Tree of Savior Forum

Would you prefer a cash shop or a subscription, personally?

That would make everything went GG all over again mate. :joy:

I think a lot of people are in agreement though that while p2p has itā€™s advantages itā€™s f2p that has been determinedā€¦ itā€™s up to us to raise our voices and opinions on how that could function best and there is no better way than offering ideas that you know youā€™d open your wallet for. I wonder what else people will think of that they would willingly open theirs for?


the only poor decision of this game is there is actually no player trade if you dont sub premium.

ok, i get it, they are doing it to prevent cheaters and Real money transaction for in game items, and that sounds fair, but at the same time, it is a disadvantage for players who are honest,

i am not sure if we can actually open a shop to sell our stuff ( other than being a pardoner ) like in Ragnarok Onlineā€™s Blacksmith.

Once again they arenā€™t preventing anything Bots and sellers are both present on KTOS is force.

Letā€™s actually hope that the iTOS team will handle this issue better than the kTOS team in preventing Bots ( though i doubt it as well )


But only if every headgear, hairstyle and stuff is farmable.

Because i will spent less that wayā€¦ way less xD.

But Cash Shop is prefered, so more people will play and imc will earn more.
Just not the same tradeing shenagins and co like on ktosā€¦ and its fine.

ā€¦ not working.

Botters donā€™t care if they can bot. They will just circle around and bot again.
And gold sellers, will always find a way to give theyā€™re stuff to othersā€¦ for money.

The only way to curb gold sellers is to give people a better alternative.
Which is tokens ā€¦ or should be. But as long as big gold seller companies can make 100 bots harvest non stop. They can over 1mio silver cheaper ā€¦ then a token.

And the buyersā€¦ with no moral ā€¦ will pay.

Meanwhile MOBAs are making piles of money selling cosmetics only. This is an expensive method tho, because you need a good full-time team working on new products. And itā€™s not resolving gold trader problems.

100% for f2p.

Two factors
-there will be more players!!!
-iā€™m poor so I canā€™t pay 10 euros/month for game :/ā€¦ I already have problems with foodā€¦

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Being a broke college student, I have to say that F2P with Cash Shoppe is a wonderful option. :hearts:


  1. I have NO money to pay for a monthly subscription :cry:
  2. Sometimes forced to casually game due to school assignments and other real life responsibilities :sob:
  3. Cash shoppe is convenient when I do have a little bit of extra cash :smile:

But this is just my opinion. :dizzy:


Itā€™s as if youā€™ve never actually played the korean version :ok_hand::joy: :ok_hand::joy:

There are hardly any bots compared to when ktos first released, thanks to disabling the trading system and reducing how many items you can put on the market. Just buy the token and support imc and their game.

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Ehā€¦!!! You canā€™t trade?! What?! IS this new Diablo 3 :D?

You canā€™t really blame them. Anyone who has played MMOs for a couple of years has encountered that player or players who are known for making their game currency almost entirely on selling cash shop items. These same people go on to buy rare gear/crafting items at exorbitant prices and next thing you know, everyone, whale or not, is trying to bleed every last penny they can out of one another. It happened and continues to happen in Vindictus, it happens on a lot of RO private servers no matter how easy it is to make money and I hope to god it doesnā€™t happen in Tree of Savior. The line between those who pay money and those who farm for gold should be very clearly defined and not allowed to be crossed in any capacity. Iā€™m sorry some people donā€™t ā€œhave the timeā€ to farm but that doesnā€™t mean they should be allowed to ruin the economy.

and I donā€™t think IMC should trust the community to govern itself in this situation because most MMO players tend to be cut from the same cloth.


Maybe they could make cash shoppe items account bound and untradeable???

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Cash shop.

P2P Is a dying breed these days. Most P2P games end up dropping the model to B2P/F2P anyway.

I know Iā€™ll end up spending more money on a Cash shop than I will with a subscription, but Iā€™d honestly prefer that. People can say all the want about F2Ps bringing in awful people, but every experience Iā€™ve had with P2P games (trust me, it isnā€™t little) always is filled with players that look down on every aspect of F2P. I donā€™t want to play in a game filled with people like that. (lookinā€™ at you FFXIV)

trove is free to play with p2w premiun and thats the reason i dont play that game anymore

idk if you are being sarcastic or real, but if you have a problem with food already, i dont think you should pay for Internet anymore, for your own survival. klol

imc just sold 100 coins there

And theyā€™ll sell another coin for each silver buyerā€¦

Where the silver buyer got silver for his coin?Isnā€™t kinda pointless to farm silver so he can buy silver for real money?Every time he buys silver for real money thereā€™s a cut from that silver so he can buy another token in the future.

Why would i buy silver if thereā€™s almost no drop that justify that silver price?

The only way to fight gold selling and bots is making their service less enticing

You guys like to ignore many consequences of this system that actually make things annoying for the cheaters.

Itā€™s pretty dumb to buy silver in this game tbqph fam :ok_hand:


If they use a cash shop system and allow people to trade everything, then it would provide a means for gold-buyers to support the game and do what they were already going to do legally. And by everything, I am also referring to consumables. The game will not be p2w because someone will always sell the more OP items in cash shop because they will sell for more. Sure some players will have more money inevitably, but you can always cast debuffs and overwhelm with numbers!