erm, ok.
You contradict to what you just said… well done…
They can’t even manage the amount of workload they have accumulated since the release of iToS and you want them to worry about the 2nd GM abuse of power…
Dear god…help this poor fool…
Here have my like… you made my day
well what i mean hiring a gamer as GM that have passionate about the game…not that hiring non-gamer that have no interest in the game
hmm…have u ever hear a word teamwork?
this game is made by teamwork not a singe person work.
and it divided by department.
in every work got group and a leader. leader give task to his men. if that man done bad job its the leader responsibility.
if that men do bad job then just kick him out
it normally happen in outside world
u want to make it better then u have to have a system.
i just give an suggestion to if they really have “no” time
u can call me fool anyways u like…if u got better suggestion then let it out…iam willing to hear it and take it…let how the system is manage now is not good…why u think need 2 month just to ban bots that have been there and make tons of money?
Is not that ur suggestion is bad… but have u considered that most of them are not fluent in English… have u look at some of their replies… cept Max
You should really should…
Creating a [quote=“killeraxe90, post:159, topic:328647”]
2nd GM ban base on personal grudge player can report and make complain to 1st GM not 2nd GM…
This will become problematic as there will be a language barrier between the GM and the volunteer GM esp if there is a clash between decisions…let alone abuse of power… .I’ve seen games/private server where volunteer GMs abuse their power leading to a lot of uproar and unrest in that particular community and i dont think IMC wants to tarnish their already “bad” rep…
It’s not like the community never suggested … it just seems like it fell into deaf ears
Edit: and i cant disagree, the way IMC is managing iToS and implementing fixes is not great and timely per se… Lots of work and improvement needed to be done on their side but thats up to them to decide… we as consumers are under their “mercy”…If the game fails then thats just to bad…
well, if you release international then you should at least have someone handle international with fluent english. it just a standard procedure…i dont know if they skip that tho
power abuse is everywhere. even in outside world. there are pro and cons u cant deny that. but if it works it will turn out so well. it worth a try and they have nothing to lose. it easy if that 2nd gm abuse power people can report him and resulting in terminate service. They make annoucement that they are sorry and terminate that gm. even in the 1st place they already annouce that 2nd gm is pick from player and job to hunt bot and exploiter. people actually can understand if they make that statement from the early. but if they found good 2nd gm all think will turn out great. banning bot everyday-banning those teleport archer. player actually will be happy. it actually win-win for imc…easy to determined good 2nd gm or not. each week give questionaire and star vote for 2nd gm by player. 2nd GM need to be consistent and actually have chat with player like bot report or anything. and shout to vote for him. player happy got active gm , 2nd gm happy got his reward… if 2nd gm is bad or lazy then its over for him [quote=“the7crowmisfits, post:163, topic:328647”]
It’s not like the community never suggested … it just seems like it fell into deaf ears
Edit: and i cant disagree, the way IMC is managing iToS and implementing fixes is not great and timely per se… Lots of work and improvement needed to be done on their side but thats up to them to decide… we as consumers are under their “mercy”…If the game fails then thats just to bad…
yeah…that the probem…i know IMC will ignored mostly what player suggest…and the way Itos is handle is really bad. that why i let out my opinion although i know they will never listen haha…although nothing but we can share our idea with others
They apparently release it to early… and that their mistake… they crave in to their fans…
There was initially a moderation name @Staff_Julie who handled all this issues but she left a long while back…from then on …things went downhill…
At this point of time… it will only make a mess out of all this chaos…if it was earlier maybe it was possible…
However If you look at the current situation.If i was IMC i prob worry about milking whats left of my fan base before shutting down the servers rather than taking a chance any having a volunteer gm abuse his/her power and chase whatever left of my player base. Some game companies tend to do that.
That’s the problem…cept costumes apparently…seems like the design/art department are good at what they are doing… Kudos to them.
Though when u mentioned you would offer yourself to be a volunteer GM the way u expressed your points gave a wrong impression thus “triggering” other readers.
Game Title: Tree of Savior
Release date: 2016
Enough said. Getting pissed about botters, exploiters is one thing, but crying out loud about the STATE of a BETA game, where bugs, glitches are expected is getting ridiculous.
My only “complaint” is about players spending money on games that are in this shape. You give NO incentive for devs to get the game into a better shape. If people stopped giving money, then the devs would have only two options, get their act together or shut the game down.
Where does it say this?
No where, and that’s why people assume this game is a FULL RELEASE game, when its not…
MMOs are full releases? You need to get that triple AAA logic out of the field of MMOs.
This game had a horrid start. Undoubtedly so, but that would mean every single MMO is still in Beta because they’re improving over the years.
huehuehue, most triple AAA aren’t full releases these days
Game industry gone to ■■■■
Just wow…since when is language barrier a big thing in ToS? When the local user interface can only be either English/Korean. Apparently you will never go around hiring a person that cant even comprehend English for your ‘mainly speaks English’ company. Also we have regional server.
There is only 2 choices for them. Either somehow deal with the hacks(I wonder if they are capable…atleast start from enabling the VAC which they advertised as enabled) or get more man-power to deal with things faster. Abuse of power happens everywhere not just in game. Thats why you will always have a manager watching over the staffs. Managing organisation structure is a core part of making an organisation success.
If an organisation cant change the organisation structure when needed/keep up to their growth(aka evolve), they will be never become competitive/survive in the bussiness.
For more info, read tall vs flat organisation structure.
It is dead … what is the base. Of the answer you ask …
5 months 1 skill class : corsair still bug ( flag )… no answer when sending ticket … 10 x
Ignore post from gm and staff ( they answer post above and below me … and my post is in the middle no reply from them)
Is it worth playing now … absolutely NO!
Will it comeback ! No ( another bug happen are you willing to wait 5 months ++ before they fix it ? )
Well, they go through PHASES, ALPHA, BETA, THEN “Realese”. . . These game as it is, is an OPEN BETA, but ToS will never leave that phase because people buy stuff from the TP, so devs, like I said, have no “incentive” to get their act together, cause as broken as it is, people still spending heavy cash on the game.
So why bother fixing stuff, right?
lol i guess only you are saying its open beta. Or you keep saying it in an attempt to troll.
No, buying stuff isnt making it take longer. you are just paranoid. Devs dont make money when you buy. Whoever owns IMC does. You know if they fix issues and make the game better, more people will play. Which means more sales. Programmer team is not art team or whoever designs costumes.
I was not informed we are in OBT. This looks like the cbt stage is still ongoing. Hue
People claim CBT was a better game. I did not get to play it, though.
Had better features, had MUCH worse infrastructure.
Hell, you couldn’t even log on half of the time because either the server straight kept disconnecting while in queue because of the volume, and when you actually got in you had to hope the fact that there was over 100s on the same map all next to each other and that you won’t get instantly kicked for trying to move. This was also a time whereas there was only one massive server, so everyone from Hueland to Europe to SEA were all crammed together.
And the race wars on shout chat…hue hue