Tree of Savior Forum

2000 votes 60% says no!

You could have 90% of 1,000,000 votes and it wouldn’t do anything. They’d be losing 90% of 0 dollars. Money is the only thing that talks.

such a stupid statement… thei’re actually loosing well probably more money that they’re earning with this move.

I will agree to the fact that not all of the people voting “no” would be going to pay, but one thing for sure is that at least half of them were willing to open their wallet to pay for ToS now and even later on as long as IMC actually cared to respect them

bad management is easily hired in game companies, and rarely gotten rid of

Yeah, right. We all know that this fuss is about people wanting to play for free. They’re not losing anything alienating people who aren’t willing to put up $50 for a new game.

IMC understands the kinds of users who actually make use of the steam platform. Steam is a sales powerhouse. Millions of people on it who all have their credit cards attached to the account - yeah, IMC is doing this right.

Well, except for the part where they’re trying to hide open beta was ever planned. That’s disrespectful.

This post just show how little you know about the situation on this forum atm.

Atm the forum is going crazy on ONE simple fact… the fact that IMC disrespected all the players by promising a longly awaited OBT and then giving a pay to play model for 3 months while lots of other games do it for 3 days-1 month.

To make this worse IMC instead of answering the players just deleted all images and announcments reguarding the OBT promise thus infuriating the playerbase even more.

IF you even took a little time reading all that’s beeing going on you will see that 80-90% of the people complaining CLEARLY STATED that they would love to pay to helo ToS if only IMC just ASKED FOR IT instead of backstabbing the audience like this…

but yeah… it’s all only about the money… i pity your “money mind” my “friend”… must be really sad to be totally unable to understand morality issues.


I forked this thread to start a poll, please vote.

Would you have paid $20 for 3 months?

i’m sorry man but, I’ve seen your thread and it makes this problem seems like a joke.

this is a serious problem we are trying to find the best solution and try to let IMC notice just how big this problem is.

all those polls you’re pulling making it look like a competition of some sort I really don’t support it.

if you see coments before you, you will find someone posting an actual statistic of money spent by average f2p player.

and you might understand why they are being unreasonable(IMC). but still this is the internet so I don’t expect anything to change your thought process.

also to be honest, the money is not the problem, it’s their extreme disrespect and discrimination that most of the community don’t like.

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You dont have a ragnarok that started as f2p to compare it to. Also this isnt b2p either, this current headstart plan is a hybrid monstrosity.

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at the time there was no alternate job and every single player was messing around with their stat and skill. so funny even sometime we came across a person who plays acolyte and maxed heal while in the end they choose to become a monk. what a waste of skill point god dammit! XD

and there was this one moment when ragnarok was a little buggy, I killed 1 grand peco-peco and got 20 level instantly ah the good old surprises from ragnarok.

remember secret quests? job changing quests? ■■■■ it was awesome without guide.

I might be a little too carried away and didn’t realize you were being sarcastic but if you are being sarcastic, I know it used to be p2p and p2p is fine. I like p2p, b2p, subscribe 2 play all good. but not some early access with permanent bonuses that you can literally buy. it’s disrespectful and it hurts the community.

it also fragment the fanbase, making some kind of racism toward founder and non founder if you look closely.

exactly! hybrid monstrosity I loled

Me too! Yay for founders pack, I don’t get why everyone here is complaining .-./ if you love the game pay for it, if you don’t want to pay… then wait in line :wink: its $50 for early access.

Imagine if its B2P of $50, at least 20% of the community here still won’t pay.

Russians are poor people, so its ok.
Да, это нормально. Сам в нет тыкнул._)


the only Russian word I know lol. please don’t take it seriously.


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Thats not an excuse. 45$ Fire emblem conquest, 43$ The Division, 30$ Farcry Primal, 27$ Gothic Armada with early access. 50$ is expensive as f and you will have in game currency and servers in US. There are a lot of new games coming like Dark Souls 3 for 40$. We are talking about digital games.

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I got like so mad when I finally got pet poring and I can’t feed it anything until it’s gone, I even bought it with well earned money so very sad :< lol

and then I realized it eats green apples, then when I do feed it green apples it does nothing and I literally went asking in the forum if my poring was bugged until they told me it only gives me stat bonus :< sosad I want my poring to hit enemies.

Imagine what happens when 60% of your playerbase is unhappy about your policy, they will not support the game when it comes F2p, and will leave it at first chance, to the 40% of cash burners enjoy your ghost game, and 10-20 mins queue for everything

OH REMEMBER THAT BEST MOMENT WHEN YOUR PET ORC ACTUALLY HIT ENEMIES?! oh my god, it was gold. the damage is so low it doesn’t even matter but man, that moment when orcs hit enemies it felt as if my baby has grown up.