Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

How about stealing all heal tiles so they would get killed and stop dps? (Assuming they would quit their guild if declared on) then icewall trap them at spawn lol. If they use mostly magic, oracle can cancel their aoe spell?

Cant say i know the situation in tos but have played alot of games with this kind of limited resource mmo. U really just have to band up to kick their ass. Sandbox style. Anything goes.

I agree to the 2,3 except 1&4 since even with those ppl hogging with the wb hunt, the drop rate of the rares like karacha, wind runner is still very rare to begin with. Hence, restricting the number of kills one could get may indirectly cause market inflation on these items.:cold_sweat:

Meanwhile, imo I canā€™t really agree that broadcasting all channels throughout the server is a wise idea since the game is already not ā€œOptimizedā€, players would just pour into the channel and cause channel crash(happens) or massive lag. Besides, I think its fun to camp for bosses if timers are much more randomize and whats the point of having random spawn times if everyone in the server are notified for its spawn :sweat_smile:.

These which I have disagreed would not even be needed if the loot are fairly given to all of the contributors (not 1hit =1box). Currently it is pointless for lower lvls or decently lvl/geared players to even camp for bosses like cerberus, since players who are 280 and highly geared would just easily swoop away the limited cubes and efforts done by the rest. :unamused:

Still doesnā€™t change the fact of market/wb monopoly and doesnā€™t it sounds like its limiting the fun to only few minorities if everyone else are to just farm dungeons and gear up through the dg loots only?

Like in the other post, I mentioned there is a reason why bosses lvls are ranged from exmple 30 - 200++. If its only meant for the 280s and overly geared, then whats the point of having lvl96 Cerberus? Might as well made every wb lvl280 lol :sweat_smile:

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i think this tread should be at the suggestion category, i dont believe the staff will read this in general forum

outdmging them is easy, its the LAG that really needs to be addressedā€¦ that same lag plagues the CH1 ~ CH2 towns on a regular basisā€¦ its just bad client performance / optimization

Define ā€œeasyā€ for ppl who are exple 130s at lvl96 cerberus in comparison to 280s with end gears (exple 170 gears to virtov/lolo) :unamused:

Well its not like everyone isnt lagging tho it can still be mended slightly through adjusting the playerload in user.xml file.

I think world boss cubes should be limited to one a day per boss (temporarily) if nothing else until they come up with a better drop mechanic.


Is it these guys by any chance?

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Well, itā€™s another form of restriction but it could be a temporary solution indeed until they come up with a better system.

Iā€™d subscribe to that.

Actually I wondered why there are no World bosses on Fedi. Are they bugged? I thought the Campers kept staying on Klai and Iā€™d avoid them by fleeIng to Fedi.

And now they dragged along -,-ā€™ā€™

1 cube of a certain boss per person per day. Capitalism needs restrictions. Always then when it leads to monopolism.

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie

Easy solutions are not the best but something the game needs right now.


This doesnt work since the drop rate in dungeons is extremely low, and you can only run them a limited amount of times per day.

this is actually a very good idea

Another thought I had is it stays the top 5 dps but you cant take a top spot more than once per group. So even if you have all 5 best people in the group once a group wins cubes it will roll over to the next group or person and so on. So it guarantee 5 groups will always get cubes.
Another thing they could do is make it so whoever takes the most damage gets a cube and the top 2 healers say healing done withing x radius of the boss get a cube. This way they wouldnā€™t have to restrict at all and more people who actually contributed can get cubes.
I kind of wish IMC would make a statement saying they are considering some of these options or even saying which options they just flat out wont do so we can be more directed in suggestions for this.

Edit Another alternative to restricting is on top of normal spawns could be once a day people can spawn an instanced version of the world boss with a group that if you die you get kicked out of and lose that days chance but it would give you a chance to fight the boss and win a cube for the day.

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Basically. First time around during the start of the game basically poop-socking World bosses were fun.
Now life has returned to normal forget about it. Lag everywhere, 280+ competition on even the most mundane of bosses, all ridiculous.

Just do like in GW2 Everyone get their own loot with their own extremely low % to get something rareā€¦ no ā€˜ā€˜shared %ā€™ā€™.


ā€¦ guys your suggestions are truly good, but there are more chances to buy job reset potions in tp store for 5 tp than get anything of that in this game, itā€™s a korean game.

they would just add a token for everyone who isnt the mvp, and you can change 2, 5 or 10 tokens for a cube. because still %%% hard to get something, but not korean style, that people doesnā€™t even sleep.

They should add ā€¦ adds to the wb.

Like spawning lower mobs with hurth and a chunk of hp.
If you kill them= WB getā€™s weakened a bit
If you let them alive= They might use skills liek Heal ā€¦ and other stuff to mess with ya.

Atm WB fights are boring as hell xDā€¦

Boss mechanics need to be looked at sometime soon.

I know the feelingā€¦ I used to play in the Klaipeda server with many of these groups. They had the full control of any WB in the server. That is really sad.

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Who were they or wat guild?