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Easy way?

Worship me!

Go get mats~ There’S areas with lots of monsters, where you can make 5k mats in under an hour (with luck find monster gems too).

Or buy mats for 20 silver ea… from noobs … if buy in shops get enabled again~

I tested it out if people are that stupid, after seeing buyin shops … yeah many are not thinking …

HAd once over 40k mats…

Easy to get gems to level 5 with mats. 5 points gem exp per mat. Regardless of what.

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That’s a Good point , maybe that’s it mean…

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There’s jus tmor emultipliers to be had.

Basic atk *4
+6k damage
Flying type *2
Attribute *2
Steady *1,45
Crit *1,5

  • crit damage

Lets say 3k atk.

So yeah. ^^ do able.
156,6k damage+ crit atk… xD

I don’t know jack about Swordie and Cleric skills

What they got closest to that numbers?Conviction+Smite on demon types?Shinobi’s Mijin Jutsu x clones?

the token would be way better if it wasn’t “30 days”, i dont want it to run on a timer all the time, simply because i want to get the maximum benefits of what im buying.
its kinda annoying for people who have wonky schedules, im willing to be a whale since i have the spending power, but they have to make things more attractive imo

it would way better if it was “30 days worth” of play time, meaning that if im logged off the timer on it stops, so i get the full 30 days worth of hours from the token. heck i dont mind if they push it down to 15 days with this system, 360 hours worth of token buffs is still pretty good.


The problem i see with this though is for service clases like alchemist, squire and pardoner, as they would get less ‘‘active’’ play time from their tokens with their afk shops

arent you able to log out or switch characters when you set up a shop and keep it open?

it was like that in ICBT2 when you set up your own shops using your alt characters, or to trade mats/recipes to yourself.

if comes down to it, they could just make it an item you manually turn on/off and it counts the amount of time spent that way.

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Haha yea maybe, didnt actually try either of those classes myself. So if its like you say that shops remain when you log out, just ignore my post

Yes, It’s still possible.

Only problem is that you can only do it with one character. If you make a squire and an alchemist and try to log out with both of them, one will cease to exist. :frowning:

makes sense imo, they dont want people running farms by using an account filled with money making classes and having them all set up, while they run an alternate account for gameplay

Why even do that? You can’t trade the silver they earn…

Good point. Anyone care to answer? Lol

It’s like merchant classes are public servants only now. I mean, they are a lot weaker due to “losing” 2 - 3 ranks for them so they can’t really be your main.

The only thing I see them being able to share is pots. They use what ever they earn to buy alche pots then trade THOSE (not silver) to their main/alts.

if you have both a token on your main and your farm account
you use your farm account to buy items from auction house then trade yourself to your main account

you can grab all the expensive shite on the auction house and potentially control supply or drive up prices by constantly buying everything out who knows lol, people come up with the craziest ■■■■ when it comes to gaining funds.

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So -1 potential from just buying from the market, then another -1 potential to pass to your main … yeah.

Add to that, you de-value what ever you buy just from the potential loss. If you wanna “control the market prices” you would need to buy the competition so you could sell your won stuff. But that means you either re sell at a lower prices for the potential loss or it rots in your inventory.

Then again there are still the unaware. If you like preying on them then … yeah.

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makes it easier if you in a guild and you resell to guildies or in collaboration with people
the potential loss isnt as harsh with higher level items.
you could also do this with hats, which now have 5 potential, since it doesnt matter as much for these items the value wont really go down if you get a 1pot hat or a 3pot hat with insane stats, the only difference is you can resell one and you cant resell the other

but its all theoretical, kinda pointless talking about it lol

At the end of the day merchants are still afk silver generation though. Not as potent as they were in icbt2, but still good.

Musket is dead. (maybe)


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  • fixed abnormal range of snipe skill

we still have to wait whether range would be really small or acceptable, but i think it would be almost a single point.