IMC and it’s fanboys are stuck in the OLD OLD DAYS
I’ve never planted any fake hope or ignored problems that are displayed. I’ve tried to talk about stuff but they usually just end up getting buried under all of the huehues and imitation toxic BRs. So usually I end up going to actual other places on the forum.
Bots are such a mute point. They’re annoying, and so many games have them because one or two hackers are always more responsive than an entire company of people using relays. Infact, you should assume that if there’s gold sellers, there’s a way people are botting and hacking to get that gold. Honestly they’ve made their home in the genre considering Blizzard having more money and talent on their side can’t find the golden goose of solutions.
You know, maaaybe there’d be extra people for queues if, oh I don’t know, the toxic response to anyone coming back that this is definitely a dead game and you shouldn’t waste your time in a time wasting genre? But I mean, it’s just a thought.
I’ve talked about Galoks and trying to either increase their spawn rate or just make them spawn elsewhere reliably to lessen the load on Tenet. But again, buried under hues. I usually find a Galok pretty quickly even as a scrub, but I see the problem in this situation obviously.
It’s not about lying to people or inspiring false hope in a forum full of people jacking off to hatred; I’m just playing the game for what it is, and will until something else catches my eye. A poorly managed diamond in the rough, which is still far more enjoyable then most other kMMOs to me atleast. Worth a try, may or may not be for the stay.
But eh, I can see you’re still the same as ever Haukinyau.
@superdupermlgbsns They’re taking the route of it, whether likeable or not. It’s outdated like many things, such as Daylight Savings Time, but it’s how they want to do progression. You don’t see people getting pissed at Destiny for having to pay for an incomplete game’s progression and expansion packs- Whoops, no, people actually do. But there’s nothing that could be done other than letting it live or trying to kill it. Which I see is what most of ya’ll are trying to do.
You even said it yourself, it changed from what it was, to an enjoyable state. As this game would if ya’ll were more objective rather than vitrolic, but what can you do to people on the internet nowadays? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
eh, have i told u i changed?
and no, i told people upfront, those are the real situation ingame
if they okay with that, by all mean, go ahead and enjoy the game
considered be warned
my post is less toxic if u would just go youtube TOS review…
you have atleast watched 1 TOS review youtube, right?
Honestly, Ive played Ro for 9 years with some breaks and can easily call myself as a veteran. Im a running libary when it comes to quests until the renewal-update.
I have had great times and the people Ive met there were a bunch of super professional players that were worth E-Sports.
Having great memories is one side of the medal, but not trying to stay realistic the other one. When I started GW2 then, I felt very uncomfortable because Ive never seen such a crowd of literally idiotic players and then I realized its common standart for newer games.
From that point I really wish back the good ol times but thats never gonna happen again and so I have to continue seeing 95% of the population as worthless ants using excuses like “its just a game bro, Im totally different in rl” to act as most retarded as any possible.
I think when people ask if it’s good to come back we should give them the truth, thus no, right now it’s not worth it coming back. We should not lie and tell them it is fine and everything that made them quit in the first place was fixed.
When people come here and ask if it’s worth it and the others say it’s not, it’s their opinion and they have the right to give their opinion on the matter as you have the right to give yours. If they will or will not come back to the game is up to them.
No one here is forcing people to not come back. We are bringing the facts to the table for people to consider.
IMC can still fix this by communicating and taking action. We need faster updates or it’ll be over. When they fix things they should advertise the game again, in a fresh and welcoming way so that people that have left the game might want to join and try it out.
Destiny is known as a cash trap. Did you actually try to use this game as a reason to relativate things here? Cmon, you can do that better.
And the major difference between Ros and ToS comunity is that the people from ToS actually left the game while we have had “Ro is dead”-shouts like 10 years ago already. 50k to 5k is a serious cut that cannot be argued.
Well, if there’s a new one then I haven’t. I remember the Metacritic review it gave the game a 53/100 back in like, Late April I believe? Which, was pretty deserved as back then because rubberbanding was absolutely painful and the game didn’t have ■■■■ in it other than progression. Or maybe that was because at that time I was still being a filthy Sadhu. Probably because I was being a Sadhu.
@Yamashio Sure. Opinions are opinions after all. But say when people talk about not being on the game then coming back, nobody mentions at what’s been improved; only what the game has failed to bring. Granted the list isn’t long, but some changes have actually been pretty wholesome to the game’s general “life”, while other issues continue to plague since iCBT2 itself. I see more negativity and general trolling than objective critcism on a regular basis, and it’s not very hard to see either.
We can all pray that an actual crew could maintain our version though. We can only pray, and maybe hue.
@superdupermlgbsns As if kMMOs aren’t the same bloody cash trap mechanism, aside force-to-buy updates? That was the point of that. The long-drawn out formula to bleed out people’s wallets being done in even AAA published games. I’m talking in general knowledge that both the communities that play these games, and the mindset of the developer/publisher has changed since then, and this game is trying to take on an older niche style that won’t be relevant to gamers now.
