Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

Alternatively, we could also make the recipes and materials dropped from the loot boxes non exclusive to the world boss. Just distribute them to several normal monsters and we can leave the 20-30 players their bragging rights. We could also distribute them as rewards for new quests or set up a point-exchange system for these recipes and materials, as long as we un-relate them to the world bosses.

Setting the recipes and materials to non-tradeable is another option. We’ll see how commited these 20-30 players are to killing the game if they choose to continue killing world bosses despite not being able to market any of the loot.

By the way, has anyone posted a list of these 20-30 top players? I’m sure there are others curious as to who they are. The top 1% anyone?

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Anyone who deals a certain ammount of damage gets cube, done. More cubes = more items in circulation which is A GOOD THING

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Well like in any other topic around this ■■■■■■■ bosses :slight_smile:
Its a pretty bad system … Normally i would say its fun to compete … its fun to make a dedicated bossrush team… especially if it works and u can get value out of it but …
Here the bosses themself don’t really work …
And There are way to few Bosses…
And the Main thing is if u can’t compete there this game lacks on content …
I mean its a grind / leveling game. This works somehow if u are not behind in the 3 channel / 5 party grind :stuck_out_tongue:
But Instances suck …
Missions suck
Dailys suck
And WB is pretty unrewarding for 99% of the player sooo whats left ?.
Well at least if the most people reach 200-250 and are bored and quit … maybe the server can handle the view Partys which still compete around the WBs :stuck_out_tongue:


  1. is false. Ive gotte 6 dullahan cubes and im not part of any if the 20-30 people, im level 200.

Just make it so that people 20 levels above cannot get loot. :slight_smile:

i would prefer a daily limit number of rewards you can get from world bosses 1-2 a day tops

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Penaltizing people with a higher lvl as in reducIng their total amount of dmg dealed would help as well. That way high lvl Campers will lose interest in lower bosses and rather camp them with their Alts xD

No, srsly.

  1. One cube per person per day
  2. Penaltizing people more than 20 lvl above bosslvl - meaning even if a chara with a smaller lvl does less dmg, his dmg will count more in the end.

Done, problem solved.

I think it’d be pretty cool if world bosses had a skill to create a zone around them which normalized the stats/gear and level of everyone around them to around the boss level, much like how Battle League PvP operates.

The only advantage here would be attribute level, where teamwork and dedicated comps built around support-the-DPS far surpasses anyways.

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This is just stupid why would u penelize the people which do the most work …
And more restrictions lol …
The idea should be to reward other people more …

Incredible, someone even thought about it !

im guessing you dont understand how it works, these players are already full geared and maxed attributes (100m invested), normal players can’t even begin to compete against them in the current system and that will make it even harder for any new player, that’s a bad system.


Either make it random to anyone who participates or make everyone who participates get a cube.

There isn’t much work…I’m 280 on my first character, I can just stand there press my abilities, my HP doesn’t go down, I do more damage than others just by standing there hitting Z and piercing skills… I’m actually for people to get rewarded at lower levels for actually having to dodge the boss, and actually fighting to stay alive. When you’re 280 doing these bosses it’s a piece of cake we aren’t even trying anymore…

Have newer raidbosses higher levels or channels level specific for that area so 2 channels for levels 270-280, 2 for 240-260 and the rest for their respective levels

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I agree, world bosses shouldn’t have a static spawn point.

I also agree that heals/buffs should have an option to set it to party-only.

This is an idea I am borrowing from RO, but it would be nice upon death that a tombstone appears for the boss killed saying “(Name) killed (Boss’s name) at (Time).”[Exclude the players name if desired; it’s just an additional social status bonus] This way, everyone has a fair advantage of what time to come back, and people wont spend hours running around to see if the boss is there or not and not knowing when it died. Though potentially, this could create more of a crowd. I just don’t like secrets, and I always have Shout off because of spam.


What would be the point of selling world boss drops / making a party for world boss hunting, if everyone just need to get there and hit it to get loot?

BTW i completely agree with 3, you should have a toogle on your skills which you can select who it will affect, like All/Party/Guild/Nobody, that way you can level up a cleric without someone stepping on your heals every time.

I really only want Templeshooter card, without getting scammed ):

First of all, Fedimian server —> that way

Secondly, some of the best loot in the game comes from dungeons which are instanced and accessible to everyone so your assertion that these “world boss monopolizers” control the economy is ludicrous.

this is a hilariously bad suggestion for obvious reasons.

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Right now world boss loots is a lot better :slight_smile:
either u can horde Cubes or the Chance of good drops is way higher :slight_smile:And the competition u can eliminate urself :smiley:
The limit should be around 130 cubes a day xD

You are one then, one more of the few fortunate ones, one less of thousands of players who have been denied a fair chance at it. Neither good or bad, right or wrong, you are merely one.

I thought of saying proof or troll, but instead i’ll follow with how many other fortunate ones do you see, do you know, do you think can be as fortunate the way things are.

Many of us don’t care about processes, since the system allows it. If the foundations are wrong, we probably can’t say definitely then that the few are wrong. However, many of us cares about the result, which is unhappiness on a scale hundreds of times more than the few who are enjoying the current system.

We should not be muddled by the issue of right or wrong. We are not discussing about taking things away from those that had already profited. What many of us want is a chance, an opportunity to what the few had monopolised thus far. As players, as paying clients, I like to hear why we can’t.

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