Tree of Savior Forum

Worth playing? Dead game?

Funny thing…hmm🤔 use your stat reset and go full spr and con…then troll in tbl😅

or maybe, just drag Stat Reset to screen, then click “yes, destroy item please”


Hmmm🤔 that would be a nice funny sense of regret material for the viewer…also create a .gif of it and post it here😆

hhmmm, regarding your first sentence

you didn’t play til Endless Tower?
i played til Sealed Shrine Instance (probably near Saalus-level of sado-masochism, due to low drop rate of Cursed Bapho Doll, which is an ingredient for an endgame item that time + hard to clear), Nidhogg Instance, Port Malaya Instance

RO had so much quests, rewards range from simple pots, good equips/accessories, exclusive access to maps. (Nameless Island was notorious for being soooooo hard to have access to, need to clear a lot of pre-requisite quests, and there’s a part there that if you choose the wrong option, boom bye bye access to map, not sure if bug or intended). The difference with TOS is that you get the exp right away, no cards

RO had a lot of daily quests too, starting from Alberta town (the one with pots as rewards and the one with free warp rewards), Port Malaya, Morroc, Prontera (donation), Geffen (the coin one, rewards include highly coveted rare headgear - this one needs around a year or more to farm)

Battlegrounds (BG) was fun too, it was like a mini WOE (same restrictions as WOE) and can be done anytime (but suffers the problem of time availability, too, like TOS’s dungeon you need a full pt so higher chances when played at peak hours - we had a helpful, constructive community though, and for a time we were successful in making schedules, dead game, no?) BG was fun til the bots spammed it

I will keep playing the game because I want to save Goddess Laima from the clutches of evil.

i quit coz laima has forsaken me

ggwp corean apm 400

dude…u still new player, u dunno how toxic this game at late…how toxic bot ruined this game…how toxic has IMC make and give to their player…if u are p.atk later on good luck finding battle bracelet…if u are magic, good luck getting archmage in saalus…if u are qs good luck getting didel grand cross…soon after u lvl 250++ and u be part of late game u will know the truth


Those are all great and fun ragnarok features…it was really fun all of em…specially battle grounds and kvm…endless tower…it was all fun in the first two months of implementation…it always happens

Our publisher levelupgames is just too greedy douche ■■■■■■■ motherfuker that destroys it…

Despite this thread’s intention was to be a trollbait from start I can say that you should try and see for yourself. This is always the best answer.

No one can tell you what is worth or not for your tastes.

For me, it has too much teenage drama on the internetz these days…

Sometimes I forget this game is for kids.

sometimes, adult play buggy game like TOS

am i doing this right

sometimes, adult play buggy game like TOS and kept quiet and keep pumping money

am i doing this right?

Hail the Hue Knights!

Don’t feel too bad. You aren’t the only one. The wardrobe designer for the female characters apparently did, too.


well the new patch in ktos allows things such as the didel grand cross to be sold which I think is a move in the right direction for the game. but yes i shall see how the late game is.

p.s. in the ktos patch you can’t trade transcended items, hair styles, and colored lenses.

yeah botters tend to ruin games in some ways and I have seen botters on some mmos for years and years. if tos wants to get rid of 95%+ botters they should just hire me and make me a gm, it would be my dream job to ban cheaters. I have had to deal with botters and cheaters in mmos for a long long time… would love to have some revenge on all of you ,|,

more the reason why they shouldnt hire you.

possible power-abuse and bias.

yeah i’m sure all the cheaters would qq about the gm abusing his power when they get banned

not guilty until proven

what good if the authority already have prejudice , in this case, personal grudge

hiring a non-gamer as GM/Staff to manage ban is the best.
but currently the ban rate vs bot spawn ratio, we are just not banning enough of them

main issue still remain the easy access for obtaining bot/game-account.
aka f2p-ban me pls, account is free anyway ,
also lol, no VAC/anticheat, high school kid can program their own TOS bot.


I would be fair lol. it is true that authority tends to corrupt people or rather it tends to reveal what was hidden in a person. I think it would be smart to hire someone who cares about the state of the game rather than someone who is merely making a paycheck.

yeah I figured many cheaters would make secondary accounts for their main account. hook64 is the most game breaking cheat I have ever heard of in an mmo… sometimes I wonder if mmo companies really want to get rid of all of their botters. -_-

well, there are alot of role in a gaming company, and its definitely not the admin/general staff like GM/Staff decide the fate of any game.
(heck, looking at TOS current state, i start to doubt if hkkim is just trying ot meet his paycheck only.)

Ingame-Event GM would require someone passionate to the game, but not your daily Hi-Bye GM handling mundane report etc…

still, core issue remain at

  1. kill-vs-spawn ratio
  2. anticheat/bot measurement

yeah to get the game better need GM passionate about the game…not a GM that only online just when he need to. just because he need to check something and ask player about GVG and PVP time…and then after that just closed the game and waiting paycheck… and then check forum for bot report

they were paying to be GM and it should be their job to online at least once in a day to monitoring. many MMO dont have good game resulting in bot and exploit growth without fear.

judging a bot not even hard to prove they are guilty and ban them straight away. what good of making bot if u got ban next day? then u create new one then get ban next day. u cant even sell or gain nothing from it. with this iam pretty much sure there will be no bots. if u are a bot why u ever want to make a new char just to know u got ban next day? u cant even use trade function within a week. even if i manage bot i will give up. even if to lazy to do job just take 1 hour at hot spot then u can ban 90% of botter already

i dont think hiring non-gamer is the best tho…hiring non-gamer what make bad GM…when u passionate about your job you separate personal judge with work. and there also need like 1st GM…1st GM that handle all 4 server…2nd GM monitor each server…even if 2nd GM ban base on personal grudge player can report and make complain to 1st GM not 2nd GM…

erm, ok.