash shop dye for 20m+ a piece, then turned around and bought rare drops for up to 600m the DAY of a new content patch.

It is suicide to cater to the 1% of players bad with money instead of the 99% most likely playing your game because itā€™s fun AND free.


Exactly what i did with archeage.

I never said to buy silve rin cash shop xDā€¦

Token trade= to silver.

Thatā€™s whats ok.
But buying silver directly would be bad.

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Buy 2 play, with cash shop only for cosmetics, skins and these kind of things.

Agree with this without the Buy 2 Play.


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I have hard time trusting a B2P game with cashshop (BDO didnā€™t help). I donā€™t really like subscription model, simply because I have the feeling I ā€œlost somethingā€ if Iā€™m not playing for a week or so, even if objectively, itā€™s not true.
I agree this model is one of the best to assure that everything is fair IG as the company have a steady income. But as ToS is international, I am not sure it would be wise for IMC to do that, too much difference between countries.

Iā€™m a bit unconfortable with cashshop lifting restrictions, itā€™s a bit more than convenience. Paying for some costume/hairstyle/hat/pet or convenience like xp boost because I want to catch up my guildmates, thatā€™s fine and probably a trap for my wallet. But paying to be able to put a bit more stuff to the AH, mehā€¦ You donā€™t really pay to support the game nor to treat yourself.

F2P withā€¦

  1. The option of a cash shop subscription, in which you go get discounts/coupons for staying a subscriber, and get first access to new cash shop items (1 maintenance). Not a p2p subscription but a specific subscription to the cash shop.
  2. Also discounts should be given to those who refer a friend who has a different IP address.
  3. Any advertising done on fan sites should also award discounts based on site activity
  4. Lastly, if someone or a guild acheives lots of benchmarks, such as finishing 50% of the story quests or beating 10 field bosses or etc., then they also earn discounts, which may be traded with other characters in game.

The idea is to use the cash shop to reward the players for growing the community, both on the game and outside of it.


Would I prefer a cash shop or a subscription, personally?

wellā€¦ for either or both Iā€™d have to say: yes and no.

let me explain

cash shop can be good, IF its serving the continuity of the game devs/publishers or providers
AS WELL as the QUALITY of the game.
and we all know that THIS, is RARE.

now as of subscription:
first of allā€¦
lets see, Iā€™ll probably play no more than 3 to 4 hours a day
some days 2 hours, some days maybe 5 hours on rare occasions more.
ā€¦i,l say 19 hours each week. 76 hours each month.

standard subscription base would most likely be:
this for 1 month(=730 hours)

well then this would mean that i would waste 654 hours of play time, that i pay forā€¦

see, when we buy a subscription for a month we donā€™t actually play 24 hours a day now do we?
of course we must also sleep 6-9 hours (o, curse thy brain, sleep is for the weak!)
lets say you sleep 8 hours a day thatā€™s 248 hours a month (31x8)

so, we are paying for hours we donā€™t use.
how much is this worth?

A ā‚¬ 5.0958904096 > ā‚¬5,1 each month
B ā‚¬ 3.39726027224 > ā‚¬3,4 each month
c ā‚¬ 1.69863013488 > ā‚¬1,7 each month

Right now you might think: so what? thatā€™s not a big deal.
yes but of course this amount is not such a big deal


you do more in life than just gaming and sleeping do you not?

now how much would you play each day?
3-5 hours a day, sometimes 5-10 hours, maybe even 10-15 or more on a good day.
but not every day, all day.

lets say:
84 hours 3 hours a day) casual gamer (646 hours not played is worth (A:ā‚¬13,3)(B:ā‚¬8,5)(C:ā‚¬4,5)
140 hours 5 hours a day) serious gamer (590 hours not played is worth (A:ā‚¬12,2)(B:ā‚¬8,1)(C:ā‚¬4,-)
280 hours 10 hours a day) hardcore gamer (450 hours not played is worth (A:ā‚¬9,3) (B:ā‚¬6,2)(C:ā‚¬3,1)
420 hours 15 hours a day) full time gamer (210 hours not played is worth (A:ā‚¬4,3) (B:ā‚¬2,9)(C:ā‚¬1,4)

Aā‚¬15/730 =[=0.0205479452] (ā‚¬ per hour)
Bā‚¬10/730 =[=0.01369863013](ā‚¬ per hour)
Cā‚¬5/730 =[=0.00684931506](ā‚¬ per hour)

24xA =0.4931506848 =ā‚¬ 0,50 per 24 hours
24xB =0.32876712312=ā‚¬ 0,33 per 24 hours
24xC =0.16438356144=ā‚¬ 0,20 per 24 hours

84XA =1.7260273968 =ā‚¬ 1,80 > ā‚¬2,00 per 84 hours
84XB =1.15068493092=ā‚¬ 1,20 > ā‚¬1,50 per 84 hours
84XC =0.57534246504=ā‚¬ 0,60 > ā‚¬1,00 per 84 hours

140XA =2.876712328 =ā‚¬ 2,90 > ā‚¬3,00 per 140 hours
140XB =1.9178082182=ā‚¬ 2,00 per 140 hours
140XC =0.9589041084=ā‚¬ 1,00 per 140 hours

280XA =5.753424656 =ā‚¬ 5,80 > ā‚¬6,00 per 280 hours
280XB =3.8356164364=ā‚¬ 3,90 > ā‚¬4,00 per 280 hours
280XC =1.9178082168=ā‚¬ 2,00 per 280 hours

