Tree of Savior Forum

Worth playing? Dead game?

bad example,

more like,

mom got cancer but refuse to seek medical assistance.
Being a loyal son, i keep pestering mom to go hospital and get some help. <-- dark knight

But 2nd son just say “leave mom alone, she can do whatever she want with her life. who knows, she’ll miraculously heal/cured on her on.” <-- whiteknight

3rd and youngest son would be “ma, when you die, who will get more of the property? have you written a will yet?” <-- troll knight


I’d say it’s more like you have a suspicion that your mom is terminal so you slip rat poison into her wine every night to kill her faster. :kissing_heart:

poor you, mom must have given you such a bad childhood…
poor you, IMC must have given you a terrible TOS time

atleast my mom is cool
atleast im having fun with TOS

see the resemblance?


negaflare is a narcissist and psychopath confirmed


True, that’s the reason why I don’t usually call people white knights unless they are blind to mistakes. I think you’d categorize as a grey knight. You know the problems are there but you won’t focus all your energy on those problems alone, instead you balance it out by trying to see the bright side too.

So yeah. I honestly respect people’s opinions, it’s not just because I disagree with you that your point of view is invalid.

Nice seeing some people with sense.
That’s also the reason why I’m not in a guild in this game. There are no mature guilds to be a part of. Only meta ■■■ guilds or children’s guilds. I’m yet to come across a guild in Silute where I’d have fun and chat with people that AT LEAST have a grown up mental attitude.

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To answer OP, if you like the gameplay and the artstyle, it is worth trying again. Sure there are still problems unresolved by IMC, but there is definitely some improvements over the past few months.

It takes two to tango, in this context, the IMC game devs and the player community. A supportive community do make the devs feel more compelled to drive the game to greater heights. The opposite is true too, a game with bugs lead to an angry community which in turn makes the devs have lesser motivation to fix those bugs, making the the community even angrier. Who will want to fix things when the community isn’t even appreciative and sarcastic.

If we want the game to succeed and turn for the better, try to adopt a more positive outlook on it. Not asking to turn a blind eye on the problems and bugs, they are there and are in need of fixing. We are lacking new blood for the game, negativity will only make lesser people willing to try the game and further drive the playerbase down.


Black Knights = Defend the game at all cost, even if you have to distort reality to do that (more or less lie, put the dirt under the rug).
White Knights = Criticize the game at all cost, even if the problem be personal instead a problem of the game. (more or less exaggerate, complaining about everything).

Both have hope that the game became better, both really have to defend their sides in order to convince other people, instead let all of them see that by theyselfs, because each one have his strategy to try to make the game better.
But when someone ask about the game, so both have a maximun space to tell what they want.

The game is great, but for many is unplayable. I stopped play, but I always visit the forum, because there is no concurrent to the game, and I would like to see the game became better, or if I buy a new GOOD pc someday, I can enjoy the good aspects of the game, even if I think it will be better change to another game the way it is.
1 - Principal: Because Lag (most bad your pc be, worst will be your experience).
2 - Because the game itself have some hules that spoile the game (for me an example is: only token users can trade, or itens having potential).
3 - Because exploiters that make the PVP game became useless, unless you dont like competition.
4 - PVE game is very boring, nothing can be secret since playerbase know how to datamining the game, turning everything predictable.
5 - GxG, you are totally dependent of the Master Guild be present or not. So, you will have trouble to find a guild, since guilds have a small number os slots, then is very easy to the master guild stop play, because that is what happens to most part of veterans. If you are not very present on the game, will have real trouble to find a guild to play.

I have plent of things that I also dont like on the game, but I dont think it will help you see if is woth play or not, also the things I like about the game, but if you have the first problem (lag), this things became nothing else than dreams of objective.
So that is it.

You turned the two knight types around.

For your info: White Knights defend IMC and the game like braindead maniacs and try to keep the dirt under the rug.


Meanwhile, while knight categorize each other about their color of their cloaks, the evil overlord IMC still sleeping around because the knights cannot forming up a party with respective role to fight boss.

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hue knight is better

because hue cover all the possible color pixel in the chart

long live hueknight!


gotta love how panda knights start to switch to hue knights during the period i was gone lol


i didnt lure people to the hue side
people change side on their own

IMC contributed to the change themselves



Black White are not hues :3

eh, my bad, im not in art stream/course/degree

no wonder they are such a polar opposite

hueknight still more fun~

i quit jor lor, sis.

goodluck sis~

all the best~

You mean…rainbow knights???


Decided to leave this game today and just wait for some improvements someday (wishful thinking). Maaaan, seriously, I tried to make new toons and what I saw on low level maps was chaos. Bots here and there (they can walk through walls now, too! Amazing!)

Contents got boring, too. I got five characters that were all 200+ and believe me, your time every after reset will just be the same everyday. Dungeons> Mission> Saalus, and then…uhhm, questing/pvp/gvg or worst nothingness… Next day, rinse and repeat. Lately, I’ve been skipping those dailies and just afk, thinking what I’m doing with my life.

It’s all up to you, though. It’s fun at first. Especially when you tried different builds. But then, yea, repeated quests will eat you up alive.


with rainbow knight you mean ?

you are into it @kinyau87 ? huehuehue

____________________[quote=“Zzzzzzz, post:136, topic:328647”]
Decided to leave this game today and just wait for some improvements someday

someone from hue team give this man a cookie he deserves some love


ohhh, they have a term for it

sorry im not a white murica i dont follow their culture

kappapride eh, troll who take pride in the things they do~

well, it fits the description.

but meh, i prefer to create my own culture


hi5, i quit today~

they got a screenshot thread panty etc…

i go create a I QUIT screenshot thread, lets show what funny thing we do ingame before quitting



Yeah… but if I remember in mmorpg’s…specially in ragnarok…:thinking: dont have dungeons and a little tiny bit of quest…only pvp is anytime though and woe is more fun…

Guess tos is really lacking of things to do compared to ragnarok… but I managed to play ragnarok for a decade…with just pvp and trading mostly…

Try uphill and earrthtower solo…haha

nah… im too beaten already…

not a fan of pve content anyway, and TOS pve doesnt involve any strategy…

just brute force your way through 100 1mil hp mobs… meh