And…who’s arguing the drop again? Aside multiple variables like game hopping the game has it’s fair share of problems, bugs, and lack of optimization. Doesn’t change the game is at least worth a try. You could easily get tired of it but you could try it anyway to do it. I don’t see the harm in trying a game to see how it feels? At that point you can do your own thing and either quit the game because it’s not your style, and now you know that, or keep an eye on it.
but the 7% overall improvement is another RNG
not everyone getting the same result, so. no.
improve? like what? giving tbl/gvg? uphill? 1min torch? loading screen? more costume? more pet? event?
those are not improve, those are content.
improvement would be the addon you are using, BetterQuest, MapExplorer, Exp Card Count, Stat Point Invest etc…
Everything inside the addon is improvement for user experience.
But even our addon guy Excrulon call it an end.
not really trying yo make you agree with my point, but…
you see us troll disgusting, we see you whiteknight equally retarded
Whenever I encountered a bug in Tos, I will always try my best to work around it. Eventually it happens so frequently that I feel overcoming bugs has became a part of the game itself.
That is when I realized it’s not a game worth playing anymore. No one has to go through all that, and no sane game developers would torture their players with bugs.
Its not worth a try until the devs start to try. Dude for real, how many threads must be started until a publisher responses to this topic at least with a statement in the Q&As? Just take a look around and see how many different topics exist and how many are frequently re-posted.
And in terms of pure cash grabbing, they even suck there. As a european I consider the prices as too high and just dont buy stuff. Ive already mentioned it: 15€ for a new pixel hairstyle is a joke. Actually the comunity would have bought much more with prices that are actually attractive.
ToS is a desaster not just comunity-wise.
99+ replies, what have I done
You have exposed the truth about IMC and TOS
Well. That tends to happen when a game is not doing well. We are not game reviewers, we don’t have to do a thorough list of pros and cons. It’s clear you know that it’s hard to support the game the way it is right now.
I’m honestly trying to cling to what little hope I have because I like the game. But I can’t tell people to go through what I am going everyday to level my character. All the bugs and silly restrictions playing a class that will most likely be left to rot after Rank 8.
Ah, and before you mention Destiny again: its a pay2play title where you have to pay a fixed amount of money in order to unlock the game/new content while ToS was announced as f2p long time before release.
Everyone knew it and paying for things in order to keep the game alive is nothing new and okay when its not pay2win.
But destiny has had 10? addons since release and you have to buy them in order to unlock new areas. That is a totally different basement, even if they still have a cash shop ingame.
Imagine you have to pay 30€ to unlock all maps with the new rank8 update. Because thats what Destiny actually does.
And again: Look what gw2 does. Its a game completely around cosmetics. You can buy gems for real money and exchange it into gold. Technically thats the definition of pay2win but then see what you can buy for your gold: mostly cosmetics again because you can max your char and craft a full exotic (2nd highest gear stage, some say its only 5% behind the highest stage) within a single week. The only thing is that you start with 5 character slots but thats it.
Btw Im taling about the pay2play version of gw2 and not the f2p.
yeah tos is worth playing if you are enjoying it. dunno if it will make it or not, the community in the game is a big part of how an mmo is. i’m still a newbie and only have a lv 117 as my highest but I like how things are getting progressively harder. atm this game is “tree of crack” for me.
if the fps issues and the big game exploits get fixed people are still going to qq about botters (which is almost always a thing in mmos) and the imbalance of classes ( another common thing in mmos)
there would not be gold sellers if no one would buy the silver and there would not be extreme game abuses if people played the game to have fun rather than to feed themselves with a false sense of power. it is not completely imcs fault though they should be correcting and improving their game as much as they can.
Just quit while you still can, young padawan.
117 is just the beginning. The hardship comes with queue times for the 115 130 145 dungeons and not getting into grindparties later. Having a meaningful party once every two weeks is a highlight during your life in endless queues.
He will see the struggle when he arrives Demon Prison.
Never played GW2 to know of it’s mechanisms, so if I had to relate to an actual P2W MMO, I’d have to probably say Rumble Fighter…that’s to say, if anyone actually remembers Rumble Fighter as the insulting Carat grind as that game was. No way you could get the actual cash-related weapons and scrolls, and mastly considering they had much better values, combos, knockbacks, and just generally were purely stronger. The game play was fun and fast paced, so most people disregarded but loathed it when it was more popular.
But yeah, that was a bad example. Hindsight is always 20/20.
@Yamashio Respectful hope, but ideally this is my own way of holding out. Obviously I’d be called a white knight because I stand on the other side of the tracks but if name-calling is all that really happens then it’s no different than elementary school in that regard, lol.
It’s absolutely ■■■■■■ up that the international community has to play underneath Mother Korea’s rule. You’d think that servicing the rest of the world wouldn’t mean they’d play favorites: Disregarding whatever shady contract deals come with Nexon AND they’d get more money while appeasing the rest of the world. It always happens in this genre due to the culture barrier, and everytime I slowly drift away from the genre. I think of the game as my probable last MMO before I just dedicate most of my free time to art.
So if your mom gets cancer do you punch her repeatedly in the kidneys to help her get better?
worth it! worth it! worth it! worth it!