Tree of Savior Forum

Would you prefer a cash shop or a subscription, personally?

Free to play with cash shop. I dislike subscripstion because there are times when I dont get to play for days, meaning I’ll feel like I’ve wasted money for nothing.

What i would like, is a subscription program. As everything would be earned ingame in doing so, assuming no cash shop is involved.
But i already know they won’t do it, as a F2P game with cash shop brings more revenue.
And given past experiences, i sure hope we won’t get a B2P game with cash shop included. I’ve already had enough of that with GW2:HoT.

How many mmo’s have gone F2P from P2P in the few years? ESO, Wildstar, Rift, SWTOR, DnD online, Age of Conan, GW2, DCUO. Its simply not sustainable. WoW and FFXIV are the exception, not the rule. Does anyone here really think ToS can really compare with either of those brands?

B2P is the worst argument though. Like, do people wanting that have any idea how many new members would need to be pulled monthly to have a cash shop thats even a little different from a F2P version?

the cash shop stuff should be account bound, cus if u can buy an item, sell it and buy a 7star +15 weapon, its real close to p2w
before even know how a game is, i usually check the cash shop and i dont even read the game guide if its p2w

I meant it as a personal convenience thing, not as an actual suggestion for the game.

The reason why I prefer B2P with cash shop versus F2P with cash shop in a general, neutral ground is simply consistent game quality from a guranteed profit from every player. I just don’t mind paying for something that I like and spend a lot of time on so that it maintains its original attention from its developers. Plus, even if the cash shop remains very similar, at least it’ll pull out the premium player system. Whether or not this works depends on the game.

I don’t think in the first place that ToS as a game can pull off a required payment for its current size and advertising. Nobody in this thread actually expects IMC to change their game plan over a single opinionated post.

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Good games are shifting to B2P these days. However, I don’t see this game being good enough to attract people. Subscriptions are dead, their are too many competition, and new games need to establish their position requires to allow users to try it for free, which needed up being F2P.

For this game, the only way they can start is F2P. There is only a very small market for this game, that market (particularly those who played private RO) are F2P. They have no choice.

What makes you think being buy to play means not having a premium system? Black desert online is B2P with premium, the secret world is B2P with premium, trove is B2P with premium. Honestly I can keep looking up b2p games to continue this point. But suffice to say I’m willing to bet there are more B2P games with a premium player system than not. Although I’m up for being proven otherwise.

And I know no one in this thread expects IMC to change their plan. It’s just a case of I see a misinformation so I correct it. There is virtually no difference between F2P and B2P beyond the initial buy in.

Agree to this cause reasons.

F2P with Cash Shop, but with trade allowed.

XDD so many are getting worried over this.

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It’s a so basic feature, I just can’t imagine a mmorpg surviving without it. I want to be able to lend silver to my friend to help him buy that weapon he is dreaming about, if I’m a wizard and I got a sword from dungeon drop, I want to be able to give it to my Swordie friend, once I finish leveling up my first character (for now I plan to play this game for a long time and make many characters), I want to be able to give silver to my second character to make my life easier leveling (be always using good weapons bought from the auction house). Just simple things all mmorpg have…


No argument to that, you’re not alone, specially the trading silver to your new character. :joy:

I just hope that the staff does see all these complain about this “Token” and do not let what happen in KR happen to the Int server.

I might rage quit within the first few month.

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It’s hard to compare f2p models to p2p. Having a subscription immediately impacts the population willing to play a game. On top of that, the recurring costs force users to constantly examine if they feel they’ve truly enjoyed the expense, which leads to users eventually dropping off the map completely when they’ve determined that, no, this time it is not worth their investment.

In a p2p environment you understand everyone around you has paid something, and f2p there are a much larger number of players enjoying the game but less overall payers. If a cash-shop is designed well then you will want to spend and invest in your experience. If it is designed poorly you will either have no interest in supporting the title or you will feel cheated by the system and discouraged from the game entirely.

What is most bizarre, to me, is that a player is championed for spending $15 a month in a p2p model but pointed out as a “spender” in a f2p model, even if they spent the same as a p2p player would have.

But, more than anything, a f2p player is able to spend when they choose and be able to play when they choose. If the developer makes content worth supporting then the player will be inclined to support it. But returning players in a p2p model have to pay just to come back and take a peek where as a f2p returning player is free to make the choice himself as to whether the state of the game is worth his time or money simply by logging in and checking things out.

If you play a p2p @$15/month for 1 year you will have spent $180, and if you choose to stop paying then you lose access to that investment. Essentially that money vanishes and you are forced to pay yet again if you want access to what you’ve bought. This pressure adds up more and more so that by the time you’ve played 2 years @$360, or 3 years @$540 then if you stop paying you’ve lost access to all you’ve spent. Versus a f2p when you can come back 3 years later and still have access to every penny you’ve invested into the game at no cost for resuming play.

Back in the old WoW days if I didn’t pay I risked losing everything. If I didn’t pay every month then every single month before that would have been wasted completely, building a sort of momentum that pressures you to pay or not have access to what you’ve achieved. In a f2p environment I can go back and check out any of my characters I have in other games and decide for myself if it’s something I want to revisit or support, and I don’t feel pressured into being forced to pay just to make sure I don’t lose access to the time I’ve spent.

In short, I do not support p2p models. The token system they have is not a lot unlike the premium memberships a lot of games have and, while I don’t agree with it completely as-is, I feel it has room to grow into a payment model that we could all agree on.

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Im good with any model as long as i like the game, but its way to late to complain about this anyway. They already said the game will be a F2P model of some kind, so ours may vary from KTOS but it will be F2P with a cash shop.

This i have no problem with a token system i just think the token system should be benefits instead of removing restrictions that shouldn’t exist in the first place.


FINALLY, SOME LOGIC. I also doesn’t really dislike this “Token” thingy but restricting 1:1 trading and auction limit?

Fffffffffffffffff :rage:

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But simply said, I rather have that iCoin? or something, that they have during iCBT2. Its better in a lot of ways, I’m sure a lot agree with this.

I completely agree with that. Every other premium based membership I’ve supported has been additional benefits or conveniences, not based around removing obstacles they’ve intentionally created.

Grenado Espada had a nice perk with their teleport system allowing users to conveniently teleport to and from recalled positions. I’d love to see ToS offer a premium membership follows that line of thinking; make premium convenient without making it offer any imba or p2w aspects. Teleporting to up to, say, 10 saved locations isn’t p2w, but probably worth buying so you don’t have to run to that spot on the map every single time (since if I recall you could only recall to one single location in icbt2). Hell, just allow premium users access to an account-shared warehouse and it’s gg sold.

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truth have been spoken. :joy:

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That wouldn’t work in this game. Due to how guild towers are placed in fields it would create a significant advantage. These token things are usually like xp boosts or no charges when opening storage or using ah. Things like that i would be fine with.

Oddly I didn’t even consider that lol I guess you’re right on that one, insta recalling to your hot spots or finding theirs, saving a spot, and mass recalling as a guild to that location all at once would be kind of brutal.

I’m sure there are other convenience-type benefits that could be considered though to make it worthwhile to purchase in addition to an account-wide warehouse lol