420XA =8.630136984 =ā‚¬ 8,70 > ā‚¬9,00 per 420 hours
420XB =5.7534246546=ā‚¬ 5,80 > ā‚¬6,00 per 420 hours
420XC =2.8767123252=ā‚¬ 2,90 > ā‚¬3,00 per 420 hours
[/spoiler] (edit: **** its not working, Iā€™m doing it wrong?


why not let use buy game time credit based on what their idea of subscription price would be?
of course the answer is: they wouldnā€™t make as much money.
even though they can round up the numbers, and these pricing would be ā€œmicro transactionsā€.
what i mean by that is that most people might not see the profit that is being or could be made because of those ā€œsmaller numbersā€

and with PROFIT THEY COULD MAKE i mean if they would combine this with a second or third source of income.

the point im trying to make here is that if they would combine this in game time credit with a less aggressive game breaking cash shop
with small transactional premium subscription based content (im talking less than 5 euros a month) they might build a good sustaining profitable system.

indeed this would not make the game free 2 play i know, i know. but THIS CAN BE SOLVED patience now, keep readingā€¦
example (EXAMPLE!) lets call this ā€œgame time creditā€ GTC or ā€œgame time coinsā€ TC and lets make this a 3rd currency
(1st gold 2nd cashshop(nx in korea) 3rd TC)
TC could then be bought for huge amounts of gold/nx or by rewards, completing (daily or weekly missions or whatever)
small amounts, not months, not weeks, not days. just 1 or a few hours.

also my thoughts on "premium subscription
forā€¦ i donā€™t know whatever they want to implement next i think we can all come up with ideas how some premium content
wont hurt the rest of the game, coloseum GvsG/mob/boss survival arcade games with different modes for guilds
capture the flag and what not, with a top 20 each week/month/day giving special rewards. ā€¦i donā€™t knowā€¦ maybe TCā€™s?)

so yeah,ā€¦ yes and no.
i think that if they really tried they could come up with something that will serve both the players and dev/publishers
without breaking the game in the long run.

either way Iā€™ll be playing this game no matter what, and so are you.
other wise you wouldnā€™t be reading all this now would youā€¦

(o god did i really type all of thisā€¦lmao)

So what people donā€™t like about the current pay-to-play subscription model is that itā€™s akin to paying for cable or satellite TV. You pay a certain amount every month, but itā€™s not like youā€™re watching TV 24/7 to make the most of it. Youā€™re paying for access to entertainment, which is basically what an MMORPG is: paying for access to their servers that the publishers are paying electricity bills and server hosting to even keep up.

What people would prefer with a pay-to-play subscription is how electricity bills work: you only get charged for the amount you use. So you want to only pay for the time you access the gameā€™s servers, which may or may not cover the publisherā€™s costs of paying for electricity, GMs, and server hosting to keep the servers up.

With the first pay-to-play model, publishers can be assured that theyā€™ll have stability to keep the servers going and to pay GMs to provide support. With the second pay-to-play model, they can never be sure that theyā€™ll have money every month to keep the servers going and pay GMs. Using the second pay-to-play model or free-to-play model means that the publishers have to cover the costs elsewhere, which is the reason for cash shops existing. Yes, people will pay more money with the straight up free-to-play model, but if fewer people are cashing in on the serverā€™s longevity, it still means possible death of the game.

With the monthly P2P model, everyone on both sides benefit: publishers get the money they need to keep going and players get everything without paying extra. But with every other model, it only benefits the customers while creating problems for the publisher. Yes, the pay-as-you-go model and F2P model can be balanced in a way that works for both sides, but it requires a lot of thinking on the publisherā€™s side to make it work. And as we all know, publishers want to get the most money with the least amount of work. A lot of conflicting interests that doesnā€™t always end well. As customers, we can only provide feedback and hope the publisher will find a good balance.


Monthly pay-to-play subscriptions = stability
Pay-as-you-go subscriptions = instability
Free-to-play = instability

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Yeah, I think cash shop and over the top cosmetics is killing the game and ā€œlegacyā€ players! Iā€™d rather have everyone wear simple looking outfits, but have a history and badge of experience rather than wealth for wearing what they are wearing. However, I think cash shops can be good so long as the design and attribute of the cash shop items are not as good as the stuff youā€™ll get from drops/ loots.

Why would you want over the top cosmetics to not be in the game? I understand them not having stats. But if its just glamor in the cash shop, and premium service there I think thatā€™d be great. I agree on drops being more special but donā€™t take away something like cosmetics, whereas that would be their bread n butter if it wasnā€™t pay2win.

I think everyone here should already be aware by now that we are getting the same payment system as kTOS, in which it is TP and Tokens. IMC has officially announced it on their website. So I donā€™t think this discussion will go anywhere. I donā€™t think one thread will convince them enough to use up the resources to convert their business model.

However, relating to the topic, I personally prefer subscription service. But, after playing kTOS and both iCBTs, I donā€™t think ToS is eligible for subscription service. There is just not enough content to justify it.

You really arenā€™t paying much for subscription thoughā€¦

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Especially considering how small a portion of the player base would even use the official forum. Still, itā€™s a good idea to keep some ideas floating, a guy can dream eh?

f2p is always better than p2p. p2p is for rich kids and f2p is for everyone :).

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how u know that? u have any link?