Black Knights = Defend the game at all cost, even if you have to distort reality to do that (more or less lie, put the dirt under the rug).
White Knights = Criticize the game at all cost, even if the problem be personal instead a problem of the game. (more or less exaggerate, complaining about everything).
Both have hope that the game became better, both really have to defend their sides in order to convince other people, instead let all of them see that by theyselfs, because each one have his strategy to try to make the game better.
But when someone ask about the game, so both have a maximun space to tell what they want.
The game is great, but for many is unplayable. I stopped play, but I always visit the forum, because there is no concurrent to the game, and I would like to see the game became better, or if I buy a new GOOD pc someday, I can enjoy the good aspects of the game, even if I think it will be better change to another game the way it is.
1 - Principal: Because Lag (most bad your pc be, worst will be your experience).
2 - Because the game itself have some hules that spoile the game (for me an example is: only token users can trade, or itens having potential).
3 - Because exploiters that make the PVP game became useless, unless you dont like competition.
4 - PVE game is very boring, nothing can be secret since playerbase know how to datamining the game, turning everything predictable.
5 - GxG, you are totally dependent of the Master Guild be present or not. So, you will have trouble to find a guild, since guilds have a small number os slots, then is very easy to the master guild stop play, because that is what happens to most part of veterans. If you are not very present on the game, will have real trouble to find a guild to play.
I have plent of things that I also dont like on the game, but I dont think it will help you see if is woth play or not, also the things I like about the game, but if you have the first problem (lag), this things became nothing else than dreams of objective.
So that is it.