Tree of Savior Forum

Really Poor Marketing Plan


@staff @TOSTeam

What you guys should had done was use a system that is kind of similar as Tera - Reborn.

Meaning, sell the game at around $20-$30 for a limited time to have certain things, such as inventory, bank inventory, and character slots. 2. Subscription at will (meaning that the game will be free but subscription is optional) system, to give players a slight advantage but not one that breaks the whole entire game and makes it necessary to even play the game. 3. Cash shop for costuming, accessories, miniature pets, character/bank/inventory slots, repair scrolls, revive scrolls, etc. Anything but things that are game breaking.

Your in game Marketplace should had been a limit of 10-20 slots. Unless players purchase a pass off the cash shop in order to either gain an X amount of slots in the marketplace.

If it was like that, it would had been fine but you guys took the wrong direction in marketing.

Your mistakes is:
Selling game at 50/30/20. with time frame play being 3/2/1 (in months) Until OBT. By that time, you should not even consider Jun 19th as a OBT anymore. That’s pretty much stating that you as a company will be going into RELEASE on June 19. Thus, going back against the term OBT, because that founder’s server means that your game is ready. Thus removing the process of OBT.

I can see where this is going in your marketing plan and i do not like it at all. This is a really bad image on the company and will be branded for years, if you do not wish to be known as a money milking company. Also, i do not wish to see this public apology, because i understand that you guys needed time and wanted to get the game out to the fans ASAP. But, that was your main issue, the desire to get the game out ASAP. As much as i really wanted to play this game, your whoile entire marketing game plan is what brought it down.

The reason why i made that thread in general chat was to inform y’all to not use a “Coming Soon” type of deal and just either keep it as TBA (To be Announced) or giving it a set estimate date of release. That way, you do not kill the hype you have for the game and future players.

My honest suggestion for the developing group of the game is to stop production for a day. Discuss what is going on, assess the community forum, discuss whether you all as a team are on the same page. From what the results that i see here, you are all not on the same page and the community managers don’t seem to either be able to communicate the situation or if u guys just have the mindset of " I do not care about that. They will like it regardless." So, for the future of the game, understand that by doing this way of marketing the game, your are indeed bringing in controversial discussions on TIME LENGTH of you so called FOUNDERS SERVERS. Remember, it doesn’t matter that you have the game up for sell, there will always be gold sellers and such.

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