Tree of Savior Forum

Would you have paid $20 for 3 months?

If the 2000 people in the poll paid $20 for 3 months, IMC would have made exactly as much as they would have off the 40% who said yes to $50.

40% of approx 2000 people is 800.

$20 * 2000 people = $40,000
$50 * 800 people = $40,000

Payment model would look like this if the three month package were lowered to $20

1 Month: $8
2 Months: $12
3 Months: $20

Like everyone else I am just as frustrated at the price, even though I can understand the reasons there may be for it. Please vote honestly without letting your emotions get in the way.


I think there is some discussion related to this thread about the length being worse than the price. For that sake, I pose a second poll. Please vote on this one too. c:



I would play for a B2P with everyone starting at the same time.


The 50$ are not the problem, the problem is that we get 0 Infos on anything, they “customize” things and dont say what. We dont know what got fixed from the last beta or what was added, like is said we get no infos so why should i pay for a game i dont know anything about? I mean they could have changed everything to the worse.

  • We dont know if the chance of Server Transfer will be possible. If there will be the chance for a Transfer i dont think i will play this game.

I would’ve paid 200 for 3 months.
The problem is the 3 months thing.
It’s killing the community. (or rather, it’s making the community kill itself)

The game looks bad, alright?
KTOS is already dying.
We’re looking like we’re about to die before the game launches officially.


I do agree with this. For many, including myself, price is a very important part of this decision though. The ludicrous price and the disadvantage it gives to the F2P players is one reason I am absolutely opposed to this. Making it more accessible to players who might have been okay paying the price might make it more acceptable to pull this kind of move, I believe.

I’d be fine paying 20$ for one week of early access, but because there would be 40% of people with access before me it’s no longer early access really.
Currently it’s a bit of “All or nothing” when it comes to buying the founder’s packages.
Also the higher packages add almost nothing without the earlier access. (Small amount of TP and 2 hats…)

Though I’d say I still won’t go for 20$ since there’s really a lack of communication and trust from their side right now. Besides 3 months early access is seriously too long.
If they were just clear on how they’re gonna plan the business model for the game from an earlier date, The audience would have accepted such a news with a better reaction than pulling something in the last minute.

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I would have paied 60 if:

  • IMC staff was posting on the forum thus giving me an insight on what’s going on
  • IMC staff didn’t try to trick me in thinking there was an OBT “Soon” just to take it back after and change it into the founder pack
  • IMC would just ask me to help them get founds in order to improve the game

I got to admit… i would have paid more then 50 to finally find a game that was made the way it was supposed to be: an happy place for people were devs and players just get along and have fun.

At that low of a price would it really be killing the community? It’s pretty harmless for most people to pay $8 for one month of subscription. That’s less than FFXIV and even that has lots of players.


Yes I agree. I really don’t think I’d give my money to them after this stunt and the stunts they pulled in iCBT2.

Perhaps. That’s another variable to play with.

to stay on topic - ofc i would buy it - and even get some for friends (taking out the 600 token)

as for the 3 months - as i mentioned in my own thread its doesn split or kill the community by having a 3 months gap - there gonna be multiple server anyways wich doesn split the community at all…or every single game would be “splitting their community” by releasing new servers

people are tired of waiting and wanna play right now - but no reason to paint the devil on IMCs wall for this early access thing…

tho only thing thats kinda “annoying” is the few time until the server actually opens…they could have announced that a month ago already

remember the guys complaining “hey i wanna join closed beta why didn we have more time to apply” and ALL of you people laughed at them for not being “active enough to grab a key” - hmmm how unfair you been able to play months before they could huh - but nobody cares

well gave my opinion on the pricing and stuff

what i want to know is what would be the difference between KR and International?

is the trade disabled?
limitation on AH?
Storage Sharing?

anything that is changed based on the KR servers would be ok for us so that we know that there’s a change

all i see is that the difference is that Nexon made it Free to Play in a few weeks while in the international server we got an early access that needs to be paid

well at least they kept their word of being different in KR ToS which is the early access payment

I definately would.
The issue for me is mostly the 3 months though. An entire quarter of a year is a ridiculous timespan to only allow paid players in (and I really don’t want to play with a large group of rich nerds for that long either tbh).

I’m planning on buying April’s EA though, and only because I was going to drop about 25$ on the game as soon as I could anyway.
This isn’t the open beta we were promised and I’m severely disappointed in that, as well as how it’s being damage-controlled.

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I have added a second poll in the interest of discussion of length vs price.

well. i guess i’ll post what i said in the suggestions area.

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