Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

And my point is anyone that actually tries can get one. You dont need to be level 280 nor have endgame gear to get 1 cube. All you need is be/have someone on ur party be in the top 5 dps and your whole party gets a cube. Assume they tweak the system in a way that it’ll only count 1 dps per party(if someone in ur party is top 5 dps, then all the other members in ur party stop counting). This would give 25 cubes per boss to 5 parties.

The fact that you bought the founder’s pack only means you have acess to the game, not that the game must provide you with everything you want.

Do you have any proof of this claim?

maxed attributes? I don’t know of or personally believe that at this point anyone has invested 100 million into their attributes thereby maxing it out at 100. If you’re able to show me proof of this then I will stand corrected. Or better yet i haven’t seen anyone on Klaipeda walking around with worth at least 50m worth in gear and I know majority of the top players there.

You’re making the distinction between “full geared” players and “normal” players… Are they not normal players too? Or are you just really comparing fledgling players to level 280s because I mean there’s no point in even comparing them. You realize that boss hunting isn’t the only way to get geared and make money in the game. You make it sound like those players were merely handed all the gear and the progress that they have.

Your problem is that you think that if you can’t/don’t boss hunt or get drops from them that there’s no point in playing. System is broken, you don’t benefit from it, why even bother? Nevermind that there are dungeons that you can farm for cubes without having to suffer through the same conditions that you find at wb hunts. Do you know what manamana is and how much it costs? What about Aias or ignition? what about a base petamion amulet? Those are worth millions and they’re found in dungeons.

The system could be improved, yes… Do I think it’s broken? No. What’s broken really is pride… That and ego… False sense of entitlement. You, at whatever level you are and whatever point you are in the game feel there is great injustice because people who put time and effort into builds specifically made for boss hunting are doing what they’re intended to do. To boss hunt and profit from it. Granted not every 280 “full geared” and “maxed out” character that goes boss hunting profits from it. They can’t just go in there and roll their face across the keyboard and automatically get a cube.

A properly configured and well thought out party vs a random party of 280s has a much higher chance of getting a cube out of it. On the flip side it’s still possible to get solo cubes. These people didn’t get into this game thinking, i’m going to level to 280 and boss hunt just to specifically piss off @ramon_costa1 just to spite him. People are getting hurt and feeling personally attacked because other players are excelling at what they do. Let’s face it, even if IMC ended up catering to your whims there will still be people that can dominate it… and you’d just end up complaining again. Either that or you’ll find the next thing to whine about. By all means you’re free to do so but if you really look into it, do you even really care about the game or are you really just out to make yourself feel better?

You’re talking out of your ass sir and you want your hand to be held.

I can speak about this with confidence because I don’t actively boss hunt myself and instead of whining and crying about things I figure out alternate avenues to be successful. It’s not the damn end of the world.


Pretty much this. The only reasonable suggestion is that there should be a toggleable attribute to let your buffs affect your party exclusively - anything else is just really people looking for instant gratification.

In SEA server, I asked a few top dps for wb and they don’t even have their gear/attributes maxed out. In the end, there are still things that need to be changed and improve. From a design point of aspect, the world boss mechanic still needs to be improved as of now. Salty or not that 1-3fps moments during world boss fights are terrible.

the biggest problem right now with jace and some others camping bosses is this:

these specific players are the reason that gold sellers are still able to sell gold. while bots are being banned, it doesn’t matter because the boss monopolizers are feeding gold to the gold sellers and communicating with them through gold mmo websites and non-tos related programs.

this is currently their job. this is why they’re on 24/7. it’s why they appear at nearly every boss spawn like clockwork.

someone like jace can probably reel in 60 dollars an hour, 40 dollars a boss, or 300 dollars a day by controlling the market and monopolizing bosses. i’m not sure if everyone in his guild realizes what he’s doing or if they are all doing it, but this is what’s happening and it happens to nearly every new MMO at the start. it is a known way to make money. gun for the highest level asap, control the market. sell your silver and items to the MMO websites and make tons of money.

those level 40 bots that get banned all the time are not making enough silver to supply orders. the high levels are providing them with a means.

i see silver buyers with at least 300 dollars worth of gear on. i ask them if that’s their main/only character and they say yes. there’s no other explanation to how they have that gear other than they bought it. and they’re not technically buying SILVER. they’re buying items. items that are fed to the gold sellers by people like jace.

now these high levels who are monopolizing the bosses are also having the bots spam players with whispers until they disconnect/crash from the server.

disconnecting or dying causes your damage to reset on the boss. which helps ensure that they get top 6 dps.

the bots would not do this for any other reason other than the fact that the high level monopolizers are connected to the gold sellers.

the only way to fix this problem is to remove cubes and make the boss drop loot that is BOP like in wow and only the class that can utilize that item should be able to roll on the item.

since people will obviously cry and whine about not being able to trade something to their friend (they’re probably the high levels who know they won’t make 300 dollars a day by consorting with gold sellers) then maybe you should only be able to trade items for items of equal item value. so you could trade a karacha dagger for a karacha bow.

i am not sure if the other servers are having this problem. it is probably worth looking into transferring off of klaipeda. i think the brazilians are less likely to consort with gold sellers due to language barriers. the chinese understand english, but not portuguese.

i wouldn’t be surprised though if klai pop died because of jace and other scumbags so they reroll to other popular servers to try and control the market there too and control two servers or more at a time.


