Tree of Savior Forum

Would you prefer a cash shop or a subscription, personally?

With all the negativity flying around regarding some of the more extreme cash shop possibilities, I’d like to know what people around here would prefer, keeping in mind there’s no “right” option here, guys. Do you want a cash shop? Why? If not, why not?

I would like to see a subscription at this point, if it would mean no cash shop. A few years back, before cash shops, mmo’s felt more interesting for a few reasons. If you saw someone with some neat gear, or some advantage, it was because they’d earned it in some way (either just by being lucky, putting the time in, or overcoming some obstacle). Even if they’d just power-level’d, or were given gear by others, the sociality of it was something as well.

In the age of cash shops the ever-important visual game is almost immediately lost, often over-the-top items with attention-grabbing effects are the first to hit. Even more, you can never be sure how much of someone’s success was their own commitment or their wallet’s. Instead of interacting with people wearing their trophies the game comes down to a fashion show, or a table of efficiency for cash. There’s not a lot of room to wonder about how any particular character came to be when money is on the table.

As if all of that weren’t enough, basic things such as trading have now become a monetization scheme due to the existence of cash shops. That, to me, is a pretty grave sin.

I’m sure there’s an argument in favor of cash shops, but I gotta admit I’ve been against them since their inception,for all the above reasons, so I’m biased. I’m interested in hearing others’ opinions.

Thanks for reading all that, here’s a picture of a cat.

(tl;dr: cash shop no pls)


Better for them to do a F2P w/ Cash Shop, because if they go subscription, they’ll just switch to the F2P model later on. This game is nice, but it’s not long-term subscription worthy. Also, they’re really making an attempt to ward off Botters & Gold Buying in the Korean version, so they seem prepared to follow-through with doing the same here.

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F2P with Cash Shop, with optional premium subscription that has convenient bonuses but not mandatory to succeed


Honestly, I’d rather pay $10-15 a month than have a cash shop.
I don’t have much else to say on the topic other then what you’ve pointed out, but I thought I’d just post my support on the topic. :smiley:

The most ideal business model (in my opinion) would be to have a subscription (no need to buy the disc and what not) no cash shop and some sort of free trial, so you know what you’re buying.

However I’d like to points out that the best cash shop I’ve seen was in Path of Exile where the only things you could buy were cosmetic and extra storage tabs.

Nowadays it seems there is nothing but MMO’s with awful cash shops, which really sucks…


I like F2P, that way i can see if the game is actually good or not, instead of getting a free trial.

Call me suspicious, but I don’t believe in demos or free trials, those two might as well be carefully designed to hype the users to pay the first few dollars, but then the game could be boring as hell later on.

I prefer to play for as long as i want, until I’m like “Sheesh, i actually had some fun. I might as well put a few coins in here.”

If it’s free to play with only vanity shop, then my body is ready. But i know we don’t live in wonderland, so I’ll be satisfied as long as they don’t sell power. I’m ok with “pay to not grind that much.”

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F2P with a Cash Shop that only has cosmetics, +Character Slots, +Storage Expansion, +30% Exp Gain scrolls, +10% Drop Rate scrolls, and Stat Resets. None of those are game breaking but they are all things people who like the game are going to buy. The +10% Drop Rate is border-line P2W - but you need SOMETHING for whales to continuously throw their infinite money at.

However, if the choice is between subscription or the horrible, horrible, KToS cash shop - subscription all the way.


Ah! this remind of the question I always asked people…

“where do you want me to shoot you” :imp:

:yum: I prefer cash shop since the amount of money am willing to put on a subscription is 0

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Yeah, PoE had a good lock on what a cash shop should be. I’d rather have just bought the game outright, but for a shop it’s pretty harmless.

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I prefer cash shop because it’s more flexible.
If I find something worth to spend my money on, I will buy them.
If I don’t, then I will wait until there is something interesting.

But I agree with this point

Only Nexon can pull that off so far. I wish IMC won’t follow that bad example.


Cash Shop.
As much as I loathe being limited to spending cash on better cosmetics, I don’t imagine I would be playing this if I’d prefer subscription models.

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I don’t mind cash shop for cosmetics. But no gachapon items for it. An outfit, a hair dye or a pet, should cost a flat price and I should get exactly what I paid for. I do not accept having to pay an indefinite amount of cash gambling for something that is immediately worth 20m+ in the marketplace because you have a 1/500 chance of getting it. Stuff like that allows whales to control the economy because $500+ on digital merchandise is nothing to them.

A subscription model just wouldn’t work when all the competition(barring WoW)is F2P and the average MMORPG player is cheap as hell, wishy washy and has probably the most extreme case of gamers ADD I’ve ever seen. You can’t expect a business to market a sub model to them.

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I actually really dislike freemium systems, so I’d prefer to pay subscription. An hour or so of working at minimum wage for a month isn’t bad at all imo (well, given you live in the US). An even better model for me is the buy to play one, where you pay like fifty or so once and just get to play the game for as long as it lives, and maybe buy huge expansions.

Though like Sixaxis said, I don’t think ToS can pull it off. It’s usually massive superfunded games that push out updates with lot of advertising who can.

The majority of the games I play are totally just f2p cash shop though. If it’s only cosmetics, I really don’t mind a cash shop at all.

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While I generally think P2P is the most fair business model for players (assuming they put no blatant P2W items in the cash shop), I think this game isn’t going to work outside F2P. It just doesn’t have as much value or the budget to survive as a P2P, and I imagine most people in europe or brazil aren’t going to pay a monthly sub for it.

I just hope they don’t put obnoxious items in the cash shop (wishful thinking, this is imc afteral)

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F2P with cash shop is their safest bet in the western market imo, the most played and popular online games are all using or going towards the model

i think for the sub model to work out the product has to be truly excellent

i dont mind the pseudo sub-cash shop token thing they have going here though, if they did one tweak i would be content on spending
ill quote myself on what i wish the token system was like:

Personally I would like a B2P model of this game but F2P with cash shop could be good or bad just honestly depends on how this company will market with it. It could be something like BnS with just cosmetics etc. EXCEPT the character slot locks… I seriously hate that you get limited and have to waste cash to buy what? One slot?.. So not worth it but overall I hope they don’t grind to P2W cash shop but we will see.


Personally, I will accept the subscription program simply because it improves the game more.

Let’s say the game wasn’t screwed up or has it’s head up it’s ass with the cash shop. There would be a few people spending their money on the cash shop for good looking cosmetics. By having a subscription system, all of the content will be unlocked for us allowing us to get these cosmetics through hard work rather than from your money.


F2P with Cash Shop,
i was a fan of Sub MMO, but those days are over, because MMO nowadays doesn’t have the longevity, and i am not interested in putting my money on a monthy basis for a game that i am unsure if i will play for even a year or more.

If it turns out good and i am going to play it for ~5 years??, Then i would prefer to use Cash Shop with the premium sub.

F2P with a Cash Shop done right. I have no problem paying for a sub. I can easily afford it but I would prefer F2P for a variety of reasons. I’m a fundamental believer in the F2P model and it is, again, done right, ultimately better for everyone.

I highly suggest checking out Extra Credits videos on Microtransactions and F2P.

TBH best would be b2p. Problem with p2p is that sometimes you may play like 2-3 days in month (no time, accidents) and you waste rest.