I’ve been hearing this, but do you have any proof? Recording of you getting “DDoSed” by bot spam during world bosses?

I’d be very interested to see some proof or evidence which i’m assuming you have given how elaborate and invested you are in this theory. I mean of course the alternative is that you’re just bitter and talking out of your ass and are just rationalizing to help make yourself feel better… People can’t possibly be that good and there has to be a conspiracy behind it… but clearly that’s not the case, right?

Or they could have a spreadsheet for boss respawn times.

just wow…

So here’s how we’ll do this. Tell me the equipment that these players supposedly had and don’t tell me you don’t remember… because for you to be able to confidently say they were worth $300 you would’ve had to have done a bit of research on the AH or wherever else to get their average price. That’s at least 30 million gold btw. (A quick survey of bot ads today tells me that 100k silver on average = $1) I should be able to tell you what those items are worth, on average and where they are from. I watch the market like a hawk so I have a decent understanding of what most items are worth. I can tell you that it’s possible to get them legitimately in whatever combination you saw them in. So let’s use facts and discuss this out here in the open where people can see. I’ll be waiting.

GW2 handles world bosses pretty nice. The difficulty of bosses scale according to number of players fighting the boss. Everyone that contributed enough in killing the boss gets loot. But I doubt this game’s engine even allows this kind of system to be implemented, when it can’t even simply handle 5-men dungeons (poor optimization, poor coding).

You are too far gone, bro.

I love your name though.

wow thats some accuses here oO.
Can’t imagine that its worth paying them for camping the wbs …
…Well if u can proof any connections to a goldseller acc they just should be banned :stuck_out_tongue: but i think this will never happen …


You’d rather camp for free ?

I don’t understand why you guys are so heated up on @bootypatrol claims. There’s nothing unrealistic in theses.
Now is it really the case ? Well, it’s not something to debate in this topic…

Anyway, it sure shows that there could possibly be an incentive to monopolize wboss and preventing other players to drop cubes. Hence showing why the current system should be improved.

They’re more flat out accusations than someone merely hypothesizing. Accusations that aren’t backed up with any evidence or facts whatsoever.

So what, you’ll sue him ?
Cmon, it’s the internet… Where is your blanc cheval, Henri IV ? If anything your comment could lead me to believe that he is right and that you are one of theses guys…
Or you’re a troll, but I don’t think that :wink:

If he was one of the guys that is actually selling gold, he wouldn’t take the time to answer a guy that thinks the game is all a big conspiracy and that they camp the bosses to make actual profit irl instead of MAYBE, just MAYBE to gear up for endgame content.

I really don’t know if your logic is beyond the point of reasoning or you are just being like this on purpose.

I’ll go with A.

PS: Casual land is the next stop.

Keep your A warm, I certainly wouldn’t rate your pitiful troll attempt this high.

Not really trying to troll, as someone who knows the ins and outs of goldselling from other videogames, I can GUARANTEE you that no one in that kind of job would jeopardize their identity by even giving you a hint of who they are. The thing is, you and mostly the guy who thinks that Jace is a goldseller because he farms worldbosses with timer spreadsheets (Which I assume you and he do not do because timing something is beyond something your IQ can do) it’s pretty damn sad. I’m really sorry if you can’t get a cube. Get good instead of just trying to play Sherlock Holmes in the forums with the shitties of accusations.

That being said, JFK was a conspiracy too.

PS: Before you accuse me of goldselling just because I said that, let me inform you that this game is not worth botting/goldselling whatsofreaking ever.

I wish you good luck in your cube experience.

Also, I’m sorry if I sound harsh, but comments like that make me hate being a dedicated player, because somehow people have to find a silver lining bout how you got X or Y because they can’t get past lvl 40. It’s infuriating.

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Even pure RNG would be a better loot distribution system than what we have now for world bosses.

He’s just thinking of his own geared character.

well for this kind of flame u should be reported xD
but than we have to report the hole forum ;/
btw why are there no Moderators to look over this forum … even if only for manners … this will get out of hand with f